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What skills would you take to the Apocalypse (or Utopia)?

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In connection with one of the latest videos on Leo's blog with Daniel Schmachtenberger where they spoke about existential risk, here's a question

If we are headed for a significant and fast approaching global shift (anything from a complete apocalyptic breakdown to a techno-spiritual utopia), what do you consider to be some essential skills and assets to acquire?  It could be anything from certain ways of thinking, emoting, and interpersonal skills, to hands-on practical skills like wilderness first aid, permaculture, or being able to build a radio from scavenging your local neighborhood.  

Some ideas to get started:

  • Altering States of Consciousness:  in order to help problem solve, make decisions, and access wisdom and intuition more easily.
    • meditation
    • growing and using your own psychedelics 
    • breathwork
  • communication and teamwork skills
    • even for those of us who work better on our own, I think these skills will be crucial since, if things do "go to pot", being on your own will be a lot more difficult than being able to function effectively in a group.
  • Basic first aid. 
  • Basic survival skills (how to start fires, build shelters, stay warm andn dry, etc.)

These are obviously applicable for an Apocalypse scenario...

... But what about skills and assets that would be essential for an ideal outcome?  Some sort of globally harmonized super-culture infused with the best of tech and spirituality together?  A sort of galactic lightpost (lol... I don't want to sound like a nutjob here)?

  • The ability to love unconditionally
  • Highly advanced and complex cognitive abilities
    • how would you even develop this?  ... psychedelics perhaps.  
  • Intense creativity. 
  • Intense motivation, passion, and drive. 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Matt23 goddamn SEXUAL SKILLS MANNNN!! ! xD

you know if we are gonna go for a  universal super culture, there probably are hot alien girls out there!!!! 

if there's an apocalypse, why survive it bro?


my mini-blog! 

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22 hours ago, Matt23 said:

If we are headed for a significant and fast approaching global shift (anything from a complete apocalyptic breakdown to a techno-spiritual utopia), what do you consider to be some essential skills and assets to acquire? 

I suspect it will be neither of those extremes.

But if we’re playing this game, the ability to endure harsh temperatures (i.e wim hof style) would certainly seem to help a bit.

But honestly, if it’s a full apocalypse then even that will not be enough. Your ability to make a fire from wood means shit if there are no trees. In fact, without plant life you won’t even be able to breathe. 

Ego fantasies of surviving the apocalypse are fun, but likely we would all die. The interconnections run too deep. The ego likes to think it can survive on its own, but of course it can’t.

In a tech-utopia, you probably would just be trained from birth with whatever assets you would need. Everyone would probably be meditating from a young age and doing psychedelics as a rite of passage into adulthood. 

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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28 minutes ago, aurum said:

The interconnections run too deep.

Makes sense intuitively to me in part.  

I do think that it's still possible to survive going solo.  People have done it before.  Though, I don't think many would have that type of personality. 

Perhaps even if people did do it solo practically speaking, eventually they may just give up since they'd think "What's the point of me even surviving alone?"  A sort of nihilistic wall. 

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Growing your own food, cooking and heating without electricity, communication skills to barter and form relationships. Access to, and knowledge about how to use, manual tools that don't require electricity... old-school plows, hand drills, etc.

In an apocalypse situation.... meditation, psychedelics, etc will be the least of your concern. When you get knocked back down maslow's hierarchy you don't have time or energy for that stuff any more, it's a luxury. You're just focusing on survival. Nobody around you is going to be eager for a shaman or life coach for a while either. 

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   In an apocalyptic scenario assuming WW3 nukes, or extinction level events, then all of life, humans including, would be wiped out. We are too dependent and interconnected to nature that an apocalyptic scenario at global scale would very likely end all of life.

   In the tech Utopia, I think 25% of society worldwide would be at stage turgoise, 50% at stage yellow, and the remaining 25% would, from biggest to smallest, would be green, orange, blue. Red and purple societies would at this pojnt be very rare. However, at this point it's likely humanity, in this scenario, has advanced genetic engineering and trans humanism, and the majority would have undergone this type of transformation, so I assume what's humanity in this scenario would be different to humanity that we currently are. This might mean that in terms of cognitive and moral development of the population, would be much higher, and we might be able to adjust genetically to counteract more radical or dysfunctional cognitive processes of some impaired individuals, and morally we would be at a higher level in that we emphasize and do those adjustments out of concern, for both the person, and for others in the in group and out groups that would've been effect if this adjustment was not given. I imagine that individuals in this time would be able to switch and maintain more states than we would today, and be exposed to higher and more complex levels of technology and integrated internet that it's possible to accelerate each person's domain of life and domain of mastery due to more advanced holographic training for examole. There would also be stage turquoise and sgage yellow infrastructure to handle almost everg problem, both individually and collectively.

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47 minutes ago, Matt23 said:

I do think that it's still possible to survive going solo.  People have done it before.

Who? A survival expert selling a book?

That’s not going it solo.

If you even have a river to get water from, you are so highly dependent that it’s nonsensical to even consider yourself an individual. To even have a river requires billions of pieces working in balance.

And let’s forget about nature as you could imagine a hypothetical where nature was still largely intact but humanity was wiped out. Unlikely because of how interconnected we are, but let’s go there.

Consider then that humans as individuals did not win in the game of evolution. Only tribes did. Humans as individuals are pretty fucking worthless in terms of surviving. Hence why almost everything we do revolves around being social.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I've always been into learning wilderness survival skills, and had a vague plan of what I'd do. But now I've come to the realization it's completely pointless. It's hilarious seeing people spend millions on underground bunkers and stockpiling guns and food. They are so stupid.

If the apocalypse happens, just die. The only winning move is to not play.


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