
If I’m imagining all of this, are other people also having an experience?

80 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@allislove can you just tell the cosmic joke again so that everyone here can understand? 

I dont get it. Ok one consciousness and infinite experiences in it but they are all simultaneously experienced by one. Is this the joke? 

This is what happens when you're drugged out of your fucking mind, I was shh'ing my wall, promising not to tell everyone about the prank of them believing they're not us.

God I was so high. Lol. Probably my best DMT trip.

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If all of this is a figment of ``my'' imagination, then I've successfully managed to split myself into at least two incredibly separate beings - the artist that is constantly making up the story that I find myself embedded in, and the audience (the ``me'' that is typing this on what appears to be a laptop computer obviously created by my artistic half). The watcher within that watches the watcher watching, so to speak. Since I never perceive the artist directly, how do I know that it is ``me''?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here Something similar happens in your dreams at night. You create the entire thing and explore it with your avatar at the same time. It's all you in the end.

Edited by Tyler Durden

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39 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The watcher within that watches the watcher watching, so to speak. Since I never perceive the artist directly, how do I know that it is ``me''?

There’s no watcher, artist, it, or me. Those are thoughts.

That’s ‘how’. 



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1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

@Someone here Something similar happens in your dreams at night. You create the entire thing and explore it with your avatar at the same time. It's all you in the end.

the problem when you think that the whole world is perfectly simulated with perfect consistency, the artist itself complexifies, its non-audience ``self'' splitting up among all the virtual selves it creates. If all of these (you who are reading this, and your dogs and cats too) are really part of the artist, and the artist is equated with the audience, then Solipsism is isomorphic to Pantheism. We are all God, split into all that is. Somehow a Western Solipsist (driven to explain why he cannot bring a loved one back to life no matter how hard he tries) ends up as an Eastern Hindu, accepting that Brahma split himself up to create the Universe (one fragment of which is him, all of which is still Brahma and eternal).

49 minutes ago, Nahm said:

There’s no watcher, artist, it, or me. Those are thoughts.

I disagree .

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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36 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Someone here

Point to them to see they are thoughts. Point to the I which is said to disagree as well. 


I always see things from a practical view. I don’t think you can knock on wood and say it is just a thought. It is a physical object. Likewise there certainly is this entity here called me that's typing this message.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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22 hours ago, Tristan12 said:

Check out this thread


Great one, thank you

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for real though..I think it's ridiculous to police ourselves to such a degree that we avoid any reference to "individual other."  I think you are limiting yourself to a great degree.  I mean if you want to get down to it.. simply responding and writing responses on a forum equally assumes that there is an "individual other" as much as any other post even if you are careful about how you write. 

please don't take this as offence ..I'm only pointing out the hypocrisy of even bringing up that criticism in the first place when you are on a forum interacting.  

I'm  NOT interested in having this conversation about language and the implicit assumptions held within the normal way we communicate. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Whats funny about the question "do others experience?" is that it assumes YOU are having an experience. 

Are you even experiencing? Is there a little bubble of sentience in that head of yours?

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24 minutes ago, Someone here said:


for real though..I think it's ridiculous to police ourselves to such a degree that we avoid any reference to "individual other."  I think you are limiting yourself to a great degree.  I mean if you want to get down to it.. simply responding and writing responses on a forum equally assumes that there is an "individual other" as much as any other post even if you are careful about how you write. 

please don't take this as offence ..I'm only pointing out the hypocrisy of even bringing up that criticism in the first place when you are on a forum interacting.  

I'm  NOT interested in having this conversation about language and the implicit assumptions held within the normal way we communicate. 

I don’t recall saying any of that. Perhaps these are interpretations & assumptions? 



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 @Nahm i was talking about your persistent talk about the no self. No matter how much you say that there is no 'you 'it won't change that you are you and not your mom. Apparently at least as experienced.

You can imagine yourself to be a table.. But if someone comes and cuts the table into halfs you won't be affected at all..if someone comes and cuts the Nahm avatar into halfs.. The real you will freak the fuck out. 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

 @Nahm i was talking about your persistent talk about the no self. No matter how much you say that there is no 'you 'it won't change that you are you and not your mom. Apparently at least as experienced.

You can imagine yourself to be a table.. But if someone comes and cuts the table into halfs you won't be affected at all..if someone come and cuts the Nahm avatar into halfs.. The real you will freak the fuck out. 

What is the point tho? If it is frustration, express the emotion.

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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Someone here

Kind of ‘the push & pull’ routine. 


Guilty as charged xD.

Ah, this guy just way to synchronistic for me to mess with him.

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@Nahm we're good. No worries! ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

 @Nahm i was talking about your persistent talk about the no self. No matter how much you say that there is no 'you 'it won't change that you are you and not your mom. Apparently at least as experienced.

You can imagine yourself to be a table.. But if someone comes and cuts the table into halfs you won't be affected at all..if someone comes and cuts the Nahm avatar into halfs.. The real you will freak the fuck out. 

I would flip my shit if someone had a gun to my head. But the "I" that flips its shit is a pattern of behavior and thoughts and such which constitutes the ego. The entire flipping out and panic that would occur, is itself mere appearance and absolutely identical to just seeing one picture and then seeing another.

I freak out a little every time I have a blood test. Pure consciousness can never freak out, nobody freaks out when comatose. There has to be some finite appearance which is the freak out.

No-self might be a better teaching than Looney Tunes tier "you're imagining other people", or individual souls.

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