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What We Truly Are Is Love, And Joy...And Bliss

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Namaste, people.

I don't know if this guy's material has been posted on this forum before, but this guy is the guru of this apparent illusory dreamworld-dwelling non-existent self body-mind-organism, whose real self is consciousness or whatever.


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Obviously monks are very selfish people because they abandon everything for the highest joy.

The issue isn't selfishness but intelligence. How intelligent are you being with what you're chasing? The most intelligent people chase the highest things, the least intelligent people chase the lowest things.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Obviously monks are very selfish people because they abandon everything for the highest joy.

The issue isn't selfishness but intelligence. How intelligent are you being with what you're chasing? The most intelligent people chase the highest things, the least intelligent people chase the lowest things.

Oh, i don't think either my stupidity or selfishness is an issue which affects my ability to laugh at a guy's Youtube-videos.

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@Leo Gura maybe they are selfish but also having people soaked in peace and practice likely has positive ripple affects in the planet you aren’t addressing

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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Selfish and selfless are one, obviously.

You became selfish because you were selfless, and you will become selfless because you are selfish.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 hours ago, This said:

Namaste, people.

I don't know if this guy's material has been posted on this forum before, but this guy is the guru of this apparent illusory dreamworld-dwelling non-existent self body-mind-organism, whose real self is consciousness or whatever.



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On 2/16/2022 at 4:33 AM, Leo Gura said:

The issue isn't selfishness but intelligence. How intelligent are you being with what you're chasing? The most intelligent people chase the highest things, the least intelligent people chase the lowest things.

I use to have a similar perspective. I view it somewhat differently now. The more I awakened to know I am eternal and everything is entertainment. Ultimately there is no difference between my desire to awaken versus someone else exploring being asleep. When I was judging my pursuit of awakening as being better, I was viewing it through my limited perception of time and being a finite human. 

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