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Is moving out worth it?

23 posts in this topic

On 14-2-2022 at 2:08 AM, ZenSwift said:

21 and moving out next month. 

Great job!

Your early twenties are the time to start to seperate yourself from your parents and become your own individual.

Plot twist: Waldo finds himself.

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On 2/13/2022 at 8:08 PM, ZenSwift said:

21 and moving out next month. 

I was the most closed minded to moving out for the longest time. But once you awaken to the power of environment change and the power of taking responsibility over EVERYTHING in your life, you can't wait to give yourself this gift.


Find a friend that's motivated as hell to self actualize with you. 


Embody stage blue, work hard, and bootstrap yourself. 


Especially if you're not even worried about money, go for it. There's nothing stopping you. 


Much love. 

I love this 

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