
Addicted to porn

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Hey I stopped watching porn for years and a month ago I felt again into it.
First days I was ok I'll watch it a last time and tomorrow I stop. 
I also made a promise to myself to stop watching porn but it was not enough, I was watching porn video again the next day. And now I've noticed that only after 2 weeks of jerking off to porn almost everyday, I've become addicted and it seems not so easy to stop 

Do you have good reasons or scientific reasons to stop watching porn & advice to break this addiction ?

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Nvm ?

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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Purify your mind.

Meditation, yoga, chiqong, whatever else you like. Just make sure it's high quality otherwise it won't work.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Gabith I have been addicted to porn (daily use) for years and one thing i've noticed is that when I feel better and happier about life I don't want to watch it. It's not something I force, I just don't have the same desire.

I've been having fun listening to music and dancing around my house, and usually I like to jerk off before bed but it seems like if I jerk off it will lower my mood so I don't have a desire to jerk off right now

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The book procrastination equation helped me to stop my addictions.  It sounds weird but it is too complicated to explain it here. 

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Get a high quality porn blocker that blocks, sites, apps, etc. Make it so that you couldnt access porn no matter how hard you tried. 

This is like 70% of the work ^. 

The other 30% is telling your loved ones (Letting out this behavior into the "world" and bringing people into the loop builds accountability and bonding/trust), building relationships, and exercise. 

This isnt just some nofap challenge, you can really let go of this behavior once and for all. Lets be honest, why would you ever want to watch porn when you can have awesome sex in real life, maybe im crazy but I see 0 reasons.

PM me if you got any questions on how to cope and get through this stuff, coming from another guy on this path, its been going well for me. Lets uplift each other. :)

Edited by Fearless_Bum

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Develop a healthy relationship with it. Start off by taking one day off, then two, then three, and so on. Until you reach a point where you can go a week without it. Then start treating it as an experience to be enjoyed once in a while. This I've found to be the best and most realistic way in the long term. 

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You are jerking off alot because you are not doing enough things that you like. If you were out of your house, at least out of your bedroom and not in bed, that wouldn't happen. 

Try adventuring for 1 week. Go out hiking, ride a bike, explore unknown areas like  rooftops or a skycrapper. Walk down in the City in áreas you have not walked. Break your routines for 1 week. Go out to club in week days.

Do random stuff like that and watch the magic occur. It will help you reset your memory from that habit to weaken its effect on you as you get back to your routine.

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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Watching anything is pretty dual, as right now you’re either watching or not watching it. The added narrative of a you, a past, a future, addicted / addiction is optional. In this sense at least, focus is also dual, in that there is whatever else focus could be upon. Trade focusing on the self referential narrative, for whatever else you prefer to focus on. 



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@Gabith Just do it to experiment, out of curiousty. Get excited for the experience waiting on you. Be a tourist in your own area for 1 week. 

Its just that you have to much of the same layers of energy. They repeat too much and you see no escape. With this approach your mind will open up again and at least free you for a while. 

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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2 hours ago, Fearless_Bum said:

Lets be honest, why would you ever want to watch porn when you can have awesome sex in real life, maybe im crazy but I see 0 reasons.

You're never going to get sufficient sex in real life to replace porn unless you got a rotation of 5 girls.

Nor will the quality of most girls you get match that of porn.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If it’s an even day of the month I watch porn, if it’s an odd day I don’t

Honestly I don’t really see what’s so bad about porn, or why it should need to be cut out completely

I think it is good to exercise some willpower over it and consume in moderation as with anything though

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You're never going to get sufficient sex in real life to replace porn unless you got a rotation of 5 girls.

Nor will the quality of most girls you get match that of porn.

So, does that mean that guys NEED to watch porn about at least one a week?

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Do NOT watch porn.

It will change the structure of your Brain in negative ways. 

Just watch naked women at best.

Do NOT watch other men fuck women. Watch any other sexual Material.

Use your own creativity & imagination. 

Humanity jerked off to his imaginations for millions of years.

Continue it. 

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fill your time with things you'd rather do instead and don't feel guilty bro, feeling guilty is dumb, there's no need for you to be punished you are a beautiful being. if porn makes you insecure then that's something else besides guilty, maybe you wish you had more dates or a committed relationship and porn is too cold and empty and it's not real sex lol maybe you should try to talk to girls like in leo's get laid videos. If you have this "i'm addicted syndrome" with other habits then maybe check for like religious trauma or verbal abuse or something, i got some of that from my dad, always thinking i'm doing the wrong thing. you got it bro, figure it out, it's just a screen it's not "bad". if anything denying yourself like those no-fap guys or normie christians would say fuck that, you deserve to NUT bro!!!!! be happy 

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There is nothing wrong with porn, or even using it a lot. It's good to release that energy. The problem is if you're using it in place of being able to have sex with someone else.

So yeah if you're using it because you don't have the skill to get laid, be honest with yourself about it and quit porn until you can.



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