
Addicted to porn

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Is it possible that you're searching for some kind of intimacy through it (besides meeting biological needs)? Or desire the kind of intimacy shown but do not have it in your life currently. Just a thought. 

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11 hours ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

porn women are fucking pixels on a screen. Real life women are actually real? Don't you think there's a fundamental difference?


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even though I have many scientific reasons for not watching porn. I request you to get back to your feelings. do you feel good or bad after watching porn? I know it might be a satisfaction meanwhile but after I know almost all men feel like crap. 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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2 minutes ago, hamedsf said:

but after I know almost all men feel like crap.

Never had that problem. Feels great every time.

Often feels better than real sex.

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45 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Never had that problem. Feels great every time.

Often feels better than real sex.

I think you’re projecting your outlier experience of porn onto everyone else who tries to cut down on porn.

Most guys feel like absolute garbage after a porn binge. Sex feels fundamentally healthy wheras a porn binge feels fundamentally dirty, like all my good brain chemicals have been drained. It’s kinda like the difference between feeling good playing a fun sport vs feeling “good” eating a Big Mac.

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2 hours ago, Medhansh said:

Dude wtf

It can't be possibly better than sex. I mean, what you fantazise about in porn, is what you do in real sex.

Many girls suck at sex. I can please myself better than most girls can please me.

1 hour ago, Joel3102 said:

Sex feels fundamentally healthy wheras a porn binge feels fundamentally dirty, like all my good brain chemicals have been drained.

Don't know what you're smoking.

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@Leo Gura You got it backwards. The better you are able to please a girl the more enjoyable the sex will be. 

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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You're never going to get sufficient sex in real life to replace porn unless you got a rotation of 5 girls.

Nor will the quality of most girls you get match that of porn.

@Leo Gura No ... just no. I dont know if you see how strange what youve just said is.

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(Opinion from direct experience…) Nothing is comparable to the emotional depth & physical intimacy of selfless sex in a genuinely expressive (honest) relationship, in which two are ‘fully’ in communion. Transactional objectification very much veils and limits, and is experientially opposite to authenticity as expressions of our being. This… is what’s avoided and kept at bay, and that is veiled with “addiction” to porn. Avoidance of opening up, intimacy. Vulnerability. Authenticity. Simple ‘regular’ maturity. 

1 hour ago, MarkusR said:

The better you are able to please a girl the more enjoyable the sex will be. 

?? Selflessness always paradoxically comes ‘right back around’… when genuine. 

Why not simple quit porn (when ‘addicted’)… 

because of how… I think… I will feel. 



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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't know what you're smoking.

You’re the one that thinks porn is better than real sex ?

I’ve never heard someone say that 

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14 minutes ago, Joel3102 said:

I’ve never heard someone say that 

I say that. Feels better, not is better. And not porn but masturbation in general. And it goes both ways, for girls and for boys. Sex toys are also more intensive feeling than anything you can get in normal sex I think.

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1 hour ago, MarkusR said:

@Leo Gura You got it backwards. The better you are able to please a girl the more enjoyable the sex will be. 

Cute, but no.

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I agree that porn / masterbation is better than real sex. 

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19 hours ago, Gabith said:

Hey I stopped watching porn for years and a month ago I felt again into it.
First days I was ok I'll watch it a last time and tomorrow I stop. 
I also made a promise to myself to stop watching porn but it was not enough, I was watching porn video again the next day. And now I've noticed that only after 2 weeks of jerking off to porn almost everyday, I've become addicted and it seems not so easy to stop 

Do you have good reasons or scientific reasons to stop watching porn & advice to break this addiction ?

   It depends on how a person views pornography and what stage, cognitive and moral development, state of consciousness and life experiences in other domains and sexual domain that one has, to put pornography in it's proper context.

   It also depends on how your consumption of pornography impacts your other areas of life including career, finance, relationships, intimacy, health and fitness, home environment, entertainment, hobbies, spirituality and emotional mastery. If, for you OP, porn has overall had a negative impact on more than half of those doamins of life, then consider quitting and figuring out how to quit in your own way. However, I suggest not to take pornography for granted, as pornography has a function ib society that it serves.

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Leo is right, 

I have had very cute good looking girlfriends. 

However I often prefer porn over Sex with real ones. 

I know it is not good for relationship and I should not Do that. But porn is in some ways better

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There’s something about having a real girl to grab onto that’s so much better.

However I can see how porn is better than sex if you’re in a relationship for a line time because you’ve become numb to that person. But not for a new person you’re attracted to 

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The counter-intuitive thing is we often think the addiction is the problem.

But it's the guilt that follows the activity in that keeps you in a vicious cycle. Stop feeling bad about falling off the wagon from time to time.

Also .. we need to stop categorizing things as an "addiction" so readily. Being addicted has two main traits:

  1. An inability to stop after repeated attempts.
  2. Participating in activity causes physical, mental, spiritual, financial and emotional harm to self and others.

I find rarely that occasional jerking off to porn results in the above. Make sure you are not being influence by societal programming that tells you expressing your sexuality is a bad thing. Healthy men are born horny .. we are designed to sow our seeds indiscriminately .. porn is often a healthy outlet to these (natural) animalistic cravings.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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20 hours ago, Gabith said:

Hey I stopped watching porn for years and a month ago I felt again into it.
First days I was ok I'll watch it a last time and tomorrow I stop. 
I also made a promise to myself to stop watching porn but it was not enough, I was watching porn video again the next day. And now I've noticed that only after 2 weeks of jerking off to porn almost everyday, I've become addicted and it seems not so easy to stop 

Do you have good reasons or scientific reasons to stop watching porn & advice to break this addiction ?

it sounds like you want to stop watching porn and jerking off, but your mind is looking for "valid reasons" to do so.

sperm cell is what is causing you to read this sentence and interpret it the way you are right now.

if you stop ejaculating for 2 weeks, you will  notice a difference in how you perceive and interpret everything.

going to porn now.

Your mind, is affected by what you provide it with, that is just the way it works.

if you are around people who are always complaining, it so happens that you will probably also be one of those people.

if you are around some of the hottest, most erotic, sexual photos and videos, it will also affect your mind.

it will affect the way your mind perceives and interprets women that you see in your life, and the way you interact with them.

The real bummer in this one is that women can really sense into these things, because it so happens that they are more sensitive creatures than men, and so when they sense how you are perceiving and interpreting them they will usually avoid you.

science is just bullshit your mind has created so that it can keep you hooked onto the dopamine spike you receive from watching porn and jerking off, evidence is just a word you are using to get some motivation to stop doing what you are doing.





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The ecstasy of real sex is much better than porn. The smells, the intimacy, the sweat, the immersiveness and interactiveness is unmatched in my opinion. I think it depends on what your kink is, my kink is a girl´s submissiveness.

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