
Second Girl To Bed, Still No Sex

161 posts in this topic

11 minutes ago, MarkusR said:

My style is always to underplay the sex. I never bring it up blatantly. I just subtly seduce her and give hints but in the end I make her wait.

Often girls will feel so comfortable around me they just want to sleep in my bed with me. At that point even then im non-chalant, and shes already in her underwear. I love building up the sexual tension like this. Then as the tension rises, I start making moves, caressing her body, moving her closer etc etc. Subtle things like that. Then kiss her on the neck when u want to make her wet. xD Feel like im giving away trade secrets.

But I wouldn't keep doing this if she doesnt let up. If a girl is turned on it'll happen in the first 20 mins, if you wait too long to escelate or you stay in one phase for too long it'll become dry.

Dude are you from another planet? 

This is how game should be. You are great at this. You got the game right dude. Any girl would like that. You are really good at it. Don't give your trade secrets to other guys, they won't understand any way lol. 

Keep going. That was fantastic. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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8 hours ago, Anon212 said:

I brought her back that night, but she was on her period!

lol that means nothing. Saying, "I'm on my period" doesn't count as her saying no. You want her to literally say, "We are not having sex right now." THAT is what no means. THEN you hard stop, respect her boundary, and stop pushing for it completely.

When she says, "I'm on my period." the only response you should give is "So?" then say you don't mind and you'll use a condom.

@Leo Gura I had a girlfriend last year where I spent the night at her place. We were headed to bed, but before we went to sleep I started coming onto her, she said she was too tired to have sex. I said alright that's fine and we tried to sleep. 30 mins went by and we couldn't fall asleep because of the weather (it was summer/noAC) so I started to go down on her and fucked her, she obviously changed her mind without saying anything because she loved it and got her energy back and didn't turn me down at all.

As guys it's our responsibility to take initiative and be forward about going after what we want. This doesn't mean get it at ALL costs. You push for boundaries to see where they are set but when you see them, you have the integrity to respect them. The difference between a healthy masculinity and "rapey" vibes is pushing and having the awareness and social skill to recognize where boundaries are and exercising self-control and integrity.

As for the second girl @Anon212, it sounds like she wants a relationship and not for you to just pump her and leave. So if you just want one night stands you should show some respect and not waste her time and move on. I don't know exactly what you want though so that's up to you. It sounds like she is giving you a good opportunity for a relationship which means consistent sex, not just spotty times where you may or may not being someone home from a club.


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1 hour ago, puporing said:

Some people just care more about romance than others, there's no shame in this. :x

Hey I love romance too ^_^! It's just not where this guy is seems to be at right now based on what he's said.


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20 minutes ago, Roy said:

Hey I love romance too ^_^! It's just not where this guy is seems to be at right now based on what he's said.

Oh my bad, I can see how that can be misinterpreted - I'm lumping romance with sex. I guess it's all the same to me rofl. 

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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18 minutes ago, puporing said:

Oh my bad, I can see how that can be misinterpreted - I'm lumping romance with sex. I guess it's all the same to me rofl. 

I see your perspective. Most romance (I'd say) goes with sex, but not all sex goes with romance.

I think this whole thing would be easier to talk about if everyone was just clear and communicated with each other exactly what they want. A lot of issues come up when that isn't done because a disconnect arises and people don't understand each others intentions, and get confused/angry when they behave in a way they don't expect.


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15 minutes ago, Roy said:

I think this whole thing would be easier to talk about if everyone was just clear and communicated with each other exactly what they want.

Makes sense, I'm guessing most people interpret the word 'romance' as some kind of lovey-dovey/gentleman-like thing that would exclude behaviors outside of that?

There doesn't seem to be a good word for something like pick-up/sexual exploration but I guess I just proposed two. 

It's the same problem when people talk about "love" and some people include sex (esp the weird stuff) in that and some don't.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

ook me 2hrs once to get a girl to let me fuck her once I got her into my bed. 2hrs of patiently escalating and slowly seducing her despite her token resistance and coyishness. I had to pull her pants off inch by inch. Every inch took work. 2 fucking hours in my bed till sex. The sun was already up! Finally she said: Go get a condom. This was the hottest girl I ever fucked. She played so many games with me.

Is this the same girl who you said was lazy and lay there like a starfish not making any attempt to please you ? 

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just empty bullshit words! those are excuses like saying I've had trauma, I'm on my period. if they ain't give that pussy, It means that you haven't still made them fully attracted sexually to drop their pants for ya. coz if she wanted to have sex with ya, she would do it with dripping blood from her pussy.

indeed, I fucked a girl on her exam night while she was able to ditch me and say no!



"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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If you have to coerce a girl into sleeping with you by being overly persistent she’s likely just giving in because it’s easier for her than keep rejecting. I agree with @Preety_India Pestering women for sex reeks of desperation, especially for a one night stand, 2 hours is a long time to be trying to get into someone’s pants - sounds like she just gave In because it was easier than keep saying no. It’s just alot of pressure.  No doubt she regretted it the next day, but as long as you got what you want who cares right? 

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1 hour ago, Etherial Cat said:

After that, I spent the next 3 days in bed, and then weeks wondering if I should have filed a rape case. At age 20 I didn't, but now I 100% would.

On what basis?



Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Just now, Etherial Cat said:

Isn't it obvious?


I'm sorry but it's not that obvious to me.

How exactly was it rape if you consented? You didn't say no. How should he know to stop? Had you said no, then yeah I am 100% with you.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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By the time I am done seducing a girl she is literally begging me "Please fuck me!"

I make her say Please again and again.

It ain't rape.

Then again, I also get girls asking me to rape them. Also not rape.

If she's in my bed she wants to be there. So please spare me the rape accusations.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Leo is advocating suddenly escalating, if you have sex using this method or not she wants you to commit to her long term and has fear of getting attached to you and you leaving her.

So will you commit to her or not? Do you see long term prospects?

if not the ethical thing to do is find another partner.

Leo might be over selling that all female games are just games that need to overcome. In leo's case after he seduces the shit out of them he takes care of them as a loving person that he is, but will you do the same?

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Just now, Etherial Cat said:

I said no 100x.  ?‍♀️

One firm no would have been enough.

See, lots of women say no in a nilly willy way just to test a man's perseverance, so how should a man distinguish between a test and an actual rejection?

Just now, Etherial Cat said:

Beside, rape victim often freeze or cut their loss in front of various type of constraint or fear. For this reason, the law has adapted itself in various countries in Europe in the last decade, and a non ambiguous yes needs to be given. That is to palliate the lack of consideration given to one of the typical fear response to a threat people have. Flight, fight or freeze. Lots of women freeze, when the two other options are out of reach.

The definition of rape keeps evolving. A few decades ago you couldn't rape your spouse and consent was presumed if the victim didn't get assaulted in what are textbook circumstances. Now, various countries are moving to a non-ambiguous active yes. The quality of the yes is what will become the standard in the next decades.

I am all for that. And I am for women developing their boundaries and communication, too.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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4 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

None of these women want to get raped by a guy for real.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If a girl gives a hard NO, you stop.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Etherial Cat said:

I had a guy wearing me down for hours once, until he extorted "consent" out of me because I was so tired and he wouldn't let me sleep.

That was a friend of a friend living nearby a club I had celebrated a birthday at.

He promised me I'd get my own bed, a PJ and he'd sleep on the couch. Turns out, once there he sneaked into the bed and started a long process of harassment to get what he wanted.

As this scene unfolded, I kept wondering how far he would go, because his attempt of wearing me down increased gradually and I felt extremely vulnerable and scared he would eventually resort to force If I would just pack my stuff and leave. His constant way of not taking "no" for an answer made me suddenly realize he just didn't hear that I was not interested and I felt very unsafe. Also, his roomate was sleeping on the couch next to the entrance door, and I was wondering whether I was actually trapped and he'd blocked the way out.

Giving in gave me the impression to be somewhat in control... when I had actually lost it. 

Obviously from his perspective, he must have probably all of my resistance "down and game"... but he was just a scumbag rapist. A lot of rapist do not see themself as crossing the line and will self-deceive themselves into a reason why what they did is ok.

After that, I spent the next 3 days in bed, and then weeks wondering if I should have filed a rape case. At age 20 I didn't, but now I 100% would. That guy earned me 11 years of unresolved PTSD as of now.

I can't remember in detail what happened and the thought of him make me want to throw up.And I'm adamant that I would never had let this dude touch me in other circumstances than him scaring me of rape.

And this is exactly why the kind of advice given here can lead to extreme harm. Some people are just out of touch with how other people feel and they will not notice when they just push boundaries and make others feel uncomfortable. The attitude of "I have to just push and push until I get to have sex with her!" can very easily lead into the rape-territory, because women tend to want to avoid confrontation.


23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

By the time I am done seducing a girl she is literally begging me "Please fuck me!"

I make her say Please again and again.

It ain't rape.

Then again, I also get girls asking me to rape them. Also not rape.

If she's in my bed she wants to be there. So please spare me the rape accusations.

The issue is that people might regret their choice afterwards. When you push someone until they are super horny, they might do things that they would otherwise not want to do, similar to when they are drunk. Instead of being so defensive about this I would recommend to self-reflect and adopt responsibility for possible harm you might cause.

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@Leo Gura In this case she has fear of him not committing or that hes not the one, why is this just a game shes playing for him to be overcome? 

Edited by integral

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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11 minutes ago, Etherial Cat said:

All of my no were non ambiguous and firm.

So you're at that dude's apartment and you just want to stay the night, but you're not willing to get up and leave if he's disturbing you. Doesn't seem like a firm no to me. It seems like you chose to exchange sex for sleeping there instead of going back home because it's easier.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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