
You're In A Locked Room For Year, What Personal Development Techniques Would You Use?

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  • Returning to normal life afterwards
  • Psychological sanity throughout the whole process.

What would you do and why?

Please try to include something additional to meditation. 

They don't have to be techniques, they can be just things you would do. Like investigating the nature of being a body, thinking about X, etc..

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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Push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks. 

Do we get to furnish this room? 

Edited by STC

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5 hours ago, STC said:

Push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks. 

Do we get to furnish this room? 

Sadly not

It's just ground with empty space to the sides and top

The ground is white

Edited by Phrae

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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Working on various skills like making art (drawing, painting, writing) are great self-development tools. Making music is great for translating emotions into physical reality and therefor very good as reflection. All these creative skills are great in reflecting on your own ideas, but also how you depict the world. If you focus on recreating scenes from real life in creative arts you increase your awareness about the small details since you are slowly learning how structures are build (geometrically/relations/emotionally). People often overlook the importance of creativity since it might not be as applicable as earning money, but it helps great amounts with understanding your own emotions which is essential for thoughtful behaviour.

Additionally reading various books to greaten your knowledge about how reality works; scientifically, economically, spiritually, etc. is required to have a great background knowledge to be able to understand certain decisions/events/situations that are related to your life, but also how to improve those.

Good to note is that when reading anything you should never critisise it before hand since it will immediatly close you off to some insight it might offer.

Like other people said above, working on your physcial body is good to also improve your mental health, they go hand in hand.

Lastly, socializing is important to keep structure to your self-development. Talking on forums is a good way to talk with people about subjects you would normally not talk about with anybody in your direct environment, but direct contact is also important.


Edited by Principium Nexus

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Agoraphobic, doing that now.

Learning about myself.  Art.  Reading.  Mm.... that's it.

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@___ Wow I didn't know there was a word for that. I can relate to so much stuff about agoraphobia. Good thing is that we are all here to help each other growing knowledge, healing. I think the combination of all of these things is a good step towards improvement of any situation of well-being.

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7 hours ago, Phrae said:

It's just ground with empty space to the sides and top

The ground is white

Any chance of parole for time served with good behavior ? :ph34r:

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I will focus on creating stories in my mind and writing these stories, contemplating life, and meditation. 

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A lot of meditation and contemplation about the nature of reality. Bodyweight exercises to stay in shape. A lot of writing, creative and otherwise. Vblog.

Maybe come up with some business plans too, although they'd probably be obsolete after a year xD.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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1 hour ago, jse said:

Any chance of parole for time served with good behavior ? :ph34r:

Define good behavior. 

It's already bad behavior thinking about parole.

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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I would probably end up fantasising about getting out for most of that year, to tell you the truth.

But, let's imagine, very unrealistically, that I didn't. I'd cry, I'd spend most of my time purging stuck stuff. I'd feel very afraid of life. And then, if a year is long enough, I'd feel happy.

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id get into astral travel and lucid dreaming. 
probably end up with more freedom then before!

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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- Contemplation: to realise truth. Also just exploring my consciousness, everything about it, trying to understand my experience.

- The work of Byron Katie: To manage my emotions, and work through old baggage. I would also use contemplation to just do shadow work.

- Traditional hatha yoga: to maintain physical fitness, also to create ease and alignment.

- Visualisation and sketching: to leave the room with a clear picture of what I want to create within the world.

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If this happened I would be hydrating, meditating, demanding a window with a view, some light, juices and herbal tea.

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