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Being asleep is great

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I remember a moment of existential crisis "awakening". I don't really remember the headspace, but I remember realizing nobody could helo me, no doctor, no friend, no family... Because they are me.

Speaking to them would be like having a conversation in your own head.

I STILL didn't have the notion that only my experience is real. But I text my friend something about how I need to go to hospital, and realized the futility in it as there IS nothing but me. End of. So talking to someone else is literally like talking to somebody imaginary in a dream. But no I didn't think they didn't have experience, just that I was having them and vice versa they are having mine right now.

Bizarre periods of time... I don't really remember, but it was something unpleasant.

Now that I don't remember I can enjoy moving about and watching cartoons and such. I wonder if both can be done at once... Either way I will surely die at some point so who cares. All of this is, I suppose, anxiety people have causing them to try to anticipate the unknown.

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Being asleep is the best thing in the entire universe for me. 

I do not care if other people accuse me of being an escapist. 

I love sleep more than anything. If I could sleep most of the time I would not mind.

The peaceful nature of sleep is better than any drug, sex or food. 

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