
How about support for Leo?

43 posts in this topic

I've watched the Solipsism video before he took it out. It was very interesting and excellent quality as always,

those realizations are super valuable, I really like it and so all his work.

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I don't know what happened, but.. keep it up @Leo Gura, your content is important.  Maybe, like, unlist controversial videos and post links here or something if it helps??‍♂️

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@Leo Gura

I'm honestly very happy for all what is going on. Leo and are alive and keep walking and evolving, so to speak. My first awakening happened when I randomly found one of his videos. Since I was a kid I was always obsesed with truth and while seeing his episode what is truth I cried of joy. Leo has helped me from relative (in dating and sex specially, such a breakthrough work) and in the absolute is beyond words. All what I thought impossible, leo just pointed it out like, hey it's this and I'm woah it's true. Just finished watching his blog video, you can just see how he is, I'm so happy for him! I'm really excited to see where is deploying, also his human form (xD) is relatively young so this has just began. I've personally loved radically changing myself because it's the only way to keep walking, as you can't do more than what you are, therefore changing who you are is compulsary. So I totally understand this turn and I'm warning everyone of you this is just the begining for sure, as it happened in the past with his work so it will keep happening, you can't put things in a box, the beauty is this self-transformative path that you must undertake to keep advancing forward, so to speak. I feel like all what is happening with Leo and is the foundation for "breaktrough", people will always be able to come here and find the pointers. I would personally love to find more of a how to rather than a "what you will find". For years this phenomena has been happening: Leo tells me "A", I reflect and that sounds good. Some months (usually years) later, while following my own way I have a realization and suddendly I understand "A". So I like it because I know that I am not deluding myself but the feeling that I always have is: couldn't you tell me how to arrive there more directly? I have to use my own shitty tools and when I arrive, yeah I find exactly what you said but what is the point? I am seeing it rigth now with my fucking eyes I don't need anything that you said. Moreover, before, it was absolutely and utterly imposible that I could even grasp what you were pointing at; I mean literally imposible I could even grasp. I need you to give me the best tools you have so that I can myself dig to the treasure. You bastard don't tell me all the diamonds, gems and gold there isxD! Yeah when I dig with my bare hands and they are all bleeding, I open the tresure and there I find the exact number of diamonds you told me, exactly cut with the forms you indicated and they are of astonishing beauty as you said. But I would much rather appreciate you gave me a shovel and said dig 50 metres, when you start finding rocks depending of the type take this peak or that one. I would love to learn how to wake up for myself not what I will realise when I do so, I will be enjoying it myself then:P!

I wanted to express my gratitude and encourage people to propel Let's all cocreate this work. Leo you have all my support and I wish you the best!:x

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Here are some improvents I got in my life thanks to Leo's teachings:

- I love myself more

- I'm more kind with people

- I'm less prone to give up

- I have less fear

- I'm 100x more open minded

- I believe life can be magic

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Leo's how to get laid series could have been made into a course that could have been marketed for hundreds of dollars, its crazy. The dude blesses us.

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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Yess Leo deserves so much support for all the hard work he's done :x

I’m a trauma-informed spiritual mentor. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:


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Thank you for raising this thread!

It is easy to forget that we are all here because of the man's dedication, commitment and love. Leo has changed the trajectory of my life 360 degrees and I am 1000 fold happier than I was 4 years ago having turned interest into a passion and into a profession. 

Thank you Leo! Your work has changed more people than you will ever know even thou in our arrogance many of us like to forget that. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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Thanks gang :x

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why not use surveys with different questions that are randomly generated and create a metric that allows users to access the platform?

No idea how much brings, it just occurred to me.

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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Yeah if you ever get frustrated by certain comments Leo, you create immesurable value for me and probably many more

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The fact that Leo not only has dozens of 3 hour long videos for free on Youtube but also has a forumn where he personally answers dozens of questions every single day is something i personally really admire about him. No other Youtuber will do this for you to such an extent, they always charge for stuff. I remember the first time he gave an answer to a question of mine on a thread 1.5 years ago, i was legit blown away to the point where i had to click his profile to be sure it was actually him. Highly respect him for this alone.

Personally, his videos have really changed my life. Made me MUCH less judgemental, much less obsessed with comparing myself with others (still am but WAY less), greatly improved my understanding of politics and society and arguably jumped me from the achiever to half-way pluralist on the 9 stages of ego development model.

So yes big THANK YOU to you Leo! :)

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Love to Leo! 
no matter what you decide to do with your life, you’ve already gone above and beyond any other teacher 

Even if you never release a video or a course ever again, I and so many others will always be eternally grateful for your profound work 

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Leo's teachings have given me the keys to unlock my genius and full potential. 


I love Leo very much. He is one of my favorite imaginations. 


The way I want to pay Leo back the most is by embodying his teachings. I will do this by becoming one of the most conscious people on the planet, while also manifesting my life purpose that will aid in evolving mankind to higher consciousness.


When I get very popular and have my life purpose established, I don't think I'm going to be shy with talking about what my influences were. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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@Leo Gura Yes, we support Leo ! 

Apologizing if some previous comments were taken as making fun or mocking, that was not at all the intention. 


Edited by somegirl

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