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Quieting the Inner Critic

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Some tips I have thought of:

-Notice the delusions the thoughts have for both others criticizing you and the ones you come up with to criticize yourself and situations

-See listening to and believing the thoughts as similar to getting entranced by watching tv and forgetting you are watching tv

-Notice that we will never have all the information and the thoughts are never going to have the full story/picture

-Transform your critic messages that are very simple and negative into something that can be pragmatic, realistic, and allow for growth/change

-Study black/white, all or nothing thinking and look at how you can add more nuance to each concept

-Notice when you have caught yourself feeling emotional about something but yet you are also having to trick yourself because the story you are trying to tell yourself isn't representative of what happened and you can see that but are having a hard time dropping the emotion/act

-Write down all of the ways you have gotten upset and all the ways you have criticized yourself/others/situations and study that

-Ask yourself what you think your inner critic is trying to accomplish

-Notice thoughts that are saying something is negative when it possibly is okay just the way it is

-Look at your environment that you grew up in to see what could have developed your inner critic and may be feeding it - parents, news/social media, religion, relationships, cultural norms, school, thoughts - and stay away, lessen the contact with, or don't shame yourself over it

-Distance yourself from those that criticize you in unpragmatic delusional ways and stop trying to criticize/change others/everything


-Get your needs taken care of for yourself and build up a sense of self worth so that you do not need to rely on other unpragmatic delusional critics for your survival and can stand up for yourself instead of cowering and agreeing with and doing everything that they say and not feeling like you should feel shameful/hopeless/pitiful

-Look for reasons to be thankful, look for the beauty in things, look for what you enjoy/are curious about

-Healthy diet, sleep, exercise, stretching

-Notice that it can be hard to tell if you are delusional or the other person criticizing you is delusional but you can start to notice delusional patterns in both yourself and others

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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they are some beautiful tips i must say :x

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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23 minutes ago, catcat69123 said:

they are some beautiful tips i must say :x

@catcat69123 Thanks!

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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