
Freedom Is Love And Is A Neccisity For Countries Advancment

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Iraq, Once More,

There's this notion in people's mind that progress can or should happen automatically. Iraq today is a collection of homes, with no real sense of community. Mosque isn't a community, it helps people gathering five times a day, but it is pretty much useless.

In a sense, Iraq is in a modern version of stage-purple, where people live in small communities (mainly homes and houses),  even within the cities, but they have been introduced to modern technology, cars, electricity, medicine, you name it. They have incorporated this technology in their lives while keeping the other aspects of their belief systems intact.

The push to freedom is needed, and who's better to do it than the USA? These traditions of freedoms that this country enjoyed needs to be pushed and imposed on other countries as well.

The US doesn't need to develop further and adopt socialism like the Scandinavian countries, but they need to keep pushing freedom worldwide Bush style. The modern social countries at the first place wouldn't exist without the new world order that's sponsored by the US for the past 75 years or so.

The US needs to shove freedom down other's throats, because the modern technology is making people's lives miserable, they now have the means to proliferate and thrive thanks to the capitalism which made survival less challenging, while keeping the same old belief systems. That's the ultimate hell!

Stage green people don't care about the advancement of a community or a country, all they care about is for the latter to have the appearance that they are functioning well, yet truth is that staying afloat is not even achievable without the development of societies of any given country.

Why as a stage-green person care for a country to appear functioning, you feel the guilt of any consequences of an invasion or an intervention, while you know deep down in you is that if the society of that country isn't developed, they're going to regress back again and cause suffering for themselves in endless possible ways?

If anything, this approach is keeping countries in a bottle neck, preventing their advancement to new better life.

People should start caring about dilemmas equally, allocating the same amount of care to decentralization in North Korea for example, as well as expanding freedoms of free speech in Iraq.

Why is it different that people are afraid of nukes, while not afraid of absence of freedoms in other countries? are they truly believing in borders? because if so, then 9/11 proven that borders won't even protect you unless everybody is having similar values as you or your country do.

Nothing will protect you unless you share the love that you have, that's freedoms with others, in a masculine type of style sometimes if necessary.

Or else, just stop selling technology for people immediately, isolate them, take their countries and borders recognition back, and grant them the freedom back to start to develop naturally, instead of shoving technologies down their throat, and hindering their natural course of development, and then sending money through NGOs to deal with the disasters that this situation helped to create.


Edited by Mesopotamian

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I've been observing how USA has been cutting freedom since 11s. All is for your SAFETY. People is constantly bombarded with negative and exagerated news, to keep them in FEAR. Fearful people will accept every tyranic measures and willing to give up their human rights and freedom, just for feeling safe and comfortable.

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3 hours ago, Shawn Philips said:

I've been observing how USA has been cutting freedom since 11s. All is for your SAFETY. People is constantly bombarded with negative and exagerated news, to keep them in FEAR. Fearful people will accept every tyranic measures and willing to give up their human rights and freedom, just for feeling safe and comfortable.

Maybe this manipulation is needed to keep the country afloat? last time the US wasn't in the leading nation of the world we had a World War going on!

Imagine if someone as Bernie reaches the white house!

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11 minutes ago, Mesopotamian said:

Imagine if someone as Bernie reaches the white house!

We would...

Become a less militarized society and finally have access to decent Social/Public services?


5 hours ago, Mesopotamian said:

The push to freedom is needed, and who's better to do it than the USA? These traditions of freedoms that this country enjoyed needs to be pushed and imposed on other countries as well.


أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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