
How to do Red Stage shadow work?

25 posts in this topic

you gotta be arrogant and say shit immediately and not back down. I think exposure therapy is the best, confronting what you fear the best. Next time something pops off, you can back down, but on the outside act strong and arrogant. you can learn from others around you as well, I always mirror what other people do and how people speak and that's how I learn. 

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I remember one job a couple of decades ago where the boss was always telling me what I was doing wrong, always very full on. I was sure I was going to get the sack but then he turned around and offered me the business. Turns out he was the opposite of fragile, at the time I was fragile, I had no sense of boundaries or much self worth. That's the kind of person I would want, only I would want to stand my own more and argue with him.

When I was a young kid 13-18 I was a waiter in a large busy resturant, same deal, everyone was arguing with each other all the time. The place went through 52 staff in a year and 5 bosses in 3 years. Looking back that was the beginning of me learning to get a thicker skin, to stand my own ground, as it was a shark pit until after work where everyone drunk together and blew off steam.

Finally maybe watch films like Snatch. I am watching a reaction video to snatch right now in the background, opened before I saw this thread yesterday :D. Good synchronicity. This is a film about angry people, pushing each others boundaries in an over dramatic and sometimes funny way. Movies can however trigger emotions, which let us go through them from the comfort of a couch. It is very red humour. 


Here is the reaction if you don't want the full thing:

Or find your flavor of red, I like humor too as you can put aside your ego naturally. Same with comedians, its just a bit of fun, so we put our egos and defenses at the door.

*If you want the best Red and Blue series ever made, its The Wire.

If I could advise people to watch one thing in their life it'd always be that.

Edited by BlueOak

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Wes Watson has been a really good resource for me.

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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What no one will tell you:

Alcohol, drugs, video games, gym, TRT.  All the bad things.


You don't have to do any of these for long.  Just enough to see a different version of yourself.  E.g. you see yourself being assertive and not giving a fuck while drunk, and it will be much easier to achieve that confident state while sober.  Hate me all you want, but it works.

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To add onto that, basically creating reference experiences. 

Psychedelics,shamanic Breathing, skydiving, cold showers/ice baths, running, lifting, dancing. Getting your body and mind into a different state of consciousness. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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