
How I perceive solipsism ?

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1 hour ago, Ineedanswers said:

@Leo Gura tldr below

Leo in your recent blog video you said that ,as god you realized how you were creating yourself and all other things (ie-your bluetooth device,the waves emitted from it and the physics behind).

If thats the case,why cant you solve all the scientists most pressing problems?do you know 

1)how measurements collapse quantum wave functions?

2)why is there more matter than antimatter?

3)what exactly is dark matter?

4)what happens inside a blackhole?

5)do naked singularities exist? If so how?

6)can you solve the schrodinger equation in a spherically symmetric potential?

If you could attain god consiousness and understand how you created the bluetooth waves. You should also be able to explain why some particles violate the charge parity symmetry right?

And also why cant you predict the future? God is all omnipotent and allknowing right? Cant you 1)attain god realization again 2)see into the future 3)and come back and accurately predict some events? (Ie-the next president of america or the score in a football game or something?)

Is there a reason why you cant do these things? If you could noone(sam harris ,curt jaimungal,professor dave) will have any doubts you(and i and all humans) are god right?

Edit-(I understand why you cant perform miracles like healing,turning water into wine cant do them because once you attain god consiousness  you are completely selfless and have no need or desire to perform miracles.and once you come back to normal human consiousness you no longer have those abilities). But i dont see why you cant attain god consiousness,see into the future and come back into human consiousness and make accurate predictions or solve pressing scienece concerns.)

Then you wont have to waste time on one will be able to doubt the validity of your claims

Tldr-as someone who has attained consiousness.why dont you have all the answers to all  science questions? Science is a story you invented as god invented right?(the bigbang,evolution,natural selection etc). Then why dont you know everything about the scientific story?

This is a misrepresentation of what god-realization achieves. 

All of those things you mentioned are conceptual illusions that your mind spins. God realization is recognizing that you create all of these concepts. Measurements do not exists. Science does not exists. Future and past do not exist. Black holes do not exist.

You have not awoken yet to the reality of concepts in the now.


Here is an exercise. Point to the problem you are describing. Use your finger and point to the problem you are talking about above in the now. Recognize that all of those things do not exist as "things". They exist as conceptual constructs. 


 It's easy to see how the future is a conceptual constructs in the now. But can you stomach recognizing that your birth is a conceptual constructs in the now, and never happened. When you say it happened in the past, recognize that the past is a conceptual construct.

Then stay awake for a whole night, from sunset to sunrise and recognize that the lines between today and tomorrow don't exist. Or better yet, take a psychedelic and realize time does not exist as anything other than a mental concept.

You have NEVER left the present moment. You have never left the now. You literally created a conceptual world in which you live, but you are asleep to the fact that you created it. At deeper levels of consciousness you recognize your creation of even "physical" things.

You grossly misinterpret what the teachings are pointing to. I am not saying this to shame you, I'm merely making a statement so that you do not get lost in the wrong interpretation.

You can't predict the future because there is no future. Reality is here, now, forever. You never leave NOW. So how can you expect to get to the future.

This requires a 180 degree change in your point of view. You do not travel through time as a person. You are God, Now and "stuff" is changing around you. You interpret that time has passed but this is not the case. The now has simply changed. Stay awake from sunset to sunrise and realize that you never went from yesterday into today, you were always in the now and all that happened is that some numbers changed on a screen or on a clock -in the now. Numbers are changing on the clock IN THE NOW. Time is a social, conceptual construct.


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@Cepzeu thanks for the answer. Can you answer some more questions for me if you dont mind? I know i asked many questions so please feel free to ignore.but i would really appreciate it you could only answer my last final question(question 4)


1 hour ago, Cepzeu said:

All of those things you mentioned are conceptual illusions that your mind spins. God realization is recognizing that you create all of these concepts.

If i created these concepts,is there a reason why i cant gain indepth knowledge about these concepts?is all that happens when i gain god realization that i realize that i dreamt up the big bang and evolution and my birth and physical laws ,without gaining any indepth knowledge about these laws,my birth process(how exactly the gametes formed,which genes coded for what  etc?


My intuition tells me that if i was really god i would know all the details about this dream and all the concepts in it. 

Ie-even though this is a dream,since im the one who dreamt it up,my intuition tells me that i should know

how all the physical laws work,

what the last universal common ancestor of archea ,bacteria and eukaryota ?

since we only know what 20% of the proteins in our body do,what exactly is the biological role of the other proteins in our body?

I understand that these our all concepts that ive created to make this dream seem more real and to ground my sense of identity.

But if i can realize im god and that im willing things(human bodies and proteins) into existence.why cant i gain indepth knowledge about the things(ie-how exactly do proteins fold?what is the mechanism /folding code?)ive willed into existence?

Btw can you clarify what you mean by?

1 hour ago, Cepzeu said:

All of those things you mentioned are conceptual illusions that your mind spins

1)Are all scientific theories,laws conceptual illusions?

Is there a difference between someone believing in creationism and that allah/jehovah created the universe/solar system and someone who believes in the big bang and starts congealing,forming planets,evolution etc?is one true and the other false or?

Are some conceptual illusions more true than others?do some conceptual illusions describe the dream more accurately than others?

3)when scientists and theologans try to find the origin of the universe. Whats really going on is that

-god is dreaming that he is a scientist/theologan 

-and that theologan/scientist(who god has dreamt he is) is now trying to find out who created the dream or how the dream was formed?

4)if someone asks you how life originated what would you say?

Would you say you as god dreamt the whole thing up? 


Edited by Ineedanswers

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@Ineedanswers Sure thing.

You can gain depth of knowledge in the same way as you can draw a bigger map as you explore some new territory. But God realization is realizing the territory is real and the map is a concept, not drawing a bigger and bigger map. If you want to do science then you can. If you want God realization, you will have to realise that you will not get there though concepts. You can study and investigate science for infinity, but you will never get to truth through it. No matter how long you spend thinking about molecules then atoms then quarks then strings the space-time etc. It won't change the fact that those are all illusions. You can make your life easier by discovering new technology and advancing science, but that is different to realizing what's true. Inventing penicillin allows more people to survive bacterial infections. It does not change that fact that people, infections, etc are all an illusion.

To answer your further questions:

1) yes. They are all illusions. As is everything. How can e=mc2 not be an illusory concept. Theories by definition are conceptual models. I can theorize that the sun will rise tomorrow. What will actually happen is unknown. The point of god realization is differentiating what you think about something, with what it actually is. Look at your hand. Now realise that what you are looking at is not a hand. Hand is a conceptual framework you overlay over reality, such that when you see the thing that you see, you think hand. But it is not a hand. It is something that words cannot communicate because all language is dualistic. The best descriptor is "it is what IT IS" but that sounds silly until you actually LOOK and realise that what it IS is not what you THINK it is. Stop thinking, and look.

2. There is no difference. The scientist is just as deluded as the theologian. You have never seen a big bang, or a planet formed, or a black hole, or a DNA molecule, etc. You have been told these concepts from a young age and you blindly believed them, just how a religious kid got told about Adam and eve and believed that story to be true. You hand is not made of skin and bone and atoms. It is made of consciousness. It is as clear as day yet you will not be able to see it. You are a fish swimming in water and you can't see the water, because it is all there is. That is the pickle you are in.

Again, do not confuse the ability of science to create things that help your survival, with what is actually true. Science is no truer than religion, despite the fact that with science we can make an iphone etc. It is a "better"/more accurate map of this dream, but is cannot make you see the dream as a dream.

3. They are just building the dream with more concepts. They are making the map prettier and bigger. You are God, you are the only thing that exists. You are the dream. Everything is dream-stuff. It is ALL an illusion. Including this.

3 hours ago, Ineedanswers said:

@Leo GuraGrGuraGrGuraGrGGuraGGuGuGuraGrGuraGrGuraGrGuraGrGGuraGGuGuGur

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4 hours ago, Ineedanswers said:

If thats the case,why cant you solve all the scientists most pressing problems?do you know 

1)how measurements collapse quantum wave functions?

2)why is there more matter than antimatter?

3)what exactly is dark matter?

4)what happens inside a blackhole?

5)do naked singularities exist? If so how?

6)can you solve the schrodinger equation in a spherically symmetric potential?

If you could attain god consiousness and understand how you created the bluetooth waves. You should also be able to explain why some particles violate the charge parity symmetry right?

And also why cant you predict the future? God is all omnipotent and allknowing right? Cant you 1)attain god realization again 2)see into the future 3)and come back and accurately predict some events? (Ie-the next president of america or the score in a football game or something?)

Is there a reason why you cant do these things? If you could noone(sam harris ,curt jaimungal,professor dave) will have any doubts you(and i and all humans) are god right?

Because it's all pure bullshit and irrelevant.

You just invented Sam Harris and science. It's all a joke. Trying to figure out nature is the dumbest thing ever. It will never ever work.

Awakening answers all your questions by drowning you in eternal consciousness.

The only anser is: OH MY GOD!

4 hours ago, Ineedanswers said:

Tldr-as someone who has attained consiousness.why dont you have all the answers to all  science questions? Science is a story you invented as god invented right?(the bigbang,evolution,natural selection etc). Then why dont you know everything about the scientific story?

It's like asking why don't you know all the answers to the Star Wars universe? Where did the mediclorians come from? Who was Jabba the Hut's mother? Where did Tatooine come from? How many women did Han Solo have sex with and how many times did he jerk off in his life? How does The Force work? How many millimeters is Yoda's dick?

It doesn't matter! You are God dreaming that shit!

3 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

@Leo Gura

Is there a pattern of behavior when God is awake?

or in other words: What does someone do or look like when they are God-realized?

No pattern. You can go shoot up heroin and have sex with hookers, or whatever. Makes no difference. Do whatever you want. But there will be consequences.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I have a easy yes or no question for you: are you conscious? Yes/no? Honestly.

(I'm genuinely trying to learn. I'm not playing games.)

Edited by Blackhawk

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I like to see it in a much healthier way. In the sense that it is progressive. I feel that my "I" is the same as the I of the people I know, then with animals, plants... Then this beingness is beyond my personal "point" of existance and it's what it connects me with everything and everyone. Instead of being in a delusive and losing touch with reality, solipsm can become the highest grounding technique, to love all as yourself, to see yourself in all.

I used to say: I cannot see myself, in the sense I cannot kiss my own cheek, but everywhere I see, I just see myself, I am all those things. It's like those beautiful torus field, with eyes everywhere. Just try this little exercice with me, try to see inside the eye of your vision, after trying you arrive to a point where you cannot go more behind. So you cannot see the one who is seeing, however now when you see outside you recognise all that as yourself


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8 hours ago, The Buddha said:

to love all as yourself, to see yourself in all. but everywhere I see, I just see myself

@The Buddha More and more as my awareness has expanded, these are my experiences as well. 

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This above video explains what I wanted to say about solipsism. Can someone please tell me if Leo's take is actually different from this? And how?

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@VivaldoTo not know for sure if other people are conscious is not solipsism.

The more 'degrees' you assign to the idea of solipsism the less meaningful the idea becomes.

You can either know or believe that you are the only one of the many seemingly existent people that are actually having a conscious experience, Leo claims that he knows. I don't think you can know (well I can't by definition, so far as you're concerned), but as far as we allow some skeptical imagination it is "possible" for you to know.

There are many ways of contextualizing the metaphysics of solipsism, but that does not mean there are many different ones.


Edited by Reciprocality

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