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How to stop cutting corners!

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As the title says I’ve been cutting corners at my new job. I’m worried at some point they will have had enough and I’ll get fired. I work as someone in charge of a store’s inventory and boxes.

I don’t completely fuck them over everyday by any means. I do my job completely well majority of the time. But there are times where I know I’m bullshitting them or making excuses so I have an easier day.

today was one of those days. I didn’t fill the cash register with enough change so they were short, and I didn’t bring enough boxes to one of the stores. It’s not the end of the world because the stores aren’t that busy so they can send someone else if they really need to.

But I of course still bad. Feels icky. Made things confusing for someone. 

I have chronic fatigue from a suspected infection, and I’m seeing a doctor this week. In the moment I know what the right thing to do is, but I’m so fucking lethargic that the idea of doing it is monumental. Some days I kill it at work, others I just want to work bare minimum then go home.

Any thoughts?

Edited by UNZARI

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Everybody has good days and bad days at work. Very few people give their job 100%, especially not every day. If you could see how truly unproductive some of your fellow employees are, you might be shocked.

It's good to hold yourself to a higher standard, but you might just be an overachiever being too hard on yourself. 

Think about how much you get paid, and realistically how much work your boss should expect to get done for that amount. If you think you've done a fair amount of work, then I wouldn't feel too bad about it.

It sounds like you're giving it 100% even though you're sick. The problem is that 100% while feeling fatigued and lethargic can never amount to the same as 100% while at your peak. 

Have you talked to your boss/manager about how bad you're feeling and how it's impacting your performance? If you've been a solid worker for years, I'm sure they would understand and just tell you to take it easy for a bit. If not... maybe they aren't someone worth working yourself to exhaustion over.

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as long as you don't get fired don't shame yourself too hard's just another greedy corporation (just one perspective)

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jobs are bs :) people expect workers to "do everything perfect" and have a "good work ethic" at things that our fundamentally misaligned with our natural human spirit and that drain our soul and life essence. 

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Just stop cutting corners. And you will feel better. But if you are tired, then stand up for yourself or forgive yourself.


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@UNZARI You should work for yourself. Obviously don't just quit your job right away but as long as you have a job you'll always be under someone's thumb. See Leo's video How to Escape Wage Slavery and make a long term plan


Edited by EternalForest

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Unless you have some sort of future there, don't bother to pour too much of yourself into that place. Improve your performance if you want to, but only do it if it directly benefits you. Exploit them as much as you can materially and to pad your resume.

They won't hesitate to do the same to you, and don't be under any illusions otherwise. 95% of business owners and leadership for companies don't view their employees as human, simply as tools at their disposal. It's a rare thing to have a good boss that compensates, rewards, and incentivizes it's workers. It's a harsh reality of how most humans organize work.



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@UNZARI If you're worried about feeling bad, you don't have to shame or guilt-trip yourself so much about it. I remember Leo saying something along the lines of "You can bullshit others, but at least be honest with yourself." You can become conscious about the act (you're aware you're doing it and why you're doing it: your fatigue from infection etc.), and see how better you feel. And once you've taken care of your infection you can decide and feel if you want to make up for it, adjust your lifestyle so you can handle such situations next time, whatever. You can ask yourself: What does it mean to live consciously in this situation?

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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