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Scared to death of God

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He can manifest beings out of thin air and bring them into existence at will and decide where that being will spend of eternity at after its death.

"For dust you are, 

and to dust you shall return.”

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You are God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Take a few seconds to imagine yourself to be not the body, and not the mind, but to be God imagining itself to be such things. Then realize that that is literally who I am talking to when I write this post. You really, actually aren’t your body or mind, like at all.

A Call to Live Differently:

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Fearing God is the beginning of wisdom.

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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God is scary. Infinity includes your worst nightmares. Torture. Decapitations. Rape. Poverty. Disease 

That's the whole challenge of existence in a nutshell. 

I am in awe of God when I take psychedelics. I see the radical nature of reality. Its truly Godlike. 

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God, when it knows itself to just be itself, is pure, infinite Love. When it (YOU!) forgets itself and thinks there is itself and another, the immensity of this love is seen as a threat, and thus the fear can truly become overwhelming, because it is God's fear of itself  - but this fear can't and won't last (and is not real, it is just imagined) because you always come back to being yourself and knowing yourself. 

It's like the earth - out of the earth comes a body and it believes itself to be separate, but this body will always dissolve back into the earth which it always essentially was. And earth as a body can fear other forms of itself - like fire or another predatory body. But it's just the earth being itself.
(Or call it life, energy, whatever, just a metaphor)

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