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1 hour ago, slicketygiggedy said:

But, like we've said, avoid the processed stuff because that will have rancid seed oils in them which are the bad fats. Good fats for cooking would be beef tallow, suet, or olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil.

I googles rancid seed oils, and apparently rapeseed oil is one of them and I use that. So just olive oil instead?

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@slicketygiggedy never heard of animal fats, what could that be? 

Is soy beans a bad source of protein? I have heard contradicting evidence on whether it´s good or bad, but my family had a period where we mostly just ate soy beans (organic) and I felt so good. Are they good though?

Also one more question: how do I make it so that I am getting all the nutrients I need? Like all the vitamins and stuff, how could I think in my veg, meat and all the other food choices I make. I know this is a bit of topic but I didn´t think that acne depended on diet so much, so it would be better to just have that discussion here.

@Michael569 would love your saying on this, your posts on other stuff has been amazing

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Animal fats are things like beef tallow, beef suet or pig lard. 

Organic soy, like tofu, natto or tempeh can be fine in moderation, it just depends because soy has xeno-estrogen in it which could potentially disrupt your hormone levels, flaring your acne. Plant protein isn't absorbed as well as animal protein. But if you felt good then it should be fine.

If you're eating veg and meat, you should be getting all the nutrients you need. For calcium you could eat bone broth. Maybe supplement with vitamin D as well if you don't get much sunlight.

If your concerned about vitamin levels just get a blood lab test done to check.

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6 hours ago, Yoremo said:

what´s up guys.

I have had acne for like 6 years now (from like 12 to now, 17 soon 18). I have gone to check it out and I have taken antibiotics for it, and also something called "epiduo", don´t know if that´s the same all over the world but that´s what it´s called in Sweden. So right now the skin care routine I have is basically just putting on a moisturising cream before bed which has settled it down a little, but not much. I think my skin is just pretty disgusting from not cleaning it properly, I also have blackheads on my nose.

Any reccomendations are appreciated, as I don´t know what to do because it seems like it never ends. Btw, epiduo and the antibiotics didn´t do anything long term, my acne slowed down for a week or two and then came back. And my skin also got super irritated by epiduo

@slicketygiggedy I’m so sorry you are struggling with acne! I hope you can find relief and something that works for you.

I used to get acne a lot when I was younger and noticed it would happen whenever I ate dairy and white sugar products. When I changed my diet it was gone. Your skin is the largest organ you have in your body. It sweats to eliminate toxins and cool down the body. Acne is considered by some holistic professionals a process of eliminating and detoxing things out of the body. I would try an elimination diet like many are suggesting here and see what happens! Best of luck to you! 

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@Yoremo acne has a strong genetic component and if one of your parents had it that's is higher odds of getting it too. Still, there much you can do

The reason it affects you at 18 is because you have not finished your physical growth and so there is a lot of tissue and cellular growth stimulation. Your growth hormone, testosterone, mTor, DHT and all anabolic pathways arw stimulated at this age and often as a side product what happens is excessive proliferation of cells on the skin and acne starts forming up. Think about it as a collateral damage. 

You can sometimes control it fairly well to a degree but not always. The more refined your diet is the worse. Saturated fats are absolutely horrible for acne and so are refined carbs and in many people dairy.

Get your diet as wholefood as you can. More towards plant based with limited amount of animal products from good sources. Ofcourse as a growing male you want to make sure you consume enough protein, calcium, zinc in food but a well balanced diet can match those needs. You may want to try going easy on dairy too. A high fibre diet may help control over expression of those androgen receptors that stimulate that dermal inflammation. 

Physical activity is important here too 

Keep your skin clean. Don't touch those blackheads with dirty hands, use some gentle cosmetics for it. I don't know much about specific creams for acne but it seems some people benefit from Azelaic Acid or Tea Tree Oil containing creams. 

Hope that helps

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I have this problem too..

On 15.2.2022. at 0:07 PM, Leo Gura said:

Cut out all diary and wheat.

@Leo Gura Are all dairy products equally bad? Yogurt is said to be good for digestion.

On 15.2.2022. at 0:13 PM, Leo Gura said:

@Yoremo Perhaps sugar, although I've never had problem with fruit.

I can eat a bag of raw sugar and it won't cause any acne. You can easily test that out. Acne takes about 2-6 hrs to appear after eating the wrong food. Fast for a day, eat a bag of sugar, see if any acne appears. You need to carefully monitor every item you eat and when each new pimple appears. Then you can find the causal connections between the two.

Make a log of every new pimple that appears and what you ate within the last 8 hrs of it appearing.

This is a great advice, I'm gonna try it!

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34 minutes ago, Mz Hyde said:

Are all dairy products equally bad?


It is for the purpose of eliminating confounding variables.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


It is for the purpose of eliminating confounding variables.

Right.. thank you!

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What liquids do you consume? I would suggest strictly limiting yourself to just water for a few weeks, to see what that does to your skin. I imagine it would help a lot. This means no flavored water either, straight from your tap into a filter preferably.

Changing your food consumption would probably help, but that will be a much more difficult and gradual change to commit too. The change in drinking habits is much easier to implement, so it's a good place to start.


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@RoyI drink water, lemon water and milk (no more milk now though). But lemon water can´t possibly be bad?

I will change my food consumption pretty radically from now on. Actually got my parents to accept this new diet of mine so they have agreed to let me do my stuff, do you think that will be hard? Honestly I´ll do it anyways cuz I´m sick of feeling bad and food is something I really want to change to healthy.

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Yea milk and dairy is terrible for your skin, it's an inflammatory. No more milk is great. Lemon water is probably benign, but I'd be even more purist and get rid of that too.

I would take some pictures of your acne once a week when only drinking water, the visible improvements will be motivating for you ^_^


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57 minutes ago, Roy said:

I would take some pictures of your acne once a week when only drinking water, the visible improvements will be motivating for you ^_^

thank you for that suggestion!

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Cut dairy, HARD. It has no place in your (anyone's) gut.

Sleep 8+ hours, and find ways to destress.

It's Love.

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I use to have really bad acne. I found that, I was able to really clear it up by improving my diet. I rarely have much on my face, but still a bit on my body every now and then. 

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