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Metamodernism - Actualization is not just personal

3 posts in this topic

We all know society evolves, too.

Have you ever heard of metamodernism? 

What do you make of it?

Here is an article 

Edited by GrandeOrso

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I'm quite familiar with Metamodernism, and I would guess that a large number of the people active on this Forum are familiar with it as well.

Broadly speaking, Metamodernism refers to the cultural paradigm that arises after postmodern deconstruction. It can be seen as a synthesis of modernism and postmodernism, transcending and including both.

Once postmodernism has done its job of deconstructing what's stupid and hypocritical, it leaves a meaning vacuum which in the arts can be seen in postmodern irony and cynicism (ie: "how dare you have the audacity to ask me what it is I really mean?"). Grand searches for meaning tend to be met with ridicule under postmodernism, because they've been misused as self serving ways to oppress and exploit others.

Metamodernism on the other hand takes meaning seriously again, but does so from a far more informed and sincere perspective, using the insights gained from postmodernism (that narratives are culturally constructed and contextual).

Going back to the arts, Metamodernism will often employ sincere irony to elucidate truths by juxtaposing sincerity with surrealist or comedic elements.

A show like Bojack Horseman is a great example of a Metamodern show, because the show uses a ludicrous framing device (the main character is a talking narcissistic horse person), and uses that framing device to explore serious issues such as trauma and substance abuse in an informed, sincere, and non-pretentious way.

Edited by DocWatts

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I listend to the audiobook version of Hanzi Freinachts book I got bored very fast and stopped listening to it the only interesting thing to me was how their highest level plays out in sweden of highly educated and rich swedish people start doing psychdelics, yoga-retreats living a bit offside their consumer culture and materialism. Fundamentally their upper class shifting towards a more spiritually, less consumer oriented culture.

I liked the cook-greuter model and spiral dynamics more as well as integral theory. I listend to some discussions about how it's a rip-off of integral theory, as far as I know and saw a couple of discussions. I feel it's somewhat overcomplicated it was fun hearing about it first. Yet, I never felt compelled to study it in more depth. 


Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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