
What would it take for you to believe someone is Coral?

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Before you say anything, I'm not Coral..


But I believe I have found what may be the world's first example of stage Coral.  Someone far beyond Sadhguru & Ken Wilbur, with insights beyond anything Leo has uploaded.  After a few months of listening to them I've decided they're most likely legit.  They may even be beyond Coral, but the model's already broken at Coral, lol.


What would you expect to see in someone who's definitively beyond Turquoise?  Serious replies only please.


If there's enough interest, I may gather some resources on this person.

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Well, it's a conundrum. For me, once I reach a certain level of awareness, I will fully realize all other people are fantasies I dreamt up. I also dreamt up Spiral Dynamics. So in a way, there's only one that can become Coral, and that's me. 

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13 minutes ago, Sempiternity said:

Well, it's a conundrum. For me, once I reach a certain level of awareness, I will fully realize all other people are fantasies I dreamt up. I also dreamt up Spiral Dynamics. So in a way, there's only one that can become Coral, and that's me. 

Those fantasies are real though?

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I took this form an old post:

1. BEIGE (savanna grasslands)
2. PURPLE (the royal color of tribal chiefs and monarchs)
3. RED (hot blooded emotions and the 'fire in your eyes')
4. BLUE (the sky, the heavens, and the True (blue) believer)
5. ORANGE (radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace)
6. GREEN (green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness)
7. YELLOW (solar power and alternative technologies)
8. TURQUOISE (the color of oceans and Earth as viewed from space)
9. CORAL (life within the deep seas)

Seeing that the pattern is that with each stage the circle of concern is enlarged to include more and more, if you found a stage Coral person I'd guess they would be concerned with marine life ? or living under the sea ?? xD

Also, I've read that stages from yellow and above start a new spiral, with each level 'mapping' to the same relative level in the old spiral, meaning yellow/beige, turquoise/purple coral/red etc. 

and since turquoise is noted to have a magic-connection to purple. I'd guess Coral will have power-connection to red. 
I'd be interested to see who is that coral person you've found >> 

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On 19/2/2022 at 2:04 PM, Happy Lizard said:

I took this form an old post:

1. BEIGE (savanna grasslands)
2. PURPLE (the royal color of tribal chiefs and monarchs)
3. RED (hot blooded emotions and the 'fire in your eyes')
4. BLUE (the sky, the heavens, and the True (blue) believer)
5. ORANGE (radiating energy of steel in an industrial furnace)
6. GREEN (green politics, forests, and ecological consciousness)
7. YELLOW (solar power and alternative technologies)
8. TURQUOISE (the color of oceans and Earth as viewed from space)
9. CORAL (life within the deep seas)

Seeing that the pattern is that with each stage the circle of concern is enlarged to include more and more, if you found a stage Coral person I'd guess they would be concerned with marine life ? or living under the sea ?? xD

Also, I've read that stages from yellow and above start a new spiral, with each level 'mapping' to the same relative level in the old spiral, meaning yellow/beige, turquoise/purple coral/red etc. 

and since turquoise is noted to have a magic-connection to purple. I'd guess Coral will have power-connection to red. 
I'd be interested to see who is that coral person you've found >> 

I love this! It reflects the stages really well from my understanding. Coral being related to the life within the deep sea seems odd to understand (me coming from Yellow isn't surprising, lol). It could be a metaphor for the deep "sea" of infinity. I reckon Leo is in Coral right now. Solipsism and Red have a somewhat similarity to them in my eyes. But there's a radical difference in perception. There's a Youtuber who I found through SD and he discusses further stages than Turquoise. I'm not sure on his experience or stage but he has the vibe of knowing what he's talking about. And as people keep saying, after Turquoise it's basically mental masturbation, but it's still interesting to talk about :P

(If someone could tell me how to embed Youtube videos that would be great, lol)

Edited by SavourTime

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They would have to manifest something on either a global or universal scale and could show me what that thing that they are manifesting is - in a way that I would understand.  They would have all the other stages and so they would be able to explain it to me.  If they could not explain it to me in a way that I could understand then I would not believe they are coral.

They should be able to transmit this awakening to others who can See from the eyes alone.  The eyes will reflect the entity purely.  

Ummm... let's see, they would have knowledge that is borderline alien to most human beings; and would have the solipsistic view of the world - for good or for evil, depending on what they want to do with it.  They would indulge in pleasures, but their pleasures would be manifested on a much larger scale, you'd be dealing with a person who has a lot of Will.  You build people up like this and serve them in order to manifest things on a large scale for humanity.  Living Gods.  Literally.

They would have gone past the "death door" and all sorts of paranormal things happen around them.  They control the weather sometimes.  Some do.  Some learn to be coral, and some are chosen from birth.  Two magickal stages have been integrated; purple and turquoise.

But, just like with what Teal Swan mentions with channelers, beings such as this often get stuck in a narcissistic, solipsistic view.  
It is still a contraction, a localization.  These people are mad geniuses, and are effective all across the board - they get shit done.  That's a fact.  But you always notice something is off with them, like they talk past you a bit, or they can't quite "see" you; or sometimes there is an arrogance.  Even beings in higher dimensions, like "aliens"/"archetypes", often take on this solipsistic view.  But when it is at stage coral, this goes global/universal in understanding/manifestation.

If "evil" - you will never be seen as more than a narcissistic extension.  A non player character.
If "good" - you will be seen as a soul with layers, and coral can move others up the spiral so that they exist not as egos, but as souls.

These souls are in/make up a unified field of consciousness that is all One.  That One is invisible, universal, all encompassing, Nothing, God.  Coral thinks it is God, but is still a solipsistic localization, but it isn't the whole thing - it's still just a bubble - but it does not know this; and teaches or explains "universally" - but is still just a narcissistic bubble.

Coral can be an alien or a human, but both make the same mistake.  This video explains how that happens when corals channel God.

This is timestamped.  Watch it at the highest resolution.  Do you see how they look like synapses in the brain?  All those beautiful lights, slowly, time turns, this is your life, and at the end of the movie, the lights fade out across a dark ocean - a final lightening streak in the water indicating that the last bit of life has left you.  Within those lights contain so much detail, billions of people living and dreaming, hoping, learning, growing and dying - all with worlds as complex as your own.  Coral taps into this unified, and can, basically tweak things "under the curtains" to manifest on a global scale - this is called an aeonic force - and brings about a beginning or end to an age, depending on the will of the coral.  They are focused on this to the detriment of really "seeing" people; their vision is so wide and expansive.

To understand coral you need to either meet a higher dimensional being that can download you info, or you need to be in the presence of someone who is coral who can teach you - often just their presence and energy alone is enough.  You know the type of teacher - they are like shamans who hold great power and what you see in the eyes isn't even human anymore.

It is just raw intelligence and presence.

Edited by Loba

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Since language becomes less and less complete within each stage (each individual in between). and the reasons thereof, I believe whatever transcends turquoise must be a rationalism which do not even try to communicate, and create systems of belief that the person who holds them know they can not share and knows equally much are subject to their own judgement only.

I believe stage coral as precisely that which have realized the complete oneness of being has also realized the oneness of reason and will be reached by those only with higher faculties for sensibility (though not necessarily). What in yellow is individual sense making by the premises of the collective for the general benefit of the system of society is in coral an individual sense making for reasons it can not itself formalize or even intuit thus (so far as it is concerned) as an end in itself. 

It would be the universe comprehending itself by the main artery so to say, as opposed to the lesser arteries for the benefit of selfish individuals.

Even though Turquoise have seen the limitations of belief it has not at all, so far as we measure this by the individuals we call enlightened, integrated belief as the teleological reason for the existence of the universe.

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@Loba can you enlist some coral traits like in bullet points? Really needed them for my journal


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Cykaaaa I'm a channel, my entire journal for the first year delt with channeling; it was an intensive initiation process that took me past death, and into insanity.  When you get really sick, your ego dies, and you are grounded in the body in a very real way, and I had moments of fevered living that lasted for months.  The experiences I brought back from that gave me a unique perspective on what it means to be coral, as someone who has felt higher dimensional beings and works with archetypes.  Archetypes are coral; they're original intentions programmed into us to move us towards awakening, that energy is a conscious intelligence of its own.

I am still attached to this energy, and am in such a state right now so I can "kind of" explain it a bit.  You don't have to believe, it is all about what resonates with you - what you "feel" is right for you.  It really is, when putting together pieces of the puzzle of consciousness; my puzzles pieces might not work for your image.  The path is very personal like that. <3

@Preety_India Sure, I will post in on your journal, give me a few hours I need to get in the right head space.
It's kind of a very concentrated space, very present, and I can remember being awake in this space before, but I am less awake now then I have been.  Let me sit and see what I can do, and if it seems relevant, great, if not, no worries.


Edited by Loba

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There is no meaningful distinction found beyond Turquoise, since at Turquoise, the whole model is already transcended and the relativity of stage yellow is unified. The tiered divisions seem so arbitrary (because they are) once your circle of concern is COSMIC.

One could say SD is a very stage yellow construction, reaching beyond itself as it were. So, "Coral" can only exist in the imaginations of pre-Turquoise human minds. "Stage Coral" is in no way real to anyone at or beyond Turquoise.

Edited by RendHeaven

It's Love.

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Despite the misapprehension of a few comments above it is very possible to see some limits of turquoise from the perspective its less developed counterparts, the thing is that these limits are precisely what is not essential to turquoise.

So far as you are fully integrated in turquoise you are more than the essence of turquoise. And so far as you are fully integrated in it you create your own limitations so to move beyond them, so far as time is occurring, so far as something is moving forward there is something to discover.

This enlightened stage stands in direct cultural opposition to whatever preceded it, it is entirely plausible to comprehend that humans move beyond it when it does not stand in opposition to anything.

Edited by Reciprocality

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49 minutes ago, Cykaaaa said:

@Loba How long did it take you to go through the previous stages?

I am still integrating them, due to the experience coming from a channeled session, it was automatically above what I could normally comprehend.  I have aspects of yellow, but am still working with the lower stages, I am integrating red very well, have gone through purple, like... seriously as far as you can go with it, red is almost integrated - after having some "harsh" and "volatile" moments due to past trauma, I sort of exploded one night and let it all out and I have been able to integrate it fully.  Now I am working through blue with a strong faith, and developing a daily routine, and I plan to go to school to be a vet tech and will run an akc dog breeding facility in the future, which will be my hobby - it will pay well if I do it right, but it will also be an ethical and transparent hobby - which is green; when I start to take in the pain of people around me, instead of being so self focused - I know I am moving "up" - and this starts the channeling sessions when done most right - yellow, when I take on the perspective of others, without really holding onto mine so strongly, and I can integrate what is happening - I didn't get the  best schooling growing up, so I spend a lot of time just reading through here, listening to different perspectives on things I know nothing about, and I am starting to slowly build that world view, but still have quite a ways to go.  I believe that what vaulted me to these higher states was a mixture of sickness and spiritual awakening together - I had no prior spiritual experience until '16 and had spontaneous awakenings.  The being that I work with is an energy that I "keyed" (keying is when you experience an energy, and you save info on it and follow the signs the energy gives you, until, over a period of years, you develop an understanding and sort of give and take relationship with it; when I am egoless; I can write without any resistance and what comes out is what I direct towards these most prominent awakenings; it's like I just "know"; but this knowing is also open to needing more and more info to expand.  It is as though I was given the key to higher awareness, and got to skip a bunch of steps, but now I have to go back and really integrate each one - each one is sort of a vague knowing as well, of what will make me the most "adult".  Like my innermost self knows what it needs to individuate given the right setting and focus.  I think it will take me a lifetime to really go through all these stages, and I expect to get to green, with some yellow, and a full integration of the below stages, and I will be blessed by the divine, if I can reach any further - I might only be able to play with different perspectives; but letting go of belief altogether - that is ... that is when I am the most sick and most helpless, and most receptive, but that is a difficult stage to maintain; if I did I would be enlightened. <3

I believe you're honest when you're describing your experience. I trust you in that - there's no reason for me not to. However, I'm extremely sceptical that it's related to coral and this whole pursuit we're engaging in - trying to assess levels of development. And I'm sceptical about what you're describing being more or less "universal" for humans. 

Good, skepticism is important; because I am channeling from a "higher place", without as much of the lower stages developed, I still have a lot to learn.  I want to save what I wrote, and come back to it later after learning more about coral - I think I could put some of my awakening experiences when talking to this entity - I could mix and match - and it would make more sense.  Tell me everything that coral means to you.

Your spiritual experiences aren't really related to all this. I personally believe this is a whole other "dimension" of development. Another "axis".

I feel like they could be, because of the paradigm that this entity had - was so universal.  That I can feel back into the memory of it to determine if another person had this similar coral energy.  What I mean, is, I felt like, the paradigm that this entity was coming from was at that level and when it was communicating with me, I was being given information that felt very final and absolute; but me personally, I do not come from this paradigm - I can just kind of barely get to it, sometimes I feel more "activated"; like when I write - but I have to be facing ego death in a stronger manner to get to it.  I am open to the whole thing being a delusion, too, and I will let it go as such and then experience this energy in the present moment; and it is intelligent and exists outside of space time; and I think that people who are coral, that their brains put them in a super-human state of mind.  The sort of things Sadhguru talks about sometimes, would be something that a being like this would have no problem doing.  I think that extreme solipsism like this is a gateway into a certain type of magick as well, because you can tend to your bubble from a universal perspective, you feel and are a part of the cosmic flow; the feedback loops that nature works through become apparent as well.  The intelligence in that becomes felt, and sometimes makes itself known and seen.  That intelligence feels like a grid.  But for me, I can "see" it move, and it... it is like a self aware cause and effect energy that is happening in the Now; but isn't fully God; but thinks itself as such.  And I imagine that, like how red is narcissistic, that coral would be solipsistic.  I think someone stage coral would be heavily into the occult as well.

But hey. I am open to being wrong. And after all what are we even doing, "predicting levels of development"? There are no levels. There are no categories. There is only what is.

But it's still fun :)

It is so fun!  I agree with you there wholeheartedly!


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1 hour ago, RendHeaven said:

There is no meaningful distinction found beyond Turquoise, since at Turquoise, the whole model is already transcended and the relativity of stage yellow is unified. The tiered divisions seem so arbitrary (because they are) once your circle of concern is COSMIC.

One could say SD is a very stage yellow construction, reaching beyond itself as it were. So, "Coral" can only exist in the imaginations of pre-Turquoise human minds. "Stage Coral" is in no way real to anyone at or beyond Turquoise.

In 10 000 years, will Turquoise still be the absolute limit?  While, yes, the model breaks when you go beyond Turquoise, there will still undoubtably be stages of progression that exist after Turquoise.

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After doing some more research on turquoise and coral, I have found a video and channel that has some teachings that explain the stages very well.

I was under the impression initially that coral was similar to red, albeit on a much larger scale, but after watching a really great video that summed up what it was all about - they also used a teacher that I am familiar with and think that his words could provide another route towards understanding these stages properly.

I resonate with him more than the SD model - if these help any of you, too, then I am glad.  Have a good day! :D 

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@lxlichael "however the amenability of biological forces have always taken precedence over our bodily reactions, moreover, only a consciousness imbued with the biological power towards the awareness that allows them to transform those forces transmutationally, possesses any real legislative agency over the directionality of their consciousness, egoically, biologically and otherwise."

What if instead it is consciousness that is placed wherever these biological forces 'took it' in the past, and that only in the future will there (not by means of consciousness) but inside consciousness occur such a schematic legislation of a will trough the body corresponding to the very same types of biological forces we begun the postulation with?

And is it not better to conceive of the bodily reactions and biological forces as integral to a bigger theory of both and that it would be impossible thereby for either to take any form of precedence over the other?

That these models have more utility in both predicting the future and speaking of reality as it is conceived of in the mind instead of the opposite on both accounts you have my wholehearted sympathy with, but is it not the actualized ego this all is done for when all is said and done?

The actualized ego such that it instead of reality trough it becomes the primary concern in the model itself, one surely could predict that by taking a look in this forum.

Edited by Reciprocality

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No need for belief. The evidence is unquestionable. 


What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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On 06/03/2022 at 2:56 AM, lxlichael said:


We're inappropriately blending the biological with the existentially abstract and metaphysical in light of our inescapable relationship with the entropic forces of nature, that aside, it takes grandmaster to spot a grandmaster. There is undoubtedly an unavoidable developmental trajectory that what we've referred to as "ego" goes through, however the amenability of biological forces have always taken precedence over our bodily reactions, moreover, only a consciousness imbued with the biological power towards the awareness that allows them to transform those forces transmutationally, possesses any real legislative agency over the directionality of their consciousness, egoically, biologically and otherwise. As such, theoretical as it remains without biological accounts, it will stay in the pile of unread history of psychological literature and as much as confirmations are receptive to and account for the biological, spiral dynamics and literally any theory outside of the biological attempting to correspond to an apt description of psychological development will have the chance to express some merit. Spiral dynamics has been inappropriately formulated in my opinion, representing how the "present world" is represented in the mind as opposed to how the mind represents the world which is more akin to what would more accurately reflect a developmental theory concerning the psychology of the mind. We could be thrown into any myriad of juxtaposing realities, any of which falsify any utility and merit that the theory has. It asks the reader to perform the intelligence for them in terms of making accurate inferences of meta-mind rather than representing the theory itself from this perspective to begin with, as such, a future developmental theory, where all seriousness is considered, will always take precedence, and this is not far away at all. Theories like these should be forward predicting rather than backwards predicting, though, if it were so on par, then a replica of human consciousness via AI should be able to verify it by going through the same stages, it of course, will not, because consciousness growth is antithetical to the mostly linear way in which the theory has been proposed. Mental developmental doesn't have alinearity in the biological sense however in the egoic sense it most certainly can be relative to say one indicator, like a consciousnesses ability to integrate information, increasing/decreasing these limits is something that could be done in a replica to demonstrate this principle. 

dude.. paragraph!!  I'll give you an F for readability.  B+ for effort.


But I agree with some of your thoughts.  Too many here seem to think that past experiences are the only valid basis off which it's possible to come up with a theoretical framework of consciousness progression.  As you mentioned, we'd need AI, or at least super advanced machine learning, to properly figure it all out, but I don't think it's necessary just to make initial progress on Coral theory, and beyond, imo.  All answers are within, after all.

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I think while turquoise understands concepts like oneness and nothingness, they basically still function as individual humans on earth experiencing what earth is all about.

I could see a coral interact with higher dimensions, entities, possibly aliens and consciously set events into motion based on what the universe/souls/God want to get out of physical existence. So kind of like an agent or a moderator. Likely have also developed siddhis. Quite badass in my opinion. 

In either case, they'd probably masquerade as an orange or green not to arouse too much suspicion.  Probably unless you're high turquoise you wouldn't detect them.

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