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How to eat some meat in a healthy way?

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I haven't eaten any meat in years. Now I think I'll start to eat once in a while. I don't  crave it, and it'll be only for the sake of consuming necessary ingredients.

How would I do it in a healthy way?


I don't plan to buy it in a shop and then cook at home -- this isn't my thing at all. I'll only buy it in the local eateries where low and middle class people eat, or as bbq when it's prepared on the streets, meaning, raw meat is prepared while I am watching it. It's common in the countries where I live and travel.

* Should I even start? I'll consume it once in a while and only, presumably, as source of proteins and other things.

* What kind of meat should it be? Beef, pork...?

* I won't have any way to find out whether or not a particular animal was raised and feeded healthy food or chemicals, huh?  And there's no way around that if I buy meat in local eateries or on the street. Right?


Or perhaps I shouldn't start?

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What are the necessary ingredients that you think you can only get by consuming meat? Find out what those are, and then see what the levels of them are in chicken, pork, beef, fish, etc. If it's just protein, there are plenty of vegetarian ways to get enough protein.

You want to eat meat as close to natural as possible. That's hard to do at places where low and middle class people eat.

Steak would be your best choice but it's expensive. Cooked with just a little salt and pepper, maybe a little butter. 

No crazy sauces. No preservatives or chemicals added. That means no lunchmeat, shawarma, etc. Don't get it overly burned/charred as that can be cancer-causing.

Plus what are you eating it with? Most restaurants won't prepare you just pure meat. They'll try to sell it to you with some kind of bread, fries, or other stuff.

Basically, it's very difficult to do what you're asking. Street vendors and local eateries are going to be using the lowest-quality meats they can buy to reduce their costs and maximize profits.

If you haven't eaten meat in years and you aren't low in any specific vitamins/minerals, I would say there is no reason to start. If you do start, I think learning a couple basic recipes and cooking it yourself is the ideal way to go. It's not hard. Just buy hamburger, steak, or whatever and cook it in a pan until it turns brown.

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On 19/02/2022 at 6:38 PM, rnd said:

presumably, as source of proteins and other things.

if this is the only concern, then you may find that there are other non-meat sources you could eat. The question is "would eating meat trigger some sort of internal ethical conflict in you?" If not, you can probably experiment with it and see how you feel. If that is the way, then I'd try to get it from high quality sources, grass fed, organically fed, ideally through some sort of organic certified way. 

 If the answer is "yes, it might trigger a conflict" (meaning every time you eat meat a part of you is screaming in guilt and frustration) then I would look into other denser plant sources first , such as tempeh, tofu and eating more legumes, especially red and green lentils as well as Indian dahls which are just LOADED with protein. 

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