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Bob Seeker

Anyone here had to tell family you are not religious?

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If so, how did it go?

I have been pretending to be religious with my family for 8 years. I have moved out now and I think it is unwise to keep lying.

My dad and brothers think that if you are a non-believer you are in all likelihood going to hell. This is like the worst thing imaginable in their eyes of course. It is definitely not something I am excited about.

and then visiting them will be very awkward.

Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently:

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Maybe you can play a religious game with them  since there is a nobody to awaken anyway.. ☺️

I used to think I need to tell everybody about this but now I understand that is not really necessary.. so I keep quiet and smile they will all find out when they die so it doesn’t matter! ☺️

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As long as you do not throw a Dawkins debate in their face I believe there is little harm in showing them an alternative to their worldview which do not directly confront it.

Except if you are a very seriously inclined skeptic, then it could be best to put all on the table so to avoid driving yourself mad.

If they do not bother you with Religion that often then your response may be best in equal proportion.

Edited by Reciprocality

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Hmm. I can't exactly relate. But I had to hide my religious conversion and witchcraft practice from my family. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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My family is indoctrinated into the "scientific" way of discovering things; so my "religion" is viewed the way religious people often view non-religious people.  Telling them I was into spirituality and that I found God - they thought it was insanity, the same way religious people think those who are not are going to hell.

I just don't talk about it much anymore because they refuse to be open minded to the idea.

Edited by Loba

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My parents are Taoists and pray to several Gods. I find it hard to tell them that I am now a Christian so I just tell them I pray to God and I pray regularly.

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On 2/18/2022 at 11:05 PM, Bob Seeker said:

If so, how did it go?

I have been pretending to be religious with my family for 8 years. I have moved out now and I think it is unwise to keep lying.

My dad and brothers think that if you are a non-believer you are in all likelihood going to hell. This is like the worst thing imaginable in their eyes of course. It is definitely not something I am excited about.

and then visiting them will be very awkward.

Dad: But do you or don’t you accept Jesus Christ as your savior!?

Guy: Jesus pointed to the actuality of perception, that we are quite literally in Love. 

Sent link to Rupert’s youtube channel. “Check it out if you’re interested”. 

Tears were shed next time we hung out. 



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You don't have to tell them right? You can believe what you want, just like they can believe what they want. And if they want to pray or something you can just be respectful and go along with it. You don't have to 'come out of the closet' and make a big deal about it.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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if pretense feels bad and hard for ya, better gradually let them know that you are not much in to church. @Bob Seeker

as u say, it will be the worth imaginable thing ever in their eyes to suddenly have their son being condemned to hell as per their worldview.

an abrupt confrontation would hurt them. so go slow and easy man! 


don't go in to dawkins type debates and scientific crusades against them . a huge RED FLAG here!

It will hurt them while ur image on them will be to a massive degree tarnished as they will associate you with the satan in their good books. I hv first hand experience of this  upon arguing with my fundamentalist Buddhist relatives and trust me they won't like it!

Love them dude! family first! no matter how crazy their beliefs might be! <3

Edited by happyhappy

my mini-blog! 

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