
How does Oneness seperate itself so well?

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30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You are all there is.

The problem is you're not conscious of it.

There is only one channel.

- - - - -

I will not say more. Discover what's true for yourselves.

Be ware, going this deep will melt your whole reality. Do not go there unless you must have the Truth at any cost. There will not be anyone there to comfort you. You will be all on your own. I will not be there to hold your hand. But there will be endless Love ;)


Heed these words.  You will more than likely have an existential crisis or psychotic break which you will recover from if you are lucky.  But it will shake you to your core.  The plus side is that you will know liberation beyond all words.  You will be directly conscious that this entire thing is all yours.  All of it is all yours and yours alone.  But you will be alone.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Leo GuraIgive up. Too much paradoxes in my head. Also Reinkarnation, whole circle, Oneness. Where is oneness if this very finite experience right now looking at the screen is all there is. Or am I the experience myself, then there would be no difference whatsoever which infinite being I experience because experience stays the same, it is the only constant. 

Maybe I speak from relative and you from absolute Perspektive. Or some complete New perspective. 

Am I as God holding infinite beings in my consciousness right now or not 

Drawing A picture would be best or this White paper video where you showed how infinity works. That was so good to understand (at least intuitive) 




Edited by OBEler

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3 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Heed these words.  You will more than likely have an existential crisis or psychotic break which you will recover from if you are lucky.  But it will shake you to your core.  The plus side is that you will know liberation beyond all words.  You will be directly conscious that this entire thing is all yours.  All of it is all yours and yours alone.  But you will be alone.

How will they be alone when they don't exist? You are all that exists. Everyone else is imaginary.

< This is the paradox that people are having trouble with. Can a better explanation clear this up, or is that as far as language can take it?


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4 minutes ago, axiom said:

How will they be alone when they don't exist? You are all that exists. Everyone else is imaginary.

< This is the paradox that people are having trouble with. Can a better explanation clear this up, or is that as far as language can take it?

It is because it's such a shocking and radical recontexualization from being in a state of consciousness where there are others and other, to become conscious directly that you are the only Being that exists  and there is nothing outside of you.  Not to believe it, but to really truly know it at the level of Being.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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7 minutes ago, axiom said:

How will they be alone when they don't exist? You are all that exists. Everyone else is imaginary.

< This is the paradox that people are having trouble with. Can a better explanation clear this up, or is that as far as language can take it?

that you are alone (realize it is terrifying), that you are me, and that once the bubble of the ego has transcended we unite in the unity that we are, it is understood. but you and I are having a different relative experience. To Say there is only one, I don't understand

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Inliytened1 Thank you! I appreciate it. I have intuitively known most of this a long time. I remember being a kid and contemplating things like do my bedroom and toys exist when I'm not there playing with them? I wasn't your typical kid. I am very stable and healthy. I had a very high base line consciousness to begin with and have dedicated much of my time to seeking truth and awakening for almost 17 years. 

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28 minutes ago, axiom said:

So I take this to mean that language is utterly insufficient here even as a pointer?

I told your precisely how it is.

But deep awakening is required.


The scenario you've described is of course hugely paradoxical, and I have to assume that's a feature, not a bug. 

It's only paradoxical if you want to maintain otherness.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, OBEler said:

Am I as God holding infinite beings in my consciousness right now or not

Whatever you're holding is what you're holding.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Inliytened1 I was in psychosis for quite some time. Years in fact. I was also a brand new mother it was terrifying. I remember being at the hospital with my new born baby and then turned to my boyfriend and said "I still don't know if she is real" one day I just accepted it and consciously tried to leave "here" 

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27 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

It is because it's such a shocking and radical recontexualization from being in a state of consciousness where there are others and other, to become conscious directly that you are the only thing that exists right now and there is nothing outside of you.  Not to believe it, but to really know it at the level of Being.

Going to ponder this for a lot longer before I post more confused ramblings :)

Edited by axiom


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5 minutes ago, axiom said:

I think probably quite a few people on this forum have had such a realisation. More than might be assumed. 

But that realisation in itself does not necessarily take precisely the same form as the one Leo describes. 

Leo describes your sensory bubble (the one right now in which you are looking at your computer screen) as the sum total of everything that exists in the universe. Now personally, I would say that sounds like an egoic artefact resulting from a very powerful, almost overwhelming identification with the small self.

Why? Maybe that's just something you are appending to what is being said?  A good way to explain this is to watch the what is perception video.   The sensory bubble is Absolute Truth.  There is no perceiver.  It's just Pure perceptions without a perceiver.  So as actually to say they are perceptions isn't right because it slides in a hidden metaphysics that assumes a perceiver.  But what if that's not the case? What if it's just Pure Being or Pure Absolute Truth existing for itself?  And this Absolute Being was total and whole and Infinite.  It only imagines a perceiver or a subject /object duality and thus it also imagines a self/other duality.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Since it is One is has absolute power since there is nothing other that could stop it.

It can materializes whatever it wants without any restrictions. Not even the restriction of needing a method.

Notice that to require a method is already a limitation/restriction.

Notice that if you had no restrictions you could pull a rabbit out of thin air, because nothing would stop you. So this is how reality creates itself. It doesn't need anyone's permission.

@Leo Gura Yes, but is it not restricted to create something as opposed to avoid creating, is not that evident in all things always? 

If granted that the only thing it could not avoid doing is creating as evident by each of its products (or the singular one), then what about its particular products? Are they not evidently necessary as per experience alone? 

I would say so to an absolute certainty, it is here where my questions takes the predicate of the particular manifestations among the many possible ones and asks why ME in particular? To which the response again and again is both that it must be me for I am also the question, at which place there are no mysteries left except those relation among things that I naively accepted as me hitherto.

Why then call it a willing thing, if as Curt alluded to in your convo it is just as much a perfect restriction?

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48 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:


Heed these words.  You will more than likely have an existential crisis or psychotic break which you will recover from if you are lucky.  But it will shake you to your core.  The plus side is that you will know liberation beyond all words.  You will be directly conscious that this entire thing is all yours.  All of it is all yours and yours alone.  But you will be alone.

I was affraid of being alone when I started to awake and deconstruct my reality but then I realised that illusion of others is so well made that you can still get lost in it even if you know that they are actually you. 

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44 minutes ago, Reciprocality said:

Why then call it a willing thing, if as Curt alluded to in your convo it is just as much a perfect restriction?

Because Will and Absolute Truth are identical. Will is absolute.

Curt was being silly. Stop listening to him. He will never awaken at the rate he's going at.

If you become sufficiently conscious you will see that everything being created is your Absolute Will. You cannot change any of it because you are willing it already as it unfolds. All the restrictions are self-imposed.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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24 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

I was affraid of being alone when I started to awake and deconstruct my reality but then I realised that illusion of others is so well made that you can still get lost in it even if you know that they are actually you. 

Yep.  Since imagination is reality all you have to do is dream others up again. 


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Because Will and Absolute Truth are identical. Will is absolute.

Curt was being silly. Stop listening to him. He will never awaken at the rate he's going at.

If you become sufficiently conscious you will see that everything being created is your Absolute Will. You cannot change any of it because you are willing it already as it unfolds. All the restrictions are self-imposed.

@Leo Gura I referenced Curt as mere context, for indeed you are right as you've been before that his very purpose rests on him not ending up with anything tangible in itself. He is skeptical not only on synthetic judgement or claims but even on the very defining power he posses of words as a reference of analytical a priory concepts as evident particularly in his convo with Spira. I love him, but that is pretty insane.

All restrictions being self-imposed are the very predicate for my questionings above, you probably did not understand what I meant and i don't blame you. It is a tricky problem to explicate and even more gets lost in translation.


We are here, when speaking of things beyond experience we reference at all time our imagination and intuition such that the material world become a mirage of ourselves. We ask then why something at all? To which a response is that there were at no point anything else than 'something', this something is composed of no particular thing in opposition to any other particular thing but of no composition at all for it is infinite. Each time we reference the infinite we make a finite construct which never really has anything to do with the infinite other than as naive point of reference. (and in some sense the infinite already)

You say that this infinite is both absolute truth and absolute will. You say then that all restrictions are self imposed and for me to agree I then have to say that there truly were a nothing beside god from where god created all things, the contradictions if I did not say that occurs because to create something as opposed to not creating anything is a restriction. The absolute restriction to be sure.

But nothing is more absurd than a postulation of a nothing that exists, to which reason i conclude that the restriction of having to create something at all is actually the absolute ontological primary that not even infinite love/god can take away. 


I really can not get away from this issue, in some sense I am rid of any doubt concerning it yet afraid it shows the problem of language more than a great metaphysics.

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@Leo Gura Just to be clear, that existence is even a possibility blows my mind on a daily basis to the point where i question my sanity.

Yet they follow up with the most sane thing, namely pure awareness as a necessary thing from which alone gods will as infinite is accompanied trough the very restrictions that I where flabbergasted with the moment before.

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3 hours ago, axiom said:

@Leo Gura

Do you think it can be explained in a way that can be understood? Or is language itself imposing some insurmountable limitation here?

He is stating clearly that he realized everyone (such as you and me) are imaginary p-zombies. He's being very clear. Read between the lines, he's talking to himself. He does not believe you are reading anything he's posting or watching any video he makes.

I also took shit tonnes of drugs, nothing like that occurred, and it also never occured to Buddha or w.e.

The usual mystic solipsism differs from Leo's, as they concede others are not p-zombies, but merely that the experiences of others are had by their Self or nothingness, depending on tradition as there's no-self in Buddhism.

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14 minutes ago, RMQualtrough said:

He is stating clearly that he realized everyone (such as you and me) are imaginary p-zombies. He's being very clear. Read between the lines, he's talking to himself. He does not believe you are reading anything he's posting or watching any video he makes.

I also took shit tonnes of drugs, nothing like that occurred, and it also never occured to Buddha or w.e.

The usual mystic solipsism differs from Leo's, as they concede others are not p-zombies, but merely that the experiences of others are had by their Self or nothingness, depending on tradition as there's no-self in Buddhism.

Your in denial.  You told us in a previous post that you realized directly everything was your own Mind and it was total Oneness.  Exactly like a dream.  Unless i misunderstood you.  And you were not able to function as a separate self.

It doesn't mean zombies.  It just means they are being imagined by an Infinite Mind or Ifinite field of Consciousness.  This field is you. 

By the way- it's totally normal to have this awakening and then fall back into denial - simply because it's too much.  It's too much to stomach for the ego.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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