
How I perceive solipsism ?

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@ivankiss According to your standards of truth being beyond your mind you could not know that truth were beyond your mind, in fact you point within your mind when you say that you point beyond it.

There is no fundamental difference between this and hardcore Physicalism, merely a difference of form.

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@Leilani Yeah, I heard ancestors/angels in music and felt Love and unity all around me, like everyone was singing in unison in the present moment, and I could feel the illusion of time, or perhaps some sort of singularity pulling me towards it and I realized that I had always been in this spot and always will be, and that there will just be the illusion of things moving past me - like a wave or something - and I could feel everyone's souls that ever lived, like a grapevine, clustered and connected to the Source, and the universe told me that the meaning of life is to be aware of God and to spread God in this world, that is the plan, the universe wants to witness itself while "Awake" - and I could see it looking back at me through everything in my livingroom, it all kind of blended together, and fruits tasted so much more pure after this experience, and the air smelled so fresh outside - I was "saved" with this knowledge and want to get back to that state of being so I can understand more.  It was like the plane of consciousness itself is aware of itself and develops ways to awaken itself - even sometimes suffering - it was a clear sightedness - I could see God in the mist in the blue mountains - all some massive feedback loop happening all in the present moment - Now - I learned about how "as above, so below" God is like a fractal, or a divine machine, in how everything moves so orderly and perfect.  This moment is perfect.

There was a unified plane of consciousness - and then if you can imagine it being like bubble wrap, that is folded up, or something - those are the souls - which are made out of the plane of consciousness, I could feel their divine Love and Innocence and their heartsong all around me.  If Leo has not experienced this, then there might be a facet missing, just like I have many points of the whole puzzle missing, too, and am in the process of putting them together.

I found God through the algorithms, by following my ultimate truth when I was having my first and most severe autoimmune flareup - kind of like Leo, I had to come to terms with possibly dying at a younger age than I would like and had to actually come to accept death as a reality, not conceptually, and all I could do was offer appreciation in the moment for how beautiful a song sounded, and how lovely the mountains look.  I learned that is how to get God closer to you is to offer appreciation for the present moment - and nature is so wise you can see life within it, nature is God's vehicle for communication.

Now I can see when people are very "awake" and I can see God in various forms of artwork and in nature and stuff and if I follow it, it leads be back to some sort of awesome epiphany.  Leo looks very 'awake', by the energy he carries in his eyes - so I keep my mind open to solipsism as a possibility, but due to the depth that it took me to get to my awakenings, it would take another awakening generated by my own efforts in order to move me in that direction - so I am just waiting for wherever the wind blows - and I'll follow that.

If you go through and NDE, a lot of times people will get siddhis or a certain kind of sensitivity.
God is in the process of waking itself up to itself, and the whole world will follow suit - once it catches like a wildfire.

Edited by Loba

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  On 2/19/2022 at 7:48 PM, Reciprocality said:

@ivankiss According to your standards of truth being beyond your mind you could not know that truth were beyond your mind, in fact you point within your mind when you say that you point beyond it.

There is no fundamental difference between this and hardcore Physicalism, merely a difference of form.

'Beyond the mind' is just a fancy way of putting it. Can you simply breathe and not think anything for 5 seconds? There you go. Truth.

Has nothing to do with 'physicalism' or 'solipsism' or any other belief.


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@ivankiss Belief separates from truth the way a fan separates from its current. It ultimately does not, but as far as language is sensible they do.

What your claim has to do with physicalism is simple, the idea that there is something independent of you encapsulate both. This idea is a belief, as i referenced as such. : )

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@ivankiss The argument of truth being outside knowledge would actually stand in proportion to the impossibility of simply being without concluding anything about it.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 8:49 PM, ivankiss said:

@Reciprocality It is possible to simply be, without concluding anything about it.

Being is fine but not God-realization.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Leo, If nothing matters, then why do you still behave as if what you do matters? 

Is there any connection to 'good' and 'bad' behavior and God-realization?


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  On 2/19/2022 at 10:13 PM, SgtPepper said:

Leo, If nothing matters, then why do you still behave as if what you do matters? 

Is there any connection to 'good' and 'bad' behavior and God-realization?


There is no choice. You have no choice but to play this game.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 2/19/2022 at 10:27 PM, Leo Gura said:

There is no choice. You have no choice but to play this game.

thank you for your reply

one more question for now,

Why did you start this game?

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@Bow24Maybe he just doesn't have an answer as to the reason and assumes there is no reason, I say this because in my awakenings I was given a reason, and the reason was just to witness itself as itself.

Simultaneously, there was no reason for that, other than it would bring heaven on earth.


Edited by Loba

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  On 2/19/2022 at 10:36 PM, Leilani said:

@Leo GuraGurayou don't wish that it could be any other way? Do you have emotions any more? 

God is Love and Perfection.

All you need to do is awaken to that as your true nature.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura then why choose to create this dualistic reality. Why not remain in the perfection that I supposedly am?

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I perceive solipsism as something I ll never understand from this low level consciousness until I awake to it ! ☺️

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