
How to conciously cope with anxiety

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The question is,how do you cope with anxiety?Should I distract my self in an healthy way like exercising,or doing what I'm passionate about,or it's better to feel the sensation and doing self inquiry for it?If so can you specify how?

Now a little bit of storytime:

I had to study for a really large exam and I didn't have much time to prepare it, I felt like I didn't have control of the outcome therefore I was anxious.It is usual to me to not being able to study the 3 days before the exam because I experience lot of stress relative to the possible outcomes and the causes and consequences of them.When I feel that way I usually procrastinate a lot in my phone to avoid the unpleasant feeling.But really I'm completely mentally blocked,I don't want to even think about the content I studied for weeks.And actually I'm not even doing other things such as going to the gym for example because I feel like I'm wasting the time I should use to review the notes.

What do you advise?Thanks

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As far as I can tell, it's almost never a good idea to try to distract yourself or suppress negative emotions. They're always trying to teach you something. If you want a root solution, it'll likely have something to do with Parts Work, where you actually face your feelings and talk to the parts of you that feel them and try to understand what they really need. The most helpful processes that I've found for this are: IFS by Robert Schwartz and The Completion Process by Teal Swan.

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Practice kriya yoga

Kriya yoga shut down 80% of functions of monkey mind for 8 hours.the remaining 20% is easy to deal with

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On 2/11/2022 at 1:50 AM, itachi uchiha said:

Practice kriya yoga

Kriya yoga shut down 80% of functions of monkey mind for 8 hours.the remaining 20% is easy to deal with

@itachi uchiha bro, your cheat code is on a high-levelxD

@Luca001 YES, remember that anxiety is a bitch, and sometimes staying in and trying to solve anxiety might not be the best idea, take a break from your daily routine, go and do something you've never done before, for me, I hike in new places every weekend in this tiny ass country where I am from. Nature is said the most natural way to replenish your energy. Find a waterfall, sit and meditate under the waterfall. let your emotions flow down the water and the fall wash all the crap outta your head, not ur ass. unless you want to feed dem fishies

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This is a really good question. You may want to look into practicing many different types of relaxation techniques, find one that suits you and practice it every day.

Our mind works best when we are calm and confident, your memory will tend to work in your favor when you're not feeling tensed.

Things you study will be accessible when you want to recall them.

i'm sure you'll do great. Cheers, good luck in your studies :) 

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Exercise is itself a relaxation technique.  That's what I would do when the procrastination begins. Flood brain with endorphins, relax, and hopefully begin to study.

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Try actually making yourself scared, consciously, when you feel a panic coming on. It's counter Intuitive and somehow works quite well for me 

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Find out what is causing the anxiety through contemplation, therapy, journaling, meditation etc.

Find out where the anxiety began. Than can give you clarity on how it came about, what you need etc. 

Being gentle with yourself and taking care of yourself physically and emotionally 

Validating those feelings of anxiety because they do come from somewhere and it is your psyche's way of protecting you and warning you

Depending on the situation but exposure therapy can help (That's whn you expose yourself to the stressor in small doses and build it up until you aren't scared of said thing), 

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I think its okay to distract when you are not thinking clearly and need to step away from rumination/overthinking.

When anxious, recognize that you are anxious, and because you are, you are likely not thinking clearly. Just like how someone can be depressed and not think clearly about their lives.

Sometimes you have to ride it out and wait until you are in clear mood.

or you can write it out in a journal.

can also practice something else that slows you down and gives you clarity. 

Anxiety is driven by fear, and it can get out of control, so you gotta find that line and know when to let go because the thinking process is not valuable in providing a solution or truth. 

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exercise, eat vegetable, don't take caffeine/drugs too late-go to sleep, learn yoga breathing, jack-off if you feel like it, go in your car and sing songs, and ya do your spiritual stuff too. sounds like you got it....

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