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Life Changing Insight

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Last week it was realized that there is never completion and that reality is infinite creation. 

The void you feel isnt something that has to be faced or avoided, but a natural feeling that inspires creation. The plate needs to be empty for food to be put on it, the canvas needs to be clear in order to paint. 

When you feel that emptiness or purposelessness, its just the canvas clearing up in order to receive the next "message", the next thing you desire to create. 

The universe is eternally creating and will never stop, there is no such thing as being finished, its impossible. 

One of the glitches people fall into is trying to somehow stop desiring, thats like trying to stop creating reality. 

When does the earth create beautiful architecture and gardens? When someone gets the insight "wow, id like to create that, it would feel great!".

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god ever perfecting at no point perfection

he is the the playa that loves the game

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@gettoefl Yep :), like an eternal artist whos forever in love with his own artwork, which is him, he just keeps making it better and better. 

That feeling of "meh" is when he pulls out the eraser ;).

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  On 2/9/2022 at 4:44 PM, Fearless_Bum said:

@gettoefl Yep :), like an eternal artist whos forever in love with his own artwork, which is him, he just keeps making it better and better. 

That feeling of "meh" is when he pulls out the eraser ;).

yes and all i keep asking is why do women always get ever more beautiful and then i remember it's god at work!

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I get the point. The insight feels wise. 

However, to play devils advocate I want to know what Gods infinite creativity is doing when I crave the same cheap food or porn for years. But I sense my self-bias and mental corruption in this argument. Just contemplating...

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  On 2/9/2022 at 6:50 PM, Vynce said:

I get the point. The insight feels wise. 

However, to play devils advocate I want to know what Gods infinite creativity is doing when I crave the same cheap food or porn for years. But I sense my self-bias and mental corruption in this argument. Just contemplating...

@Vynce That is it in play, infinite creation does not discriminate, and if you desire to change your life then that is also it. 

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All I can say is the the change of the profile pic makes sense to support the fact that life changing insight has occurred. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Desire and resistance are the same thing though, if you look closely.  The universe is "desireless" in that it is effortlessly spontaneous all the time, always perfectly identical with the "what is".  I would just be careful not to stop looking into your own desires/resistance because you excuse it as "good," as this will keep you stuck in suffering, even if subtle.

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  On 2/10/2022 at 2:55 AM, Flyboy said:

Desire and resistance are the same thing though, if you look closely.  The universe is "desireless" in that it is effortlessly spontaneous all the time, always perfectly identical with the "what is".  I would just be careful not to stop looking into your own desires/resistance because you excuse it as "good," as this will keep you stuck in suffering, even if subtle.

@Flyboy hmm, nope sorry, doesnt feel right.

You can feel how that thought stream feels, feels very straining, like trying to look at your own face without a mirror. Kind of like " Wait! I dont trust myself, so I gotta try to look at myself forever in case I do something bad." Fear/Mistrust of oneself.

You just look at your desires, what do you do then? Do you discern which desire is helpful and which isnt? Do you then follow the desires that you think are healthy and aligned? 

If you do then youre doing exactly what this thread is celebrating!

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@Fearless_Bum Thank you for sharing this. Desire is the fuel for creativity and creation. There is tremendous joy in desire when you are in alignment with what you desire. 

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