
I took one hit of a THC vape and depersonalized for 3+ hours

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I don't want to make this a full trip report and describe the entire thing. But basically, I took one puff of a disposable vape pen like this one:


And depersonalized / derealized / dissociated (idk what the technical term would be) for like 3 hours.

This was a grey market vape pen (weed is legal here, but only through government-run or approved dispensaries) so it's possible it contained synthetic cannabinoids like spice or something crazy. But I had a very similar experience with 100% for sure pure/authentic THC oil from the government before as well. The seller seemed reputable and had lots of positive reviews from this product that seemed like they were from real people. In a place where weed is legal, I don't think they can get away with cutting their product with fake stuff nowadays. So I'm pretty convinced it was pure THC and I guess weed is just not for me.

The main thing that really freaked me out was... it was like I was following myself a split second after the fact. And I could jump between being slightly behind myself, in the present moment, or slightly in the future.

I guess my main concern is... if I react this badly to cannabis, am I going to have a similar experience with mushrooms or DMT? I thought I was just going to relax a little bit as an introduction to mind-altering substances but I blasted all the way off the deep end into insanity. I haven't done mushrooms before, but this is literally what I would've expected a 3+ gram or more mushroom trip to feel like. I had to lay in bed in the dark listening to music to try and hold onto the present moment, and every 10 minutes at a time felt like an hour.

I had maybe 20% positive and 80% negative from it. I think I felt what Nothingness is at one point, and absolute bliss at another point. But then waves of feeling terrible would always come back and took up a lot more of the time.

This CAN'T be what taking 1 hit of weed feels like to normal people. There's no way Elon Musk could do a podcast in this state, there's no way Snoop Dogg could record music in this state. I couldn't do this and then play video games and just chill out.

I'm wondering what it all means...

  • Does cannabis just not agree with me?
  • Is the plant trying to tell me I'm not ready?
  • Is being this sensitive a sign of spiritual development, or a lack of spiritual development?
  • Should I still try mushrooms or DMT to see if I react better to them? Or is this a sign my mind is too weak and if I try a more potent substance I may permanently go insane?

After being in that state I definitely have a newfound appreciation for being sober and living in reality. I don't want to go back there any time soon.

Edited by Yarco

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I've reacted very sensitive to cannabis. Most in a bad and horrifying way. No insight or spiritual wisdom was gained in ~100 cannabis experiences. Have not consumed it since 4 years.

Psychedelics are the exact opposite for me. It takes about three times the usual dosages to feel LSD or Shrooms. Never had a purely bad experience. Massive and long term life altering Insights had been gained. 

If your mind is clear and collected, psychedelics is meditation times X. Ask yourself how meditation compares to being stoned. 


Edited by Vynce

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Sorry to hear you had that experience dude.

I would recommend avoiding psychedelics for now. I believe that its important to be grounded before engaging with psychoactive substances like cannabis, and especially psychedelics. I had a few pretty paranoid trips on weed myself. 


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On the plus side I didn't feel paranoid or have a panic attack. I questioned the timeline at one point, because my dog actually threw up and I wasn't sure if that was real or not. Had to confirm with my wife and run through all the events that had happened to make sure I didn't imagine any of it. Mostly it was just very overwhelming and I wanted it to be over.

If I was in public or if anything unexpected happened I think I could've gone totally off the rails. But luckily I could piece everything back to when I ingested in a logical way and the events made sense for what was happening.

Time was just super distorted and everything took a huge amount of effort. Walking downstairs to get some water might as well have been a 15 minute walk. Other times time shortened. Also physical distance got longer and shorter, I could walk somewhere that normally took like 10 steps in 2. It was odd.

But yeah if anybody out there is on the fence about trying psychedelics (or any kind of drug) I'd err on the side of caution. Even trying to go slow and start at low doses didn't save me lol.

Edited by Yarco

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I believe thc caused me to have depersonalization disorder. I have taken some serious action to fix those issues. I would highly recommend avoiding thc if you are already having an issue with it. 

THC in general can cause issues with anxiety, so it isn't nearly as fun. Tripping is amazing if done right. It isn't even comparable imo. 

I have not really had much issues with tripping. Taking high dose trips I experienced some issues after, but they are pretty typical of taking something like LSD for example. There is typically a period of time where you have some negative effects. While actually tripping though, I find THC to be a lot more anxiety inducing. I always mediate before and during my trip. That and I have a good handle on how I should be dosing. 

I do notice some periods of depersonalization from doing this kind of stuff. However, unless you have had a consistent issue with it, then I would not worry about it. The benefits have far out weighed the costs.

The experience is so different, I would not even compare them personally. Start with really low doses and work your way up. 

Edited by Average Investor

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14 minutes ago, Average Investor said:

THC in general can cause issues with anxiety, so it isn't nearly as fun

To make things even worse cannabis has about 52 different neuroactive components, in which THC is just one of them. All of these components interact in a messy and uncontrollable way with every system of your psyche. So even if you "could" grow spiritually out of an experience with cannabis, you could never replicate the dosage. Not mentioning the fact that most people smoke cannabis, which makes it even harder to dose. These are my main reasons why it's impossible not to mess with weed, regardless how responsible you are. 

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Substances can work very differently on people, especially things like THC or classical psychedelics. THC is quite different than psychedelics, so it’s no guarantee that just because THC was rough for you that psychedelics would also be rough. 

I’d say to stay away from THC if it’s not working well for you. Personally, I’ve had stronger trips from THC than 10 tabs of LSD, just shy of 6 grams of shrooms, ayahuasca in ceremony, and 160x salvia. Everyone’s brain is different. I’ve almost never had difficult experiences with THC in any form, but serotonergic psychedelics occasionally would give me some quite challenging experiences at certain points in trips although I’ve never had a trip that wasn’t positive all things considered on any substance. 

It sounds like you do have a high level of sensitivity to THC. Also keep in mind that the more psychedelics you use, the higher probability that the effects will change for you in the future even for the same substance at the same dose as before. Most of the time, this shows up as things becoming more intense rather than less intense unless you’ve built up a tolerance. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Most vape carts are terrible. The high is unpleasant and the weird flavors they put in those things are disgusting.

THC isn't for everybody and it might not be for you, but try a few different methods before deciding that. A very light dose of good quality flower (a couple puffs at most) would be a far better way to dip your toes in than any kind of vape cart. 

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Psychedelics have the exact opposite effect on me then weed. 

Its like becoming more awake vs. become more asleep.

When I smoke the herb, I go straight zombie, unconscious mode.

When I eat mushies, its exactly the opposite.

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Hummm...  Here goes yet another case of abuse, though this may happen to seem fine to many people i suppose, especially the young persons.


On one side of the fence we keep read about "micro-dosing" concentrates all the time, as if this particular resource somehow justified the level of vilification above all others.  M'well...  Please revisit in 30 years or so.


Appologies, i got short of sympathy.  It's not just an individual and his substance anyway, look through the opposite end of this tube if you ever find it.  Good luck if that means anything.


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I read so many negative Trip reports from thc which leads to psychosis and so on, maybe even more when combined with psychedelics. 


Just take psychedelics and stay away from thc


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The thing is, vape cartridges are super potent. I would never give that to a first time smoker, it's too much honestly. Even for someone like me who has smoked almost daily for years, I won't take more than two hits off a vape cartridges, and if I do I will be ripped.

Instead vape herb, or take a couple hits off a J.

Depersonalization can sometimes happen, but it might stem from overthinking. and there is different kinds of bud.

I've had clear thoughts and highly creative periods where I get into a flow state on weed. I've performed very well during online FPS while high on weed as well.

Secondly, no to me, mushrooms and DMT are completely different. Weed is too hazy of an experience where mushrooms and DMT are more clear in headspace. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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