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Whether to Open Pandora's Box for Others

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I have started wondering this myself and saw Leo was wondering the same - 

There can be a desire to not open it for others so to not ruin their way of being, their ability to keep on doing their job, the way society runs, etc.

We enjoy lots of things about society and one part of us feels that we don't want to tell others because we like the added info advantage, we like to reap the benefits of the work that they do even though we don't want to do it, we enjoy getting to see different perspectives and don't want to make everyone like us, etc.

However, one could also have the perspective - no I don't want to keep these insights a secret.  I see how society is and I am open to evolving it.  I want to see what will happen when the insights are spread more as I am curious and what's the point of life anyway.

Will it be more like - lots of people doing drugs and jobless living on the streets?  How would industry change?

Would we go back to living in the woods?  Will survival be way worse?  Will anything really even change?

Example - I had posted a question on reddit of my past job sector asking if people had any concerns with the impacts of their work and the responses that I got were that they had no idea what concerns I was talking about - - they have not opened pandora's box nor know it exists.  I have mentioned some of the items on pandora's box on that reddit forum before and had been told to "shut  the fuck up" and just deleted the thread - the people in the industry did not want to consider new perspectives about the industry that were not within the current mainstream narrative.

The way our society works, everyone has to earn A WHOLE LOT of money - - if everyone is opening pandora's box, people may quit doing the jobs that keep society going.

But - maybe we want a largely transformed society.  Maybe nothing will change.

For instance, now that I have opened pandora's box, I don't know if I can ever do my job again.  I did it for almost 6 years, am professionally licensed in it, have my degree in it - - now it is like, well how am I going to make money now as eventually my funds will dry up because of the lovely inflation we have as well as just knowing that even without inflation, it won't be enough to last an entire life.

I can see that more will have that question.

But again, all of the above are thoughts and thoughts are conjecture so meh.

How did you keep on doing your job after you opened up pandora's box?  Maybe since everything was imaginary, it didn't really matter so you just kept doing it anyway?  Maybe I am actually just not "awoken" enough.. ha.

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I guess also - 

as an actor - you are kinda keeping the illusion going and reinforcing it, normalizing the illusion

as a school teacher - you are teaching your students to think in ways to keep the illusion going; also reinforcing and normalizing the illusion

as a counselor - you are dealing with the person's life issues and I guess that will depend on whether you are specifically doing it for spiritual awakening assistance or more for mental health and whether you want to open them up to radically seeing the world different or stick to the status quo method

would be interesting to hear - teachers and counselors of the forum - whether you keep the illusion going with your clients or are actively trying to break it

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If you try it a few times, you'll realize that opening Pandora's Box has no effect on 95% of people.

Very few people have any interest in this sort of thing. They'll just laugh it off as ridiculous and move on.

If somebody is in a coma, you can shake as hard as you want and they aren't waking up.

The responses you got on Reddit were more unfiltered, in person people will just politely humor you.


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34 minutes ago, Nahm said:


What’s meant by Pandora’s box? 

Having thoughts/insights/epiphanies (CONJECTURES) about something when I previously didn't but I guess in this case - it is more complicated conjectures.  Instead of just learning say more math or how to do the math problem, you learn about the impact's of solving the math problem and then dealing with - am I okay with this and can I live with this and how do I feel about this.  Like - do I feel bad about solving this math problem and is it fair for me to get a paycheck to keep on solving this math problem when xyz is going to happen?  Or I guess also, like - oh I am seeing how more pieces seem to be fitting together and morality, shoulds, "norms" start getting poked at.

I guess I found it fun to come up with more ways to see something when I previously didn't see it.  Like something may have already been there but I had just not noticed it before - or I am imagining that it was previously there but heck - maybe it wasn't there till I noticed it... that sounds so weird to say and feels delusional (and I go with the human norm of saying yes it was there)- but then goes to the whole - you only know what is there based on what you see and if you see nothing, for you, nothing is there.

24 minutes ago, Yarco said:

If you try it a few times, you'll realize that opening Pandora's Box has no effect on 95% of people.

Very few people have any interest in this sort of thing. They'll just laugh it off as ridiculous and move on.

If somebody is in a coma, you can shake as hard as you want and they aren't waking up.

The responses you got on Reddit were more unfiltered, in person people will just politely humor you.


Cool graphic!!  Yeah I decided that just sticking with whatever makes you happy is kinda all you can do as well and that no matter what one does, there is going to be a negative consequence for someone/something and that everyone is going to have to do "evil" stuff to survive based on how life works.  You have a point - I talked with my coworkers about some of the "pandora's box" items and it didn't seem to phase any of them the way it did me where I quit my job over it.  I am still back and forth on how to process/think about the whole thing because it was a really weird, hypocritic thing since I rely and utilize on so much of the stuff that my job made but yet it has such drastic consequences for the non-humans.

What is the "but leo but leo but leo" part supposed to represent?  The part where you want to be morally in the right and informationally in the knowledgeable but yet hasn't realized that that is impossible?

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51 minutes ago, PepperBlossoms said:

What is the "but leo but leo but leo" part supposed to represent?  The part where you want to be morally in the right and informationally in the knowledgeable but yet hasn't realized that that is impossible?

Before enlightenment;
Chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment;
Chop wood, carry water.

Overthinking about all of it. Eventually you reach a point where you realize actually you can close Pandora's box again for yourself if you want to.

Enlightenment, holotropic breathing, kriya yoga, personal development, meditation, shadow work, self actualization, spiral dynamics, etc etc etc. You don't need any of it. Most of it doesn't get you anywhere and it's just mental masturbation and extra stress.

How much is it really about finding the truth, how much is just an expression of being a neurotic overachiever and wanting to be special or know more than everyone else (speaking from experience.) You can just stop and chill.

Maybe not to the point that you go back to a job that you find unethical. But not having to go live in the woods either. Just being able to breathe, and enjoy life.

Sitting and watching a sunset is closer to God than trying to open the next spiritual enlightenment loot crate.

It's better to eat a donut and be 100% in the present moment and enjoy it completely, than to try to optimize your diet with the perfect smoothie.

There's nowhere to go, there's nowhere to be. It's already perfect. Just stop overthinking

Edited by Yarco

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I want to see what will happen when the insights are spread more as I am curious and what's the point of life anyway.

Now your patrons have all left you in the red
Your low rent friends are dead
This life can be very strange
All those Day-Glo freaks who used to paint the face
They've joined the human race
Some things will never change

Kid Charlemagne by Steely Dan, 1976

Some things will never change.


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