
Sadhguru acknowledges psychedelics but not publicly

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In sadhguru videos you have seen about psychedelics , he is mostly talking about casual people who just wanna have fun and waste life kind of guys . In one his books , where he is talking about various things he doesn’t talk in public , which he only talks about with close groups , he has acknowledged psychedelics . This book is not new though , the talks are from the period 1994 -1999



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"Exchange of bodies using herbs" ?


Yea, it seems there is so much knowledge out there on these things. But for some reason only the very advanced ones have access or knowledge about it. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Too bad he became so mainstream so he can't really allow himself advocate what is truly sought for, if one is seeking Transformation. It is sad that all the so called gurus or spiritual teachers disregard Psychedelics, but after you take them it is obvious the only reason they do so is because Psychedelics are better teachers than any one else. Spiritual teachers or gurus can only communicate via mind, whereas Psychedelics expand the mind rapidly. They are fooling the masses so they can continue seat of the guru pedestal and get their teacher ego caressed. 

I haven't seen any genuine teacher that who had the courage to explore Psilocybin, LSD, Mescaline, DMT, Ayahuasca, 5-MEO-DMT and then come to his students and say that those are not teachers. No one ever did such a thing. They just disregard them, with no research whatsoever. This is irresponsible and represent their lack of maturity and openness. They doom seekers to eternal seeking and ignorance :( 

And yes, I do know that Ralston admitted to trip in his hippy days on Psilocybin and LSD. But Psilocybin and LSD are kindergarten in relation to DMT, Ayahuasca and 5-MEO-DMT. Spira admitted that he only smoked pot. Deepak admitted that he tried LSD on the age of 17, and that this was his first spiritual experience. All the other contemporary teachers never really did came clean regarding their use of Psychedelic, or lack thereof. At least not that I know of.

Have no mistake. I adore Ralston and Spira. I love them. Ralston even addressed the issue of Psychedelics and Awakenings on few occasions. He always dismisses them by claiming that "No experience is Enlightenment, not even an acid trip" or some sort. Well, this is of course correct, but completely misses the point. The point is that Psychedelics gets the mind to a state that allows for deep awakening to occur. If he would to try Ayahuasca, DMT, or 5-MEO-DMT, he would see why this is so. This goes for personal transformation as well. Ayahuasca can flush out the Shadows of the character very rapidly, which didn't prevent Mr. Sadghuru from claiming that by meditating people will get a ten-fold more than Ayahuasca, which is complete and utter nonsense. He then continue and defame Ayahuasca completely in a video ( that received 620,000 views. He didn't even did Ayahuasca! That is a joke. 

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@Batman Maybe Sadhguru is aware about what taking extremely potent psychedelics would do to the average human.
Just think about what harm a public acknowledgment would do - or maybe it wouldn't.

He also warned about legalizing weed because it could open the door for legalizing cocaine - his words, check for yourself.
I can say for myself that I took DMT in a time where I also did meth, heroin, ketamine, benzos, cocaine


Edited by Ima Freeman

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15 minutes ago, Ima Freeman said:

@Batman Maybe Sadhguru is aware about what taking extremely potent psychedelics would do to the average human.
Just think about what harm a public acknowledgment would do - or maybe it wouldn't.

He also warned about legalizing weed because it could open the door for legalizing cocaine - his words, check for yourself.
I can say for myself that I took DMT in a time where I also did meth, heroin, ketamine, benzos, cocaine


I seriously doubt that he is aware of what Psychedelics are, given that he never even confessed to try them. Given their widespread use throughout the existence of human culture, it is easy to consider them safe. The only reason there aren't enough research to back this up, is because Psychedelics breaks the social matrix that exist in the mind, which society isn't willing to accept right now. But hey, at least people can keep intoxicate their repressed shadows with alcohol and sugar. 

I am not dealing with legislation trends, but saying that decriminalizing cannabis would promote decriminalization of cocaine is just speculation. Those are different substances altogether. Apples and oranges.

As per your drug addiction history, I am sorry to hear that and I hope you are recovered and well. However, it sounds reasonable that a drug addict would try different types of substances. A drug addict only seeks the next high, and what is better than revealing the substance that will take him there? I'm sure that you can attest that DMT or Ketamine didn't provide the high you were seeking back in the day. Maybe they provided some escape from dealing with your problems, but they surely didn't supply the euphoria that comes with meth or heroin. The only "high" DMT and Ketamine can give you is by revealing the Truth, which can grant relief from mistaking yourself to be a mind or ego, which is the ultimate high, IMO.

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I think Sadhguru advises against psychedelics because most of them the way they're being done only produce temporary experiences. It's like if you gave someone a billion dollars for a day, then took it all away the next day. This high low crash experience in his eyes isn't valuable. You may have to work your ass off, but through yogic means, you can attain the same things but sustain them I believe is the logic behind his objection.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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If he said they're good I bet a lot of people will misuse it, their lives will spiral out of control and they'll blame it on him. I have a feeling he'll start talking about it in a decade or two if he's still around..

But I find it difficult to believe that he hasn't come across people who get enlightened through psychadelics

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Its a shame everyone from natural herbalists through to shamans, anyone with even a basic understanding of herbs is seen in a derogatory light by modern society. Even herbs in cooking is seen as an eccentricity. It'll be a great day when herbs are understood by average people again. There is so much in the way of that, from processed fast foods in modern hectic lifestyles, to modern medicine working with drugs for profit, rather than the plant or nature itself. Not to mention the criminalisation of people's own bodies and plants.

I would say more but i've forgotten more than I knew when I worked in the industry. It was like constantly pushing against a wall, I made some progress in the local town before we were forced to close due to business rate rises. Anyone who works in health food nutrition or therapy, and gives a damn knows what I mean.

I say all this after having lived with an addict for 20 years and all that means. Which if you've had those experiences you also know. So I saw both sides of this and I just want society, the law, the people runnings things to be responsible for once. Set up a structure for it, monitor it, in a safe and caring way. Sure make money of it too while you are at it. But remove all the stigma and deal with these things openly in an adult way. 

Edited by BlueOak

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15 hours ago, actuallyenlightened said:

If he said they're good I bet a lot of people will misuse it, their lives will spiral out of control and they'll blame it on him. I have a feeling he'll start talking about it in a decade or two if he's still around..

But I find it difficult to believe that he hasn't come across people who get enlightened through psychadelics

Yes because its not treated in a sensible way. Its not done in a group or communal setting, with appropriate safeguards and health concerns being addressed beforehand. Its often done behind closed doors, while people are looking to escape or get a high, and because its criminalised rather than an accepted part of society is going to attract people to it for the wrong reason.

Edited by BlueOak

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I looked at the video and he had some interesting comments.  He was correct in explaining the relation of ayahausca to purging of parasites.  He had this understanding because both India and South America have jungles where indigenous people practice purging.  But then he goes on to say that cleaning your digestive system has nothing to do with higher consciousness.  He seems to be ignoring the teachings of the seven chakras which is a unified way of looking at all the energies of the body.  Clearing the lower chakras, including the Solar Plexus Chakra (which would be involved with digestion) prepares one for higher consciousness.     

In fact, researchers say that the tryptamines can actually communicate with the enteric nervous system (the system that controls digestion) while the molecule is still in the small intestines.  There are receptors on the epithelium cells which line the gut.  This is why many people on aya get diarrhea.  Most of the serotonin of the body is in the gut.

Sadhguru’s comments on purging captured my interest because in my last ayahuasca ceremony, the abuela downloaded teachings to me on this.  It shouldn’t be surprising that the gut is related to higher consciousness, or that the body must prepare for this state.  After all, the brain is part of the body.  In the journey, my body was deliberately preparing me.   I would yawn and at the exhale of the breath, I would fall into a deeper state of meditation.  I could also feel the movement of my gut, and how the movements were preparing me.  I was being dehydrated to put me further in state.  It was like a deliberate algorithm – each yawn was calculated to deepen state.  Once my body had made preparations, I went into a deep meditation with intense visions.        

  Sadhguru also doesn’t seem to be aware that in the Amazon they have hundreds of plants that are used to purge the body of physical and mental parasites, and to purify the mind to receive clear visions.  It is a complex science.  In India they have Ayurveda, which also works on body, mind, and spirit.

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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12 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

He seems to be ignoring the teachings of the seven chakras which is a unified way of looking at all the energies of the body.

I believe he said that the Amerindians had a multipurpose intention of using things like Aya. Implying that he understands they were using it not only as an anthelmintic but also as an entheogenic substance as well. It just might be that Sadhguru didn't want to go into the mind-expanding properties of Aya at the time.


14 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

It shouldn’t be surprising that the gut is related to higher consciousness, or that the body must prepare for this state.  After all, the brain is part of the body.  In the journey, my body was deliberately preparing me.

This is why fasting prior to doing mind-altering substances is wise. Without a clean colon, you can't have a clean and stable mind.


15 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

Sadhguru also doesn’t seem to be aware that in the Amazon they have hundreds of plants that are used to purge the body of physical and mental parasites, and to purify the mind to receive clear visions.

I'm not sure why you think Sadhguru is so limited in his knowledge of Amazonian plant medicine.



Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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3 hours ago, actuallyenlightened said:

If he said they're good I bet a lot of people will misuse it, their lives will spiral out of control and they'll blame it on him. I have a feeling he'll start talking about it in a decade or two if he's still around..

But I find it difficult to believe that he hasn't come across people who get enlightened through psychadelics

Exactly, even already most people misuse it... They do psychs for entertainment purposes rather than real work




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