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preparing myself for my mom's death

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She's sick about to die how can I prepare myself for this to make it easier for me to heal and move on 

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Matt Kahn is great to listen to on this.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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I’m sorry for your impending loss

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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If she is still conscious and able to have a conversation (even if not) I'd think of all the things you'd want to tell her if you never got another chance. Or anything you want one last chance to ask her.

Basically tie up any loose ends, try as much as possible to not have regrets about things left unsaid. Especially if it's apologizing for something.

I would probably want to express gratitude, tell her that she was a great mother and that you appreciated all the sacrifices she made for you.

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You can't really prepare yourself. But allow yourself to feel throughout the process and not to rush it or avoid stuff or get reactive. Go through it day by day feeling and being mindful. And be gentle with yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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The same here. I don't know if i would feel anything. 

You can derive it from simple logic

Left means not right

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Let go and surrender + what @Leo Gura said. Let her death break your heart open. Allow whatever comes up to come up. Whether it’s a lot or only a little. 

My condolences to your mother by the way. 

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@B_HAZ If she still can hold a conversation, have a completion conversation with her of speaking about things that are still unresolved.

Look at her and feel grateful for her being here. Make it so that in your mind she is already gone and feel the gratitude to experience her right now. Holy fuck, I gotta cry right now. Become conscious of her presence here. Feel thankfulness and joy that she is here with you. This moment will end. At some point you won't see her again in her brilliant light. So, breathe in every detail of her presence & energy. Become still and notice every small thing that you are grateful for. Feel like every moment is the last that you share with her. Feel that gratitude. Isn't it the most beautiful and precious gift that you could ever been given? Her being here right now?

You love her so much. Tell her that and let her feel your love. Be conscious here right now. Every moment is infinity that you two spend together. Right now happening to you. Feel that gratitude.

After her death, take yourself time and be gentle to yourself. Feel every emotion that comes up even if you judge some to be disrespectful and unloving towards her. You have infinite time to heal. There is no rush.

What I suggest to you is two rituals

  • Right before bed, recall her and feel her presence. Let her feel your undying love.
  • Do shamanic breathing for 10 minutes. Then connect with the feeling of her presence and let her feel your love to her. Be open to her communicating anything to you.
Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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Damn, I'm sorry to hear that.

I'd probably speak with her about how I feel, and share those final moments with an open heart.

Leo's advice is solid, I agree, go day by day mindful, express how you feel to someone who listens, a therapist or a friend. I'd say expression is the way here.

Also, motherhood is something very special. In some sense, I'd say all women are mothers.

"See all women as mother. Serve them as your mother." Maybe letting some guard down and meeting a woman with an open heart, like a child, could be helpful. This is my intuition talking.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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Just be in the present moment and enjoy every moment and let it go

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