
Second Girl To Bed, Still No Sex

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2 hours ago, K Ghoul said:

PUA is more like solving a problem (women don’t want to fuck me) at a surface level. Shifting focus to the inside and addressing the issue from within oneself is a much more stable, reliable and a permanent solution.

The best solution is to do both :-)

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17 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

So, I won't help a fisherman catch a fish because I am a fish and I don't want to see other fish be exploited, devoured, and used. And you won't find me biting on any hooks. 

But I will help fishermen realize that fish don't like being fished. And they will argue that fish really love it. And I'll say, actually no we don't.

This is why I say to not listen to advice from girls on how to get laid.

A fish is not going to teach a hungry fisherman how to fill his belly. The fish will just tell the fisherman not to fish, thinking the problem has been solved. Then she will end up in the basket of the biggest fisherman in town who already has more fish than can fit in his belly.

"Just be yourself". Okay, thanks.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

Did you miss the first part of the quote? :)

"I would say that the fish catching analogy is only applicable for player kind of guys. The men who want to serve only their own agenda and devour the woman without giving her anything in return. This is the relationship of the fishermen to the fish."

I give women who sleep with me a lot in return. So your strawman doesn't hold.

The notion that I would not want to give a woman anything in return is insulting. The value I offer a girlfriend is outrageous.

That's like me accusing women of only wanting to sleep with men for their money.

The reason guys become "player kind of guys" is because that's who women end up sleeping with! You are not going to sleep with the shy nice guy playing Minecraft in his basement and jerking off to anime.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

This is why I say to not listen to advice from girls on how to get laid.

A fish is not going to teach a hungry fisherman how to fill his belly. The fish will just tell the fisherman not to fish, thinking the problem has been solved. Then she will end up in the basket of the biggest fisherman in town who already has more fish than can fit in his belly.

"Just be yourself". Okay, thanks.

So, do you think that the popular female dating coaches out there don’t know what they are talking about? 

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I wish I could join and participate too. But I’m getting my period tomorrow so it’s probably not a good time for me right now to be opening my mouth

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@Twentyfirst I don’t think you understood what I was saying. :)

note:  my period is next week 

Edited by K Ghoul

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@K Ghoul @Etherial Cat Since you girls are so fond of giving opinions and advices how about giving me your 2 cents on the thread i made which should be in the first 5 that appear in this forumn sub-section.

Would like to hear it.

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2 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I thought you told me that you didn't want to hear a woman's advice on your situation when I was giving you advice

I was being sarcastic because they are first to tell guys how to act but when someone does what they say and makes a thread needing help they cannot help him so they just ignore it :).

Just FYI because i forgot to mention, if i text a girl and she constantly takes multiple hour if not a full day to reply then personally i find it bit degrating to keep doing it when she is not putting any effort. If i did that to her you would prolly tell me its bad behaviour.

Edited by Karmadhi

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On 2/19/2022 at 10:19 AM, Etherial Cat said:

This forum is 90% male dominated, hosted by a male, and has approx 98% of male moderators. So talking about being gaslit here by females, when also 90% of the threads are directed towards "the masculine agenda", is frankly exaggerated. The gaslighting is going in the other way, good sir.

The Feminine is Leo's biggest shadow, as well to a lot of people in his audience.

Honestly I’m shocked any women still participate in this subforum at all. It’s very obviously male-biased. And I don’t think that’s a coincidence, as Leo’s teaching style tends to be pretty aggressive. There’s a lot of “bite” to it.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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1 hour ago, Twentyfirst said:

I don't fall for that whole period thing. Some girls are just moody because of their own bs and blame it on that. Go find some blue piller and whisper sweet nothings into his ear.

Stay woke fellas, it's a maze out here.

Leo may be talking about pickup, but this is not a forum for redpill ideology. Careful what information you’re consuming.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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On 2/19/2022 at 11:49 PM, Etherial Cat said:

Men just have a higher tendency for narcissim, arrogance and selfishness. And before you call me biased for stating this - just have a look at the diverse studies made on those matters. It doesn't mean men are bad, it means that those are shadow traits of the masculine that needs to be worked on. 


"If nice guys could get laid, more men would have been nice."

A good number of pickup guys were selfless dudes who never got laid.

The mother is the first role model of every man. And men generally expect selfless love from every women as a newbie. This female conditioning is the result why many guys can't get laid in my opinion.

So guys are forced to be more narcissistic else the girl would get bored and run away with some other dude that can keep her stimulated.


I agree that this form is female dominated.

But if this was female dominated, any opposite view points would have been silenced and villified. 

Plus compared to most other communities this form is not that male dominated as it could be.

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It boggles my mind how some of you guys are not making your absolute priority as men to try to understand women and then act in a way that would reflect that and make women feel more comfortable in your presence/while talking to them. Shouldn't that be your very instinct? Don't you want to strive for that?

To my knowledge, that should be instilled in your being as a male. To protect, to cherish, make your girl feel understood and comfortable. And her giving in and letting go, completely surrendering in your presence, because she *trusts* you, and as a result, that makes you feel more manly. It's complementary dynamic. 

Instead I see a lot of discrimination and rejection to take someone else's perspective based on their gender. What the hell, really? How is that being open-minded? How are we supposed to function and have a conversation if one side is discrediting the other based on their gender? So the very fact someone is born some way, is enough not to take them seriously. How doesn't that ring as "wrong" in your guys mind? Life is not that black and white.

Edited by somegirl

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9 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

So, for the little story, I have had women attracted to me and I do know how to attract them. I get phone numbers and clear sign of sexual interest quite often.

What do you have to say about that?

That's still not the same dynamic as a guy attracting a girl. I would not give you advice about attracting other women, because I have never experienced that dynamic :D That was my point

9 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

This is simply not true. I have learned a lot from talking with men about their experience. The narrative running on this forum about how one should never ask women for advices is nothing but a trick to suppress the noise of female voices disagreeing with the falsehood spread in here, where our experience is invalidated and our way of approaching relationships, our needs, wants and sexuality is wrongly depicted.

I don't think it's that all attraction advice that all girls give is outright bad and should be ignored per se. It's more that the advice guys receive from a lot of girls can be super hit or miss, and taking it can be risky. Like there was a guy here recently who's sister was telling him to take flowers for a girl on his first date. No guy would ever tell you to do that. The reason it's hit or miss is the reason I gave above: you haven't ever experienced the dynamic of being a guy trying to attract a girl

So of course you can give advice, and it may even be good advice a lot of the time, but the advice of someone who's experienced that dynamic, experienced rejection from tons of girls, attracted tons of girls is going to be more reliable and less likely to lead you astray

9 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

Do you really think that I shouldn't take advice from men to get to know how to attract them? And that only women are good advice provider on the matter?

You can listen to their advice but men will lie to you and lead you astray with advice as well, as I'm sure you're well aware

A lot of men will tell you that in order to attract a guy you should just be as direct with him as possible, tell him exactly what you want and sleep with him quickly, no game playing. But that advice serves the man more than it serves you. That is what a man thinks he wants but then if you actually do this you may end up just being used for sex, or treated like dirt

It's always going to be better to take advice from people who have been in your exact situation, with your exact problem, and solved it

Edited by something_else

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On 18-2-2022 at 3:41 AM, Leo Gura said:

You're doing great. Don't logic with her about sex. Just seduce her and get her horny. She will clearly have sex with you, you just need to seriously seduce her into it with proper physical escalation and old fashioned romance.

Took me 2hrs once to get a girl to let me fuck her once I got her into my bed. 2hrs of patiently escalating and slowly seducing her despite her token resistance and coyishness. I had to pull her pants off inch by inch. Every inch took work. 2 fucking hours in my bed till sex. The sun was already up! Finally she said: Go get a condom. This was the hottest girl I ever fucked. She played so many games with me.

Girls will play silly games with you. Ignore all that and be persistent. Do not let her games throw you off your course.

And if she's on her period, fuck her anyways. Use condoms well.

Don't wait around. Lead and make it happen!

This is not the way. 2 hours nd she was in ur bed? Damn. 

op the girl is playing games with u. Dont ever get played by a girl. Ignore her for a week and game other women. You’re teaching her how to treat you with u still sticking around while she is playing you.


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9 hours ago, Etherial Cat said:

See, the thing is that you guys will claim expertise on our underlying nature and wiring to the point that you understand our experience better than us... while denying our ability to even relate to your own experience. I'm speaking about the whole "you girls don't know how hard it is to get laid for a man and will never have any clue" shtick. But of course, on your side, you guys know us inside out, to the point you know better than us what we want. Do you see the cognitive dissonance :D?

Regarding the fish analogy... Emerald expressed it better than I ever could once in these words.

I would say that the fish catching analogy is only applicable for player kind of guys. The men who want to serve only their own agenda and devour the woman without giving her anything in return. This is the relationship of the fishermen to the fish.

So, I won't help a fisherman catch a fish because I am a fish and I don't want to see other fish be exploited, devoured, and used. And you won't find me biting on any hooks. 

But I will help fishermen realize that fish don't like being fished. And they will argue that fish really love it. And I'll say, actually no we don't. 

That's right on point, am I not right :D:D:D ?

And no, Leo is not doing us that much of a favor by spreading some of his views. I've been on this forum for years, and overall he participates in spreading erroneous myths about females that he passes for true, on top of telling men not to listen to us... Which ultimately are terrible advices because masculine attunement and intimacy are very important for us. 

He also advocates for behaviors that I would screen immediately as low value and low commitment red flags, so he doesn't turn his followers on some shiny white knight on a white horse for us. A lot of his advices are taking a win-lose perspective, and he justifies it by claiming it's all survival... when the two agendas are designed for a win-win and to kinda fit together. And personally, that's what I aspire to, which is why I don't like to see men subscribing to this peculiar approach.

Now, as I said it many times, all the advices he gives are not bad. There is a lot of good stuff. But it's not the good stuff we've got problems with. It's with what is wrong and is thrown among the good stuff.

So, how to attract women?

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If the guys feel comfortable with this method, then why argue with it?

If it works for them and they are not exploiting anyone, then what is the problem?



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