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If I was planning to change in the past. The same courage and humility would have been change I mean change from my programmed self (below the age of 14) with different exposures to ideas.

Example- starting to study for ale.

1)A.ab-why are you studying and not being loud,joking?

2)i-want to do eng

1)A.ab-what do you do when you go Home?

2)I-w.o and study.

1) a.ab-do you have a g? Don't you want one or many?

2)no and I would like to .

1)a.ab-why haven't you got one yet

2)because I dont know where to meet anyone.

The truth is almost always the best possible solution.

Jp-telling the truth does not mean saying everything about everything all the time.

At times when the truth makes you uncomfortable reveal as little as possible while still telling the truth about the subject

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Example 2

1)z-you are always studying at home and w.o. dont you have fs?why?

2) want to do eng.

1) do you love doing it?

2) thinking about the future


2)maybe but thinking about the future

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A problem-i don't necessarily want to win.i just don't want to lose to ab.a.

Ideally-i win and A loses

I can handle losing as long as A loser as well. 

Both us of win?

Problem because telling the truth requires a win telling the truth, wo everyday ,studying will probably cause av.ab to do the same

This will build a true friendship as well.

Eg-av has not won alone.av has won alongside ab,mills,kia etc. Winning alone is impossible even if you are kira

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How to avoid being thought of as b.o.d,pity,inferior,failiure,looser while telling the truth?And also to avoid p dominos

Eg-shoeless limper-granted very bad situation.bit of an extreme.kodaline

To mitigate to the max-1) be attentive,good posture and frantiç relaxed

2)f.a?- be might arrange something etc.


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D-you have no fs and you are a looser.

I-thats true.would you prefer if I S?

TYR STYLE-no point in tyr style.

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If they don't ask .dont reveal the pain you feel.

You can't do it alone. You have to tell the truth and if you are destined to go to the top you'll get to the top.

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Eg-if I'm had changed in

Av would have got a ☆g anyway and I'm would have had to come to terms with it.av wouldnt have wanted to be behind and would have started working as well.

Why not tickle with av if you are prepared to do it with another?

It would have required it anyway

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3as relationship is completely irrational.

Eg-if kiamills invited you to cuddle wouldnt you?

If jesclaudia invited to cuddle wouldnt you?

If Polcarlas invited you wouldn't you?

☆fear of being laughed at after accepting? I never shame in accepting invitation

☆fear of being looked down on? Eg-even ☆g can look down on you.

Irrational if the fear exists then that nullifies desire to be accepted or have ☆g or cuddle in the first matter who the human is,while cuddling you can never know.

With M never initiate.


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The foolishness of tryinh to control others imaginations

1) 200 ☆gs

○j.ant/drake/wilt/hamz/dave/rumth-liar or must have begged and devoted his entire life to the pursuit

○tommy/kira/beebs- ☆gs must have craved

○squirms-no affection.for other reasons

○z-liar liar

2)alone in h

1)kira-aww poor thing.i want to be a friend.initiates/independent strong

Lots of friends- not thay interested.probs won't have time for me

2)gyn-wsnt to make sure the guy is okay.poor thing

3)o.cok-just a jester.not taken seriously or respected 




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In g7 for im to become mills 


In lal for im to become ab.b Dr

☆consistent effort- 7 all laughinh together.sad life.boring etc= guys laughter

Leeguy=dork Lee.quite unsightly,can't even do tai ,coult land a single one

In the end-kaks+ms acknowledgement

=focus on self


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But he had to go through so much and even then he didn't end up on the same level.

Why not just S? Because of fam destabablization. Selfish

Once fam agrees(pushes 4 dominoes)-s becomes mandatory as it is selfish to stay

☆he had to to a lot just to barely keep up.l broke everythinh/risked l and still couldnt. 

Then sas came in and won with ease.years of time and effort vs one month-reality

☆why do it?why be selfish and stay? Because staying due to fam isnt selfish.its selfless.focus on self

Edited by Ineedanswers

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Self focus leads to causing others suffering?


☆pay attention and listen to see of other are saying you are.if not continue to focus.if you are stop doing whatever is causing it

☆focusing on others is more likely to lead to r.e ,panz etc

Different tests different answers gai (English vs advanced maths)

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Why fight and try and crawl and sweat to end up barely coming close? Because of fam destabalization.

Dominoes fall-s mandatory for 100 percent veganism+avoid causing pain to nadinedariankristajenny

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Without fam why continue/sweat/claw and crawl? Pure selfishness-L

Cs-you don't desire to live. You desire the selfish pleasure you gain from living.altruism impossible

☆is s self loving

1)yes.for g.lee there desires cant be remain is to face a long time with that fact In shame and pain. S is the most loving for the self as well as others.

Edited by Ineedanswers

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Eg-umams/U.A -remainh in pain/farshipi/alone /going crazy +causing suffering for others

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Why should l.guy even try when relaxed 16 sas beats him by 10×10 CHANCE even after all the long hard sweaty work? Its so much easier/loving to give up.

Because of p.dominos destabilization.focus on self until ps explicitly tell s

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