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John Paul

Does any thought or creative intention lead to God?

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I notice that the voice in my head and basically all voices or text is intended to grab my attention for a specific reason, an intention (with a desire or multiple behind it).

Is this statement true (and i understand that if it is, it's a paradox): God does not speak the Truth, it is the Truth. All word and creation is technically "devilry". Not "bad" but "devilry" meant to capture the mind of God and fragment it to cause some sort of reaction in me (God). The relaxed breath is God itself... yet I don't understand how I'd understand or act without the voice... yet it is the voice itself saying that. I first created the voice to defend me against the voice. Now my voice controls me.... at least that's what the voice tells me.

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If someone is talking about God, it's not what they are saying but it's the vibrations in sound you hear that is God itself, it just is

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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3 hours ago, John Paul said:

yet I don't understand how I'd understand or act without the voice

Good insight. That's what psychedelics are for. you cannot free yourself from you because wanting to do so is an action of you. you can meditate a lot until that happens, spend many hours in no activity, without wishing for anything, in silence, or take 5 meo that reduces activity in the frontal lobe and does that for you. if you take 5 meo you can see how you dissolve. You think: I'm going to dissolve, but that's impossible, because if I'm not there, what would there be? It can't happen...and it does.


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5 hours ago, John Paul said:

I notice that the voice in my head and basically all voices or text is intended to grab my attention for a specific reason, an intention (with a desire or multiple behind it).

Is this statement true (and i understand that if it is, it's a paradox): God does not speak the Truth, it is the Truth. All word and creation is technically "devilry". Not "bad" but "devilry" meant to capture the mind of God and fragment it to cause some sort of reaction in me (God). The relaxed breath is God itself... yet I don't understand how I'd understand or act without the voice... yet it is the voice itself saying that. I first created the voice to defend me against the voice. Now my voice controls me.... at least that's what the voice tells me.

If clarity is desired, breakdown direct experience to it’s most fundamental aspects: awareness is aware of thought, perception and sensation. 


Audible voice is perception, or hearing if you will. While ‘voice in my head’ is a thought.

The notion that perception (audible voice) has the property or attribute of intention, is a thought about, perception. 

Meaning, or ‘meant’, is not perception, but is a thought about perception. 

Mind of God is one thought, just like ‘a hundred thoughts’ is actually a (one) thought.  While perception remains perception, unconditional, unencumbered, untouched & unfettered, by thought. 

The short of that: That awareness can think perception is a misnomer, but seems so experiencing thought attachment. 

Unencumbered: Not burdened with worries, cares or responsibilities. 

Unfetter: To free from fetters or other physical bonds, restraints or inhibitions. To loose from fetters; unchain; unshackle; remove fetters from. To free from restraint; set to liberty; as, to unfetter the mind. 

Understand, act, with & without, ‘voice controls me’, and ‘voice tells me’… are thoughts. 

When emotional ignore-ance is dispelled by willingness / expression, one is unfettering. 

Otherwise one is believing the thoughts, and ‘looping’ or ‘spinning in circles’. 

Simply put: Focus on perception & feeling, rather than thoughts. 

Basic Relaxation

Walking Meditation.

Eating Meditation. 


Mindfulness of sound.

The emotional scale.

Don’t resist boredom and ‘stay in’ pessimism. Experience boredom, by expressing the pessimism, and by not reaching for distraction. Contentment naturally follows. Have tissues at the ready. Ideally imo, have a dreamboard at the ready, as insights as to what you want to create & experience (or, focus upon more so than this) will arise in the experience of boredom. 

Very much agree with what @Breakingthewall said. (And would add) 5meo can give a glimpse of cessation, and that “that” is the ever-present actuality is unbelievable. Yet “it” is. 



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4 hours ago, Nahm said:

as insights as to what you want to create & experience (or, focus upon more so than this) will arise in the experience of boredom. 

not to dismiss the rest of the post but my question is: isn't this the same devil that loops itself. so the intention behind the work is to be a more conscious devil rather than a less conscious one. and unless i do nothing at all (disappear, no action, no devil, whiteout) then I am a devil (not bad, just a devil so to speak, action for John Paul's satisfaction)

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22 minutes ago, John Paul said:

so the intention behind the work is to be a more conscious devil rather than a less conscious one.

the intention of this work, for me, is the cessation of the mind. when it happens, it is seen that the ego mind is a parasite that you have running full time. when the mind ceases, bottomless stillness manifests, and it is freedom. there is nothing more to understand, any idea only serves to get rid of ideas. seeing the monkey on your profile, I would say that your intention is the same

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25 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

when the mind ceases

at this point in time, I don't expect a completely realistic answer from you unless you are a "master" and i don't know it, who is directing action then? is there such a thing as an action without an intention? or would that intention just be pure peace/joy? or would that intention be to have perfectly balanced energy in the body? when i ask these types of questions is when i feel like i've begun to mentally masturbate...which is fine since that's what i do all day every day anyway


edit: that and physically masturbate

Edit: rephrase the previous post: is the work to have a more purified/effective version of love as intention (i got it again, thank you.)

Edited by John Paul

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11 minutes ago, John Paul said:

unless you are a "master"

maybe a first grade apprentice. It has only happened to me, without psychedelics, twice.

It's not a matter of peace and joy, it's that you get out of the vortex that turns all the time that is the mind, and that mind is revealed as something that operates at a certain level and that has become a kind of constant interference. when it leaves (which does not disappear, you can continue thinking, but in another way, another rithm) the interior of your mind is revealed as a limitless amplitude, empty, still, but profound. it is clear that you are that ,and nothing matters since "matters" is at the level of the monkey, like everything else. this is liberation, what always was, beyond movement, time, which reveals itself as one more thought. It cannot be explained because if you say: you are nothing. It sounds like something very unattractive, less for the ego, but that is and is perfection, everything.

my goal, as a monkey with goals, is to deactivate myself at will and be what I am every day, since it goes beyond any possible pleasure because it's freedom and the monkey is slavery.

 surely my approach will not be perfect, since my experience is very limited

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