Others Exist

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@Yarco I think you Did not understand what Leo meant by solipsism. What you imagine it to be is not correctly 

Just my opinion after reading all threads lately abot solipsism incl watched leo's two Videos about it. Your describing it goes another dangerous way

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30 minutes ago, OBEler said:

@Yarco I think you Did not understand what Leo meant by solipsism. What you imagine it to be is not correctly 

Just my opinion after reading all threads lately abot solipsism incl watched leo's two Videos about it. Your describing it goes another dangerous way

Okay that's fine. I won't bother trying to correct or arguing with people about it any more then. They're gonna believe what they're gonna believe, and I'm gonna believe what I believe. Until for one of us it eventually stops being a belief any more.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


You have the logic of a 6 year old child.

"If Santa don't exist, how come thew arw pwesents under the Chwistmas twee???" o.O o.O o.O

i thought the forum guidelines were to be friendly? You are a total fucking asshole here.

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@John Paul

12 minutes ago, John Paul said:

i thought the forum guidelines were to be friendly? You are a total fucking asshole here.

He does not exist. Who are you even typing this message to? Your experience is the absolute. 

Mine experience right now doesn't exist either. I must be deluding myself into thinking that I am typing this atm ?

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If Leo is not real, why would he(or it) try to convince me that he doesn't exist? Wouldn't he try to keep up the illusion?

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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I don't think solipsism is real, because from my end, I do exist - and why would people be fighting over if their awareness is the correct one?
When I see this, it looks like people are saying they are the ones who exist, yet not me, but from my angle, I am very much here... typing... to you.

One... two... three.  I can feel my fingers touch the keyboard.  There will be a delay when you read this, and perhaps the person you imagine in your mind is not real, but a few minutes prior, I did indeed write this up for you.

I subscribe to the essence of God having a lot of different bubbles or partitions in it, because that has been what is true in my direct experience.  But all those bubbles are One and unified, connected together.  The universe is aware of itself even when I am not, like it collects and stores wisdom for later - so that when the pieces all fit there is that wonderful "aha!" moment.

We can choose to make our own way spiritually, there is no reason to follow Leo - just keep following what is in your direct experience, and if it is not true for you, then it is not true and that is perfectly okay.

My train of thought will be as follows: I don't have experience of solipsism, but I do of other things and those things claim authority, yet I will set aside practice and space to be wrong for solipsism, provided that during an awakening experience, something can create the actual experience of solipsism, and not just thoughts about what it is - because I already know that speculation isn't it.

If it were solipsism, it would just be me - creating an unimaginable amount of detail, but nothing has shown me in my case that I am the "super special actual conscious one and everyone else is fake."  When I see people claiming that they are the one's - and I am not - it looks delusional, and I have a feeling that it is.  Because here I am, with my own awareness.  I wouldn't kill off the perceptions and experiences of other people if I were God - if I could create everything, I would partition it, like bubbles or a grape vine or something, all connected to me, but not aware of it.  I would give you your own perceptions and life, that would be the gift.

So, assuming I am the "only one" and no one else exists, if I can do anything, and imagine it in any way - then this is what I give to others, is their own perceptions and experiences of life.  

I worry that with material like this, I feel like just through introspection that I could generate an awakening once a month because I had no preconceived ideas about what it was - and that the constant listening to teachers and talk actually takes away what it could be for me.  I think it will be individualized, too, how each person uncovers their own divinity - they have to become their own archeologist and did deep.

What if it isn't even solipsism, but it is hand crafted just for you?
That awakening to solipsism may be for some, but for others it will go a different route - and each awakening is just as legitimate as the other?  So if I awake to souls, bubbles and whatnot, if that is the most true and direct thing I have ever experienced in my life, the sweetest, most connected form of Love I have ever experienced - this is more true than anything that I have felt from Leo's teachings.

I'm skeptical.  Prove to me, though some sort of feedback loop that wakes me up to this, that I am the "One".
I'm not.  I couldn't be.  Because I am no better than anyone else, and neither are my experiences and perceptions of the level of divinity that I could even call myself purified enough to create an entire world.  But maybe waking up in a way, allows you to make the next world?  You die into your own dreams.

I'm just spitballing different ideas...
*big shrug*  Solipsism, I don't know.  

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Solipsism is a consequence of realizing that there is only one that exists. Infinity has divided itself into many finite forms because without that illusion of many-ness and other-ness the one couldn't know itself nor could we know the illusion of free will/obligation. It's very simple, but it takes a great deal of maturity to deal with the fact that you're the only thing that exists.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

If you who is reading this message do not exist then how are you typing an answer right now? 

I exist as God, but alas .. you are God.

Therefore YOU are imagining what you call "me" and "others" .. right at this very moment.

You cannot escape your imagination.

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This is what happens when you try to claim consciousness to be "yours". And that "others have have their own" consciousness.

There is no "other". "Other" is a mental construct, so is "self".

The real Self has not "other" because it is everything, it is infinity. There is no "other" to everythingxD

When you see that there is no "your experience", you will see that there is no "other experience". 

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Why don’t you tell us what/who you are, and then we can talk about if that exists or not. 

Hint: as soon as you express your current condition you’d call a self that exists, it ain’t no more. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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50 minutes ago, Tim R said:

This is what happens when you try to claim consciousness to be "yours". And that "others have have their own" consciousness.

There is no "other". "Other" is a mental construct, so is "self".

The real Self has not "other" because it is everything, it is infinity. There is no "other" to everythingxD

When you see that there is no "your experience", you will see that there is no "other experience". 


@SQAAD You and Leo are both the same “thing”, and it’s most certainly not you or Leo or any other fleeting appearance that is that thing. 

Edited by BipolarGrowth

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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I doubt @Leo Gura will actually take accountability for dissing you outright. Booooooo...... booooo.... hypocritical enforcement post and ego backlash at sophism trolls....boo....


edit: *instantly banned*

Edited by John Paul

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The biggest mindfuck of them all is when YOU realize that you are the only thing that exists (not as a thought but actually experiencing this). Then you'll realize everything pointed to you figuring that out.

Including the whole debate about that others exist. It was just you protecting yourself from figuring out the truth

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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@QandC If only I haven't created Leo and actualized.org, I could have continued deluding myself. But maybe I wanted to find out the Truth.

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6 hours ago, John Paul said:

i thought the forum guidelines were to be friendly? You are a total fucking asshole here.

Yeah. Its so weird watching Leos blog video when he cries and talk about infinite love, just to se him writing post like this on the forum minutes after. 

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Tell me your thoughts about how others exist and tell me how others exist beyond thought.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Tyler Durden You created Actualized.org to help guide yourself to awakening. Everything is pointing to YOU. Like, when Leo says in a video that he is You he actually f*cking means it. I don't think certain people understand the radicalness of these teachings. It's not just a word game, it's actual Truth. Can you accept the fact that you are the only one here and that you created all of this? 

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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16 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Imaginary or not makes no difference when everything is imaginary. We could also call it real. 

Exactly, I hear "imagination" being used as if everybody else's experience is imaginary whilst mine isn't, when mine is equally imaginary/real as everything else, with only pure awareness being the absolute thing that stands unchanging. It's simply not a useful word for the majority of listeners which is so clear.

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