King Merk

Carnivore Diet Question

12 posts in this topic

I’m currently on a 30 day carnivore challenge.

I’ve done carnivore in the past and reaped the benefits from it. My goal now is to reduce inflammation in my body and “reset” my microbiome.

I’m currently on day 22.

I’ve felt great the entire time and learned a lot about my body.

However, over the last couple days I started developing subtle stomach pains and diarrhea.

Does this sound like SIBO die off symptoms to y’all? If not then what else could it be?

Just wondering what in the world is going on. I haven’t changed the meats I’m eating. 

Edited by King Merk

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Are you eating the meat raw? 

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On 2/12/2022 at 9:39 AM, King Merk said:

Does this sound like SIBO die off symptoms to y’all?

That would have likely happened much sooner, around 10 day mark.

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@Michael569 nah man, no raw meat.

I felt way better today though. It lasted just two days of stomach discomfort and loose stool.

Not sure what happened. 

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I’ve heard of multiple people getting the shits for carnivore diet. I don’t know what causes it but I know multiple say it happens.

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On 12.2.2022 at 6:39 PM, King Merk said:

I’m currently on a 30 day carnivore challenge.

I’ve done carnivore in the past and reaped the benefits from it. My goal now is to reduce inflammation in my body and “reset” my microbiome.

I’m currently on day 22.

I’ve felt great the entire time and learned a lot about my body.

However, over the last couple days I started developing subtle stomach pains and diarrhea.

Does this sound like SIBO die off symptoms to y’all? If not then what else could it be?

Just wondering what in the world is going on. I haven’t changed the meats I’m eating. 

People who do carnivore diet report worsening of autoimmune reactions, the longer you are on it, the worse your micro-biome will get, not the better.

The reason for this seems to be a pretty simple. The bacteria that are responsible for breaking down plant matter will starve if you don't feed them planet matter, while other bacteria will prosper and take over, making it conversly harder for you to reestablish a healthy microbiome.

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On 2/13/2022 at 9:59 PM, King Merk said:

@Michael569 nah man, no raw meat.

I felt way better today though. It lasted just two days of stomach discomfort and loose stool.

Not sure what happened. 

Could also have be unrelated to your diet. Maybe a stomach flu.

Are you vaxxed against covid? Apparently people have reported gastrointestinal symptoms for omicron.


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@mw711 pretty sure that’s the stomach enzymes adjusting to the uptick in protein & fats. That usually only happens in the very beginning though.

@Scholar Yea I agree carnivore will certainly reduce microbiome diversity. That said I think it can be a useful temporary tool in restoring gut & microbiome health.

I’m planning to only do 30 days then systematically resintroduce veggies one at a time to see what my body does and doesn’t like.

And with regards to the autoimmune reactions, yea in my experience my sensitivity to stuff that bothers me seems to increase.

I think some of that has to do with the contrast of actually feeling good and then getting negative reactions vs always feeling like shit (as most people do) and then negative reactions. The later wouldn’t be as noticeable. 

@aurum Yea I’m vaxxed. It very well may have been unrelated to the diet. I was a bit stressed over those couple days so maybe that was it. 

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On 15/02/2022 at 11:04 PM, Scholar said:

The reason for this seems to be a pretty simple. The bacteria that are responsible for breaking down plant matter will starve if you don't feed them planet matter, while other bacteria will prosper and take over, making it conversly harder for you to reestablish a healthy microbiome.

I agree with this. Once you lose a certain colony of bacteria, it may take you decades (if ever) to get them back. Some of these colonies have been with you since you were born and that moment you have sampled the vaginal bacteria on your way "out" , they were the very first that colonised your sterile infant gut. Ofcourse for people born through C-section and bottle-fed this diversity may be completely different. Also the issue is that once you lose them to the overgrowth of protein-digesting species that are generally more pro-inflammatory, I have no idea how easy is it to get that balance back. Those "free"  spaces in the intestines will now be taken by species that were not supposed to be overpopulated and that can create completely new immune challenges such as depletion of intestinal mucous and increased proximity between the bacteria and the walls of the gut (without the mucouse to keep them out) which may result into massive flare-up of autoimmunity (in theory at least) and separation of tight junctions of the intestinal walls (in theory at least) 

I don't think we know as much as we could about the complexities of the microbiota and even if you read about the work of experts like Sonnenburgs, this is what they will tell you. "we simply don't know enough to risk losing it ". I actually contacted Erica Sonnenburg, the co-author of the Good Gut and asked her about the ability to restore lost populations in the gut but never heard back.....but I would have been surprised if she replied to be honest 


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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On 2/15/2022 at 6:02 PM, mw711 said:

I’ve heard of multiple people getting the shits for carnivore diet. I don’t know what causes it but I know multiple say it happens.

Yes that happens at the beginning however


In your gallbladder you make Bile

These bile salts are important to digest fats.

They get recycled in the small intestine but can move into the large intestine.


Bile acids are bound by fibre.


What causes diar. is the Non adequcy of re-absorption of bile salts in the small intestine which happens when you go from 20-30g of fibre a day to essentially zero.

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Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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Humans have eaten meat, milk, fruit, berries and organs for the past thousands of years. Only in the past hundred years have we gotten diabetic, obese and had diet-related problems, because of processed foods (made by big companies). Somehow we blame meat, fat and fruit for what big pharmacy has done to our health. Meat, organs, milk, fruit and berries is the foundation for a healthy diet. It is all you need to be incredibly healthy. Please try it, it will change you.

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Edited by freddyteisen

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