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Can’t shake this cold

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I got corona a couple weeks ago. I’m boosted. The thing won’t go away though. Just constant lethargy and small cough and aching body. Seems like the never ending cold/flu. No fever though, can still work some. When tf will it end ?

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My couch is not ending. I feel tired all the time. 

I feel like a never ending flu. Hate this crap. I have been drinking juice everyday to keep up. 

Hate hate hate hate it so much. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Have a fever now and Just ache all over. Gf tested positive for corona few weeks ago. I got it as well with typical covid symptoms. I got almost 100% better but felt it most go away last weekend. Felt quite good. She started feeling ill again with a cough. I brought her food and medicine and ended up getting it too. These symptoms are different from the fist phase. I think we had corona and it weakened us and now we have a typical cold. Just feel beat up :/ fever. Thankfully no throat ache or stomach pain or even that much of a headache. Just fever, chest cough and sore body. Praying it passes by the weekend ?

Edited by Lyubov

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@Lyubov me too same symptoms. Waiting for it to go. 


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Drinking that fever medicine you mix with hot water. Just confused how I thought I was over covid and it came back. It kinda is hitting me in waves where I’ll feel fine and then I’m sick again….

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4 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Drinking that fever medicine you mix with hot water. Just confused how I thought I was over covid and it came back. It kinda is hitting me in waves where I’ll feel fine and then I’m sick again….

Oh yeah the same thing is happening to me. 

It hits me. I feel it's gone after a while. And then it comes back. Like waves. 

Is this how we build immunity lol? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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That "fever medicine" might be making things worse. Unless your temperature is 39 degrees Celsius plus don't use that stuff. Your body is raising the fever to accelerate movement of immune cells and slow down viral replication. It has bunch of immunological benefits. Again if it is 39+ take it.

What you need is to be making huge batches of vegetable & lentils soups with loads of garlic and cruciferous vegetables. Stop eating animals, stop eating sugar. Even cold things like smoothies i wouldn't recommend.

If you have some NAC you can take that too as well as some exhinacea tincture if you can get your hands on one.

This might be too late to check your vitamin D levels but if they are below 35 that will complicate the healing and eventually you need to get them up ideally in 60s - 90s

Otherwise stop exericising but go outside for mild walk at least once a day. Keep your room ventilated well and sleep a lot. 

Good luck

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@Preety_India itst a cysteine containing supplement that helps accelerate production of your master antioxidant called glutathione which gets used up a lot during infection, fever and inflammation

I wouldn't take it all the time but it can help when there is a lot of inflammation going on or during sickness

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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@Michael569 thank you so much. I'm simply trying to rely on garlic, spinach and juices to get through this. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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32 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I'm simply trying to rely on garlic, spinach and juices to get through this. 

If you've been struggling with it for a while, it may not be enough as those things aren't that nutritious on their own although they do have some nice antimicrobial properties especially garlic. The body is depleting a lot of calories and micronutrients fighting the virus so there also have to be some larger meals. What I recommended above, the vegetable lentil soup with 5-10 vegetables and a cup of lentils and a cup of olive oil is a good way to get more nutrition is that is easily digestible and will resuply the body with zinc and some protein to keep up the immune battle. 

Also I think warm meals are better than cold ones to battle infections but I have no research to base this argument on, it's a gut feeling. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

Oh yeah the same thing is happening to me. 

It hits me. I feel it's gone after a while. And then it comes back. Like waves. 

Is this how we build immunity lol? 


Yeah I can’t stand it. I felt 100% twice now, then it comes back in. This is the third wave over the last 3 weeks for me. It’s getting ridiculous. I can’t be going out in the winter like this. 

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