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Considering going to a retreat

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Hi guys, this is my first post.

I watched quite a few of Leo's guides and all sorts of mindfulness guides and went through the Headspace course. My results are a mixed bag, I can sometimes get an experience unlike any other but that's a rare occurrence. I emphasize the habit more than the duration of the session which is usually 20 mins. Many days I wouldn't be able to concentrate and give up after a few minutes. That didn't improve much.

After reading about attention and the digital media, I learned there's a quality in walking in nature which can't be easily recreated in other activities and that we attach a certain meaning to the location we're in so lately I have been considering the idea of going to nature in a place which will allow of going on strolls while also have the right conditions to meditate away from the distractions of the city.

Were you in such a situation? What's your experience of making such a step? Any suggestions of what to try next?

I'm hope I'm not bugging you with my questions too much!

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