
Are there other perspectives or not?

18 posts in this topic

Just this simple question. I am conflicted to what Leo means by the existence of only one god. Does it mean that my own perspective is one among many others created by god or does it mean that my perspective is the only one existing and the others are just toys to interact with. Please don't just reply with "do the work and see it yourself" comments. I already know that. I just want to know what your perspective is about this issue.

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40 minutes ago, MFateh said:

Just this simple question. I am conflicted to what Leo means by the existence of only one god. Does it mean that my own perspective is one among many others created by god or does it mean that my perspective is the only one existing and the others are just toys to interact with. Please don't just reply with "do the work and see it yourself" comments. I already know that. I just want to know what your perspective is about this issue.

God is You.  God is an infinite field of Consciousness.  There is nothing outside of this field and this field is you.  It is itself.  It is Actual.  Look at your hand.  That is actuality.    This field of consciousness can then imagine that it takes a limited POV, for example that it is a human that "has" consciousness,  with which then to explore itself through this lens.  It can explore itself in this way for eternity by limiting itself to a particular vantage point.   It can take any vantage point it wants and then imagine there are other vantage points out there, or other sentient beings with their own vantage point.  But all viewpoints are being sculpted out of this one field of consciousness.  Like a negative sculpture.  They are empty and imaginary - simply an idea in the Mind of God..  The self vantage point can be seen through as an illusion in which you realize directly that you are Consciousness itself and that the self was an idea it dreamed up.  Likewise for other selfs out there behind the scenes.  Behind the scenes is imaginary there is only this field of consciousness that is you  right now. This is the entire Universe.  It is Reality itself.  Reality doesn't need other experiences because it is the experience.  It is Absolute and exists for itself.  No one is "looking at the universe"  The subject/object duality  collapses.  The Unvierse is just Being.   It is depersonalized.  That should allow you to get a direct "hit" with your awareness on what reality is.  Then what it can imagine after is endless.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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22 minutes ago, MFateh said:

Just this simple question. I am conflicted to what Leo means by the existence of only one god. Does it mean that my own perspective is one among many others created by god or does it mean that my perspective is the only one existing and the others are just toys to interact with. Please don't just reply with "do the work and see it yourself" comments. I already know that. I just want to know what your perspective is about this issue.

@MFateh You are going to find there is a big push within the forum, goes something like this... Everything is God, the unified field, eternal consciousness.  Any representation outside of this narrative is an illusion or deviation from this truth.   While the statement is rooted within a non-dual reality the answers given often carry a strong dualistic flavoring.  A desire for a definitive all-inclusive position,  finality. 

The answers tend to deny or eliminate aspects of what is present.  Any answer that eliminates aspects of what is, tends to be suspect to me.  I seek answers that include everything, that make space for everything.

How does this relate to your question?  I would say that all aspects are true.  There is a unified position that holds all.  There is "your" identity, your mind, your perspective.  There are other peoples' perspectives.  They are all real in the fact that they exist (the illusion is real for you hardcore fanatics of the unified position).

A person can harp, harp, harp about the unified position, eternal consciousness, God, Tat, Brahma, Singularity, rah, rah, rah.. Like a child with a new shiny toy, some people get caught in this position and others continue to awaken to deeper degrees.   Goes like this, first we don't know about unity and are blindly held within "the illusion," then we awaken to the truth of the unified position, then we awaken to a complex matrix of truth that coexists simultaneously. 

The easiest thing to do is argue for a single definitive answer.  Try to argue a position that includes everything and its opposite. 




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2 hours ago, MFateh said:

Are there other perspectives or not?

Just this simple question. I am conflicted to what Leo means by the existence of only one god. Does it mean that my own perspective is one among many others created by god or does it mean that my perspective is the only one existing and the others are just toys to interact with. Please don't just reply with "do the work and see it yourself" comments. I already know that. I just want to know what your perspective is about this issue.

Thought is dualistic, or, twoness: this & that, up & down, left & right, north & south, other perspectives & no other perspectives, my own perspective & your own perspective, Leo is right & Leo is wrong, etc, etc, etc, etc.  
So the only ‘answer’ is, the other-than-believing-thoughts, or, meditation

“But that is a non-answer!”

No, it’s just true. 

“But you are a %$*%!!!!!”

Maybe, maybe not. Doesn’t change that it’s true. 

“I said don’t reply with “do the work and see it yourself you &%$@*!!!!”   “I already know that!!!!!”

Also true, you don’t know that. The evidence is the asking of the question. Which isn’t wrong, it’s just on the path. On the way to discovering all thought is dualistic. 

If interested, alternatively, expression. The emotional scale



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3 hours ago, MFateh said:

Does it mean that my own perspective is one among many others

Pull the ripcord. You don't own a perspective.

57% paranoid

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@MFateh And what difference would the answer make to you? 

Suppose I say: 'no, there is only your perspective'. 

And then what? Are you just going to believe me? Or are you going to not believe me, in which case, why ask in the first place? 

What if I told you: 'yes, your perspective is one of many POVs'. 

Same thing - are you just going to believe me? Why would you? 


4 hours ago, MFateh said:

Please don't just reply with "do the work and see it yourself" comments. I already know that.

Apparently you don't?xD

Do the work and see for yourself:P

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1 hour ago, LastThursday said:

Pull the ripcord. You don't own a perspective.

It is the other way round actually. The perspective has a body that thinks it owns the whole thing.

Edited by Tyler Durden

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4 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

God is You.  God is an infinite field of Consciousness.  There is nothing outside of this field and this field is you.  It is itself.  It is Actual.  Look at your hand.  That is actuality.    This field of consciousness can then imagine that it takes a limited POV, for example that it is a human that "has" consciousness,  with which then to explore itself through this lens.  It can explore itself in this way for eternity by limiting itself to a particular vantage point.   It can take any vantage point it wants and then imagine there are other vantage points out there, or other sentient beings with their own vantage point.  But all viewpoints are being sculpted out of this one field of consciousness.  Like a negative sculpture.  They are empty and imaginary - simply an idea in the Mind of God..  The self vantage point can be seen through as an illusion in which you realize directly that you are Consciousness itself and that the self was an idea it dreamed up.  Likewise for other selfs out there behind the scenes.  Behind the scenes is imaginary there is only this field of consciousness that is you  right now. This is the entire Universe.  It is Reality itself.  Reality doesn't need other experiences because it is the experience.  It is Absolute and exists for itself.  No one is "looking at the universe"  The subject/object duality  collapses.  The Unvierse is just Being.   It is depersonalized.  That should allow you to get a direct "hit" with your awareness on what reality is.  Then what it can imagine after is endless.

I like this answer, while not in my direct experience as of yet, I could follow along conceptually.  Cool!  I almost "felt it" when I took on that perspective.

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1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

The perspective has a body that thinks it owns the whole thing.

Yeah, I was trying to be gentle. It's perspectives all the way down.

57% paranoid

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6 hours ago, MFateh said:

Just this simple question. I am conflicted to what Leo means by the existence of only one god. Does it mean that my own perspective is one among many others created by god or does it mean that my perspective is the only one existing and the others are just toys to interact with. Please don't just reply with "do the work and see it yourself" comments. I already know that. I just want to know what your perspective is about this issue.

All you ever get to experience is your perspective but no they are not toys to interact with. That would imply separation. Existemce is infinite and holds every perspective including yours and mine.

That said.. That was my perspective on the matter. One perspective out of infinite others so take that with a grain of salt.

Seems like we live in a highly subjective reality.

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16 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

God is You.  God is an infinite field of Consciousness.  There is nothing outside of this field and this field is you.  It is itself.  It is Actual.  Look at your hand.  That is actuality.    This field of consciousness can then imagine that it takes a limited POV, for example that it is a human that "has" consciousness,  with which then to explore itself through this lens.  It can explore itself in this way for eternity by limiting itself to a particular vantage point.   It can take any vantage point it wants and then imagine there are other vantage points out there, or other sentient beings with their own vantage point.  But all viewpoints are being sculpted out of this one field of consciousness.  Like a negative sculpture.  They are empty and imaginary - simply an idea in the Mind of God..  The self vantage point can be seen through as an illusion in which you realize directly that you are Consciousness itself and that the self was an idea it dreamed up.  Likewise for other selfs out there behind the scenes.  Behind the scenes is imaginary there is only this field of consciousness that is you  right now. This is the entire Universe.  It is Reality itself.  Reality doesn't need other experiences because it is the experience.  It is Absolute and exists for itself.  No one is "looking at the universe"  The subject/object duality  collapses.  The Unvierse is just Being.   It is depersonalized.  That should allow you to get a direct "hit" with your awareness on what reality is.  Then what it can imagine after is endless.

Boom! The end. 

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alone, others, perspectives, dreams, god, awake...all of these are concepts. As long as you remain attached to the concepts, your mind will be partitioned off, walled off. you have to flatten your mind, stop making differentiations of everything, and allow it to be formless, to expand. what happens is that this is threatening, it gives you the feeling of letting go of the grips and sinking into quicksand. you have to sink. if not, you will only be going round and round to some ideas or others

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15 hours ago, Loba said:

I like this answer, while not in my direct experience as of yet, I could follow along conceptually.  Cool!  I almost "felt it" when I took on that perspective.




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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38 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

alone, others, perspectives, dreams, god, awake...all of these are concepts. As long as you remain attached to the concepts, your mind will be partitioned off, walled off. you have to flatten your mind, stop making differentiations of everything, and allow it to be formless, to expand. what happens is that this is threatening, it gives you the feeling of letting go of the grips and sinking into quicksand. you have to sink. if not, you will only be going round and round to some ideas or others

Yup, that's it.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

alone, others, perspectives, dreams, god, awake...all of these are concepts. As long as you remain attached to the concepts, your mind will be partitioned off, walled off. you have to flatten your mind, stop making differentiations of everything, and allow it to be formless, to expand. what happens is that this is threatening, it gives you the feeling of letting go of the grips and sinking into quicksand. you have to sink. if not, you will only be going round and round to some ideas or others

Yes if you only conceptualize and don't do the spiritual practices - which is getting in touch with what is actual in direct experience.   And for that you have to start with self inquiry.  If you sit on the forum and not serious about doing the practices and just want to be spoonfed the answers they are not going help you awaken..probably will be a detrement because ego will take and corrupt



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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20 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

God is You.  God is an infinite field of Consciousness.

“If you only conceptualize”

? ? ? 



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9 minutes ago, Nahm said:

“If you only conceptualize”

? ? ? 

Only being the key word :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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