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Society and reality are not the same. Yet intertwined.

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I was thinking about society in terms of reality. I feel that we often blur the boundaries between society and reality. But they are not disjoint sets. What I mean to say they are not mutually exclusive. They intertwine somewhat and that's what makes it so complicated when we use the social model in life. You can extract that part of society that conforms with reality and discard the part that is not relevant. Of course we need to understand this boundary that exists and be able to differentiate between society and reality. Yet we shouldn't completely discard society because a part of it is connected with reality. And we cannot live life completely disconnected from reality. That is simply not possible. Yet this does not mean that we should rely on society as a model for living because there could be so many things that are wrong in the given social construct. And we don't have to necessarily conform to that.

So how do we solve this complexity? By carefully weeding out the irrelevant components of the social matrix but still keeping the part that is significant in terms of reality. Maybe this bigger part of the social matrix is beneficial for the crowd but not beneficial for the individual. When your center of locus is properly defined in terms of individual versus society you'll be able to find a middle ground where they both coincide to give you the greatest benefit you deserve. Often this locus is in the wrong place and this causes a lot of confusion. You are thinking more about others rather than yourself. Or you're thinking too much about yourself that you almost drown out all other perspectives. 

The bottom line is that you draw a certain boundary where you're not having to compromise/ jeopardize with your own happiness yet you're not being blindsided by denying reality. This way you have the best of both worlds. 


Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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There is no difference, no boundaries. There’s thoughts, and believing them or not, such as a separate self and it’s boundaries. 

The thoughts about a yourself and an others, are in plain ‘sight’, thoughts. 

The believing of thoughts is the denial of reality and the compromising of happiness, apparently, as in experientially, but never actually. 



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On 10/02/2022 at 5:15 AM, Nahm said:

There is no difference, no boundaries. There’s thoughts, and believing them or not, such as a separate self and it’s boundaries. 

The thoughts about a yourself and an others, are in plain ‘sight’, thoughts. 

The believing of thoughts is the denial of reality and the compromising of happiness, apparently, as in experientially, but never actually. 

Yet these thoughts are powerful in navigating reality? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Focus upon thoughts of wanted attracts / creates… wanted.

Just as you are attracting, so too is everyone else. You aren’t attracting on behalf of anyone else, no one is attracting on your behalf. We are all collectively attracting, and we can all help each other to consciously create.



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@Nahm can you give me a reason why I shouldn't focus on reality? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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