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Question about Karma and the Afterlife and Reincarnation

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It seems that the general consensus is you keep working and resolving your karma through multiple lives until you finally finish whatever it was needed to do.I don't know if this is correct, this is just how I understand it. 


My problem with this is that when you die, there is no more "You". You merge with that energy again, you are again the whole ocean and not that separate entity which died.

So how can it be possible that the same Soul could emerge again in the next life and continue its karmic work?

To me it does not make any sense.

Once that drop falls into the ocean there can never be that same exact drop again, but it becomes something else. It comes from that ocean, yes, but it's not the same drop anymore.


And If I am a murderer in this life, who says I will continue to resolve this karma in the next life? What if someone else gets my karma and has to work through it and I pick up someone else's?



Edited by mojsterr

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@mojsterr I would suggest you be very careful what belief's about Karma you adopt as truth. There are many distorted ideas around Karma that religions and spiritual groups disseminate. 

7 hours ago, mojsterr said:

My problem with this is that when you die, there is no more "You". You merge with that energy again, you are again the whole ocean and not that separate entity which died.

This isn't correct based on the expanded states and OBE's I have experienced. The vast majority of people upon what we call physical death will find themselves at the same level of consciousness or slightly more expanded. Most will have to "die" many more times before they expand to the state of all that is or the God head. The essence that is you is always you. Even when you expand your awareness to the level of God, the awareness that is you is still there. You don't lose yourself in an ocean, who you are only becomes more. You become the entire ocean, to use your metaphor.

7 hours ago, mojsterr said:

And If I am a murderer in this life, who says I will continue to resolve this karma in the next life? What if someone else gets my karma and has to work through it and I pick up someone else's?

Once again, be careful what belief's you adopt. You can certainly create all kinds of Karmic wheels or loops of reincarnation for yourself, but it is you who are creating them. I recommend you awaken deeper. When you do, you will take back your sovereignty and stop giving your power away to something outside of you. 

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