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The Path To Infinity

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intriguing Title isn't it?

Want to become enlightened?

Then maybe, just maybe I can help you on your path. Now don't get me wrong, I am no master. But if you can trust in my words and really read between the lines, then reading my journal, might help! Maybe? Who knows. Can't hurt to try can it?


First of all, I am going to take the Liberty, of giving you a very brief background, in order to give you some perspective.

Don't worry I know your not really interested in me, that's okay your not supposed to be right, your supposed to be interested in you. That's how A self is. 

"Your the Centre Of your own universe" 

Nothing wrong with that.

My names Callum Aylott, I am 21 years old. I have been going deep into enlightenment for just under a year now. But have made serious progress because I have done nothing but study enlightenment, meditate, contemplate, and enquire, for this entire time.

I am not joking.

The moment I get up, first thing I think about, to the moment I go to bed, last thing I think about.

I am obsessed!

 Early in 2016 I left my job. And haven't been back to work since, I have spent all of my time, and I mean all my time, trying to get enlightened.

Haven't had a social life, 

Haven't done any of the normal everyday things that I am sure you have had your hands full with.

Like, friends, job, activities, TV, relationships and so on.

This is how I have made so much progress.

Now there are so many great teachers out there, videos on YouTube, Books ect. And I am in no way trying to compare my self to these masters that have pointed the way for so many, including my self.

But maybe I can go into the smaller details that these masters don't have time for.

First of all if you are interested in enlightenment then I am going to give you some names that I recommend you to check out, I do apologise, if you have heard of these people, but it could be of help to someone out there.

Peter Ralston, Adyashanti, krishnamurti, Alan watts, mooji, eckart tolle, Osho, ramana Maharashi, papaji, shunyamurti, Jed McKenna,Rupert Spira, and of course Leo. There are more but none that spring to mind at the moment.

Okay so....

I have had maybe 10 enlightenment experiences, through out this entire time of study, I will go into these in detail at a later date.

Where am I at right now? Good question.

My mind is completely Fucking empty! When I look at something, the door on my right for example, there's just a door! Nobody  looking at it.

I have spent so much time in and out of egoic consciousness, and pure silent consciousness, that it has ripped a hole in my psyche. And thoughts don't have the entrancing capacity they once did.

Its like these thoughts know they are not gona get anywhere now, so "monkey mind"  has reduced dramatically.

There is no self, and when that is fully, realised then how can a thought trick someone, there isn't anyone to trick. 

I want to help you, I am going to go into all the tricks of the mind, by giving you examples I have experienced, things to look out for, I will explain what a enlightenment experience feels like, transformation of the self, and more. 

So stick around I'll post whenever I get the chance.

Peace out.


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Okay, I hope everyone out there is doing okay, I hope your all well healthy, happy and are enjoying your life :)

Off course if your having a tough time of it then I hope you can really listen to my words and go beyond them, meaning once I have said something see it for yourself and then burn the words I said at the stake ;) (metaphorically Speaking)

Because this is coming from direct experience, and nothing else.


"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the the present moment."



  • Being Present

This is your ticket to golden factory ladies and gentleman, if you can be in the present moment from now on then that is going to be a key factor isn't it. Because that's what enlightenment consist of, being in the present moment, what else is there?   Time,

Time is thought. Very simple. 

If you didn't have thought there would be no time, see that please.


Look in front of you with out time let it go. If thought arises recognize it as time and its bound to arise, thoughts only quiet down when there not given much significants and importance. 

There just another aspect of this phenomenal Field you are experiencing.

All of the knowledge You have let that shit go there just more sensations in this phenomenal Field.

Look at reality directly, see it directly. Without identity, if you have the sense of you as a self, that's just more sensations in the phenomenal Field. 

Look at reality exactly how it is. 

You are the silent watcher.

everything is happening by its self, nothing needs to be kept up. No effort to be in the present moment.

you are always in the present moment but thoughts, keep ones experience in time. 

There's nothing else but what is.

This place, stay here from now on, this is what we call psychological death cut-out all the b******* and let go of the Self if you have belief which no doubt you do. that's what creates a sense of a psychological self. 

Your going to have to losen your grip with thoughts, all of them.

By ignoring them and being present. That's the only way you will find silents in your life. Silents is another word for what you are. That's what enlightenment is, complete silents, emptiness.

No thought will get you there, you can't figure out how to get enlightenment, because there isn't anyone to get enlightened, you see. 

Its only by letting go off the attachment to the psychological Self, by ignoring it from now on. The whole mind- (Concept)

Such As,

memory, fantasy, opinion, judgement belief, basically any sentence you say to yourself, you need to give it all up. a lot of people on here are very dogmatic and you can tell that they are still living in there heads because they are attached to the thoughts that appear inside of their awareness.

There attached to themself. not realising how much mastery thoughts have over them.

I am getting tired now. so I will give it a rest for one day. There is still so much to say, but I will leave it for today. 

There still so much such as the state of not knowing, enquiry, Infinity, the intelligence of your true being And so on. 

Let me know what you think in the comment section if it was helpful at all.

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"We are emptiness Beyond the concept of emptiness" - Callum Aylott 2017.

the silent space, is what answers all questions, to find it is the problem because there are layers of ego occupying awareness, and awareness naturally places its attention on movement, I have observed this in my own experience, for example looking at the sky, that beautiful clearness on a winter day, a almost baby blue colour " wonderful" and various kinds of birds will glide past, the awareness naturally and spontaneously follows the movement of these creatures passing by.

Observe this yourself one day.

And this is the same with thoughts, thoughts arise spontaneously, they come and go, just like the birds in the sky, and awareness naturally, gives attention to them, and if you are thinking all the time, there is no attention given to the space in which these thoughts occupy. 

Alan watts said if you spend your whole time thinking, you end up only thinking about thoughts, and its true, we live in our own world of the way we think things are,and don't take that lightly, thoughts have a very powerful effect on the way we perceive everything.

Most of humanity has never thought to question thought, to more clearly see thought, one has to observe thought, outside of thought.

Is there a thinker of thoughts?

It sure feels like it doesn't it, the voice in your head sounds very similar to the voice that comes from your mouth.

Only one can answer this question themselves. Because its needs to be a answer from only direct contact of what is, rather than a answer, which is a sentence and that won't satisfy, will it?

Meditation, is for enjoyment purposes, if you meditate to achieve some sort of state, you are only strengthening the ego, the ego is trying to get away from ego, the very trying is the problem, is the ego.







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Just a quick one ;)

The importance of living life, with the primary directive of being aware.

If you haven't watched leos video on awareness, (one of my favorites) then I recommend you watch that or listen to it, more than once.

A book by osho called awareness is a very good book you can read, you can read some of it for free on Google books.

I went for a walk today, in the park it was lovely, the sun was shining, the trees looked beautiful, it was a bit chilly, but that sense of freshness to the air accompanied it. There was a silents to it all, a peace.

It was so enjoyable, just to be aware, to be aware of silents.

We all have our lives to live, I know that, and sometimes might not have time to meditate, or contemplate

But if you separate your spirituality from your life, meaning you see them as two separate things, you probley won't get enlightened. 

Be meditative throughout your entire day, ( yes you can do that) when your at work, when your having a conversation with someone and so on. 

If you just meditate one hour a day and then you go back to sleep the rest of your day, you will miss SO much!

You need to realise being aware is the most joyful thing you can do, it may take a while of hard work, of being really attentive, but one day it will pay you back 100 fold.

This is something that takes seriousness, its not a fucking joke.

Sorry to swear then, but you have no idea what you will miss out on in your life, if you don't listen to what I am saying here, I can't do it for you, no1 can, this has to be your decision.

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink it"

If you don't do it, maybe you will have a pretty good life, some money, partner, job ect. 

These things are great, but there only surface joys, if you want the depths of existence itself, to know ones true nature ( and no it doesn't need to be up held or remembered with a bunch of knowledge) 

You wont need here say or philosophy, you will be the truth.

The very nature of the mind is suffering, so if you don't transcend mind, you will never be as happy as you could have been.

This is a way of life! I know myself even in the short time I have been raising consciousness the joy my life is, just by being more aware, its so exciting to imagine the depth of awareness one can have after 40 years of hard work.


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