Eternal Unity


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Duality is a much-used word in spiritual circles.

Everything begins with oneness. Then there is the very earliest level of separation called “individuation”. Deeper separation becomes “polarity”. The deepest separation is “duality”.

This is a very simple explanation, though, and lacks detail. So please don't attach too much to this.

The point is that duality is the deepest level of separation. So much so that deeply duality-conscious beings do not even know that they are in duality. They are too deep in the illusion to even think in such terms. They believe that all beings are separate. If they choose to be religious, then they believe in a God or gods who are also separate from themselves. God is "over there", somewhere else, doing things that they have no power to influence.

Pure materialism – which is the theory that nothing but matter exists – is an example of a non-spiritual view from within the duality perspective. Those who ascribe to that view think that their own consciousness, mind, emotions, and being are all simply a function of their body and brain. They obviously also think that they are absolutely separate from all other beings.

There are probably an infinite number of things that you could believe to be true whilst being of duality consciousness.

Ironically, it is only once you begin to raise your consciousness out of duality and awaken to the realization that all is ONE, that you actually become aware of duality at all. It is only then that you might be likely to even use the word, "duality". You first become aware that there is oneness but you also feel as if you yourself are still separate from it. Such beings are sometimes called "awakened duality-conscious". Then, as you proceed with your awakening, you come to release your fears and limitations and know that you too are one with the oneness. And then, at last, you begin to awaken to unity consciousness and to God-realization.

What really important to understand is that duality consciousness (which is the same thing as victim consciousness) is not wrong. It is, quite simply, a level of existence deep inside this separation reality. You can choose to visit there. It's just a choice. One possible set of experiences out of many.


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Eternal Unity  Yeah man this can be a very confusing topic to grasp from within the experience or dream story of separation.("I am here & everything else is out there" experience)

Simply put:  Duality = Misunderstanding 

It's not that there isn't apparent physical separation between objects like a tree, a dog, a fence, a house, a frog, a log.

Nondual Awareness or Awakening is the recognition that this self construct that calls itself ME within the body & with all its endless wants, needs, desires, concepts and beliefs(conditioning) ISN'T actually a real entity or individual.

Its a disentangling from the socially conditioned mind matrix known as ME..... only nobody becomes untangled because the somebody was an illusion.

And additionally for whatever reason it seems to be pretty rare.





“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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