By Anon212
in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
After watching Leo's videos on getting laid, I see that I'm starting to make some progress but the two girls I have actually gotten into my bed, I still haven't had sex with. I wrote about the first girl a while ago. I met her at work, got her too my home but she decided to leave before intercourse (she actually started texting me again once I moved on). But no intercourse happened. I will try again with her.
I met another girl at a nightclub recently and I tried my best to apply the principles of game. I brought her back that night, but she was on her period! The next night however, she invited me over. I went to hers. She was actually pretty sweet. She cooked for me, had weed ready, and created a really nice ambience for me but it seemed like she had trauma from dating a younger person and she just would not have sex with me. She said I am too young and she got her heart broken last time she dated someone this young. She is 30, I am 22. Anyways, I've been to her place twice now. She clearly wants me around her but she will not have sex. I talked to her about it and she said, she will have sex with me eventually but it's too fast. I actually spoke to her about mediation and she said that "You teach me meditation and I will teach you sex." I don't know what to make of it. I really try to push for sex with her but its just not working. I mean I like to cuddle with her and I sure as hell enjoy all the free food and free weed. I don't spend money on her but I do give her my time. What should I do about this? Should I stick around with this girl until she has sex with me or should I just leave. I did tell her I'm going to go after other girls and she said it's ok. I'm just not sure what to make of the situation.
Aside from that, I want to thank Leo for those amazing videos. I suck with women so bad but since starting to practice 6 weeks ago, I have kissed five girls and brought two home. No sex yet though haha. As Leo said, all of this shit is so counter intuitive! I'm having an amazing time learning it all! My goal is to have sex with a girl before March starts so hopefully I can make it happen. Any advice for my situation is appreciated.