I Dont Understand Why Leo Deleted his latest video

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I have not watched the video but I would like to.

I think Leo is getting corrupted in order to maintain a certain brand. 

If you create something, it means that you want it. But then after few reactions you delete the video. 

Leo doesn't go all the way.

But I think if you value Truth above everything you would be willing to go all the way like a Gandhi, Jesus, CheGuevera.

I see survival concerns overriding Truth and corrupting Leo's work to a severe degree. 

Now we will be left with content that it's not too distressing to anyone ego. 

But that's not what attracted me to Leo. What attracted me to Leo is that he would say things that noone else would dare to say. Like the consequences of oneness episode. Now that appeal seems to be disappearing. 

Maybe Leo was a lot more brave when he was younger. I don't know. They say people become more fearful as they age. 

Also I noticed some abuses of power by him on this forum. And  he calls fear, caution in many cases to justify his fearful behaviour . That's just my observations. Maybe I am wrong in some regards. 

I expected more from Leo. Obviously he has done an amazing work. But he is not the hero I thought he was. No disrespect to him. 

I am also not brave enough to die for a noble cause. Actualized is first and foremost a business. That's what I realise more and more. Its not super revolutionary because that would mean bad consequences and bad business. Unfortunately none of us is truly Godlike. It's too much to ask from mortal humans who want to survive. 

Edited by SQAAD

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We are all going through something rough this year. Lets give eachother a break. And not speculate to much about what we "think" we know about the situation. What if it turned to be for a very very good reason? Lets just trust in whatever ends up happening.
At the end of the day, what matters is that we show our support. Just like if we would be in the same situation as he is in.
Lets not take for granted all the things he has done for us. For free even! Least we can do is to show some appreciation.

Also the work is not about Leo, Ghandi, Jesus or whoever. Its about You :)

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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@SQAAD he should never have been the hero you thought he was.  You may have fallen into the trap.of making it about the teacher and not what is being pointed to.  Be careful about that.  You already know everything that was said in that video because you've been on the forum for years and also have heard all of his videos.  You should be less concerned with Leo and more concerned with validating the deep Truths being pointed at here for yourself.  For if you were truly able to do that Leo would no longer be required other than entertainment that you could let go of at any time.  But right now I think you got attached to him and gave him some type of Godlike status in your mind.  Notice this and address it.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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54 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

But I think if you value Truth above everything you would be willing to go all the way like a Gandhi, Jesus, CheGuevera.

But nobody actually wants "the truth" even if they say or think otherwise.  People don't want their reality bubbles completely popped - just expanded to the degree they are comfortable with at any given time.  How would they even function otherwise? Truth is more than a theory or an explanation or model.  It implies a need for a complete revolution in personal cognition, feeling and behavior.  Are you actually ready for that, or do you just like hearing explanations?


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Stop speculating. I will explain in a future video. Calm down. One video gets deleted and you guys are losing your shit like I threw your grandma into a woodchipper.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura 

people were excited for a new video plus this one seems to have had a lot of anticipation in general. Double whammy.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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People have shown, including myself at times, that these teachings can have rather disastrous consequences. If he chose to take it down, maybe it was truly the best course of action.  

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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44 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

People have shown, including myself at times, that these teachings can have rather disastrous consequences. If he chose to take it down, maybe it was truly the best course of action.  

Yeah, I honestly feel like it was probably a good move.  Imagine the PR nightmare Leo would face if a few mentally unstable blokes killed themselves over the content of that video. We all know Adeptus Psychonautica would have a field day. 

Edited by The Lucid Dreamer

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I managed to watch the whole video before it got deleted. What Leo said is nothing new to someone who already knows this stuff, he covered stuff I already figured out on my own, but it's very controversial to someone who's new to spirituality. I can see imagine some unhinged lunatic twisting Leo's word and doing something dangerous to themselves or others if they were inclined to do so. I'm glad I watched the video but it was the right move to take it down.

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48 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

We all know Adeptus Psychonautica would have a field day. 


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Just take what is there and use if it works. Don't do the personality, manners or decorum dance. You are doing what you hate from others but in reverse.

A few questions:

Why do you think taking down a video is false.
Why do you think leaving up a video is true.

Why can we not correct something, or remove something.
Why can we not watch what we say when speaking to thousands or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

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By the way with the level of censorship we are increasingly under, I would say almost everyone, everywhere is not getting a completely clear channel of communication. Search engines list what 10% of the internet now? I hate it too but blame the platform, or the voices complaining to it, or the reasons they have, or what was done to them to give them those reasons, or the parents of people who traumatized them two generations ago. 

Its always the loudest voice, the most money, or the most traumatized that dictate the extremes of what can be watched or is allowed in society, separating out the rest and thus causing or accentuating the divisions we see.

Edited by BlueOak

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I find it hilarious how the forum just can't seem to let this solipsism video thing go xD

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

One video gets deleted and you guys are losing your shit like I threw your grandma into a woodchipper.

xD Too funny... and they are losing their shit, which doesn't show much growth. Oh-well. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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1 hour ago, Inliytened1 said:

@SQAAD he should never have been the hero you thought he was.  You may have fallen into the trap.of making it about the teacher and not what is being pointed to.  Be careful about that.  You already know everything that was said in that video because you've been on the forum for years and also have heard all of his videos.  You should be less concerned with Leo and more concerned with validating the deep Truths being pointed at here for yourself.  For if you were truly able to do that Leo would no longer be required other than entertainment that you could let go of at any time.  But right now I think you got attached to him and gave him some type of Godlike status in your mind.  Notice this and address it.

You made some pretty good points that I have to consider. 

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8 minutes ago, Ananta said:

xD Too funny... and they are losing their shit, which doesn't show much growth. Oh-well. 

They, them, the other. The ones who want something different than we do. Behave differently. Look different. Act different. Not us. No me. Not whole. Separated from us. Judged and having that separation reinforced in their own identity.

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@Leo Gura

1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

one video gets deleted and you guys are losing your shit like I threw your grandma into a woodchipper.

But I want to watch that video. Now that it is deleted I just want to watch it even more Ahahaha ?

Edited by SQAAD

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@SQAAD Do 3 hours of determination sitting and notice  you can only experience yourself and its only you thats more exciting than any video;)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I think he already planned to remove it when he put it on. he's too smart and calculating a guy to spontaneously change his mind about something so serious. a brilliant movement...or am I wrong? Possible. very interesting to be a spectator of the function. thanks leo

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