The White Belt

Deep Thoughts & Overthinking - Destructive Or Recreational?

4 posts in this topic

Hey guys!

So i've been thinking kinda "deep" lately - Deep for me at least.


I've been thinking about purpose, removing my ego in order to search for purpose. Also about human interaction and seeing through peoples fakeness and how careers are really just games and i've been thinking about how to remove my ego and how much should be removed and how much do we need to be attached to who we are as people.


Let me start with why I think this may be destructive - Because basically all this thinking is making me tired as hell. I've been at it for 3 days and I need bed all the time. My head is a blur, it is spinning, the thoughts are racing and it is distracting me from work.


Now recreational - I'm thinking that after all these racing thoughts that are sending me nuts, when it comes down to a normal level it may give me some very clear, concise, creative and new ways of thinking.


What do you all think - Is this good or bad stuff?


Thanks.   ^_^

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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Deep thinking is amazing, overthinking is subjective, although you should always have a purpose when thinking deep in my opinion.

I believe the reason you are tired when doing deep thinking is because you are not aware how you are feeling with every thought you are having and that creates a mental and physical blur. Try being aware how you are feeling when you are making thoughts, it's gonna benefit you a lot. 

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Thanks, I agree. I'll try to be aware and separate the thoughts so that they are more productive.

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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Truth and Real Purpose is not something we can think our way in to but have to be revealed through the spirit (I know the struggle btw lol, all to well I know it).

If you want to find your life purpose the best advice I can give you is to explore and have fun, do different stuff and see what get you all excited and shit as if you were a virgin child just discovering the world without any preconceptions, now you just wanna see what fun you can have and find your place where you can be the master.

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