Rishabh R

Guys any thought on my intelligence journal

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By contemplating - What is intelligence I came to following insights

 Intelligence is :






-Phenomenon that results from inner capacity


-Inversely proportional to suffering 


-Something against natural foolishness


 -Something intuitive


-Something which takes the frame of reference in a forward direction


-Connection between context and recontextualization




-Liberational happiness


-Something higher than current frame of reference but related indirectly to it


-A process


-Grasping something 


-Popping from a frame of reference 


-Understanding one's foolishness


-To stop demonizing something or someone and integrating the demonising in oneself that it becomes so small that it doesn't matter to oneself



Any thoughts guys ?

Edited by Rishabh R
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intelligence is living my dreams as all of them come true and challenge the reality to catch up 

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I contemplated Intelligence as well, and what I fundamentally got down to is that it's "connecting dots". The more dots you can connect, the more intelligent you are. That's one perspective.

For me "beauty" never came to mind though. That's interesting. How do you find that intelligence relates to beauty?

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   There are multiple types of intelligence. Here are some examples:

   Mathematical intelligence, the kind that governs numbers, counting, quanity, changes in structure, geometry and probability.

   Language intelligence, that is being used now, to interpret these symbols you are reading, the letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, nouns, adjectives, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, as the English language, that is shaping the part of your cognition that thinks in words. Also used to interpret orally spoken words.

   Musical intelligence. This intelligence is used when uou listen and/or use a musical instrument, it interprets patterns of sounds made to derive meanings from those patterns.

   Body intelligence. Intelligence based on the human body. The human body is made up of various parts, which each part also is a whole system as well, like the nervous system, the immune system, the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the muscle system, the skeletal system. Furthermore, this intelligence is also able to do mapping of the body in yerms of movements as well. Typically fighters, martial artists, boxers, dancers, athletes and those who do fitness have higher intelligence of this type.

   Interpersonal intelligence. This intelligence is used in social situations, when uou are interacting with other people, in conversations, at various levels of relationships with other human beings.

   Interpersonal intelligence. This type of intelligence is interesting, as it is a relevant type of intelligence needed in self actualisation work. It's the intelligence that is able to reflexively think on the self, that is it's the intelligence used for self reflection, introspection, contemplation, thinking.

   Spatial intelligence. This intelligence is important for navigating the 3rd dimension, movements, and recalling paths, navigating spaces.

   Nature intelligence. This intelligence is used specifically for nature, recognition of plants.

   Philosophical/existential intelligence. Another very relevant intelligence, which is the ability to think and understand philosophical matters, and being intelligent of existence.

   And there are many more types of intelligence that narrow down and specialise in other areas.

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@MrFundamental I was cotemplatively questioning that what is intelligence and it came to my mind. Although your perspective is also good. Why don't we keep this thread alive ? and we try to combine all the good in the perspectives 

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By the way to add to the list :

-Looking at a situation from different degrees


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Really deep Intelligence is unintelligible and does not fit in such linguistic categories well as a result. As far as approximations go, your journal isn’t bad. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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15 hours ago, Rishabh R said:

@MrFundamental I was cotemplatively questioning that what is intelligence and it came to my mind. Although your perspective is also good. Why don't we keep this thread alive ? and we try to combine all the good in the perspectives 

Yea I this might possibly be the most important concept actually (relative to humans) because we wouldn't be able to have this convo if we couldn't connect the dots on how to create language, create a society, create technology, etc. 

I think the types of Intelligence that @Danioover9000listed actually illustrate my point. If you look at the underlying mechanism under all of those, it is "dot connecting" and "pattern recognition". Though I've come to consider pattern recognition a part of dot connecting.

I honestly can't find anything deeper. It feels like rock bottom. So I'm interested in any other perspectives.

"Infinte Intelligence = God" is also something that started to make sense. If you can connect an infinite amount of dots, it becomes so dense that it just becomes The One Dot itself.

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An update guys :

-Jumping upward and back

-Going upwards in a 2D plane




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An update guys :

-Recognition of change

-Ingenous design


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Update :

-Paradigm in mind is not the reality itself

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An update guys :

- Making an unlikely move 

I request you guys to keep this post alive otherwise it would be lost in flood of posts. And @Leo Gura any thoughts on it ?

Edited by Rishabh R

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An update guys :

-Seeing that there is always a great opportunity present since there is infinity of opportunities present

-Science is like breaking parts of infinity to understand a part

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Another update:

-Getting a gist of things

-Sense making using connections from reference of things


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Update :

-Detaching from a frame of reference

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@Tim R Ya you are right but I was thinking that by keeping this post alive people can add many more perspectives to it ?.

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For each bullet point it can help to write a page of text relating to the bullet point with further explanation, adding further context which will expand the meaning of that which you are describing. You can even contemplate on contemplation itself where the ability to do so in valuable ways is a form of intelligence itself. 

When you are describing the bullet point in depth you gain a lot more clarity because it forces you to gain interconnection between different parts of your understanding. Which will also help you identify limitations as well as expansion on things you know. 

You don't really know something unless you can explain it very simply, but also detailed,  as well as give numerous relevant examples. The more you narrow down your contemplations from abstractions into specifics, the deeper you will understand as you are synergizing. 


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