charlie cho

How is Warren Buffett still alive eating junk food daily?

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(Op) This (actually) is infinite mind. It’s the beliefs. Discord, tensions of, stress of, momentum of, ignore-ance of, and the conjecture & collective or group think which perpetuates which (more & more via the internet with every passing day) arises only in continuing to ignore, so to speak, one’s own health, pretending one is helping others in the bypassing of doing so. One is not, one is deeply deluded, and assuredly suffering & bypassing therein. 

There is no shortage of manipulative people looking to feed on by feeding into ye problems and needs (need them for) and pretend they are the answer, the solution. 

Value, purpose & meaning. 

The devil’s (alleged separate self) playing cards, is the devil’s (the knower, the understander) own house of cards. 

Reiki 1: Heal Yourself. 

Reiki 2: Help Others To Do The Same. 

Reiki 3: (then) Teach. 

Reiki means ray as in light, and love, as in is the key. The pointing of the word is to the Truth, and therein, that this can not be any other way. 

Sans thought attachment, and the conjecture, manipulative (innocent or otherwise) brainwashing & group think therein… incredibly, incredibly, unthinkably, simple. 

Don’t conceptualize your own well being away yall. 

Allow. Receive. Listen. 

(Not to a Nahm lol)

”You, you’re just like a pill. Instead of making me better, you keep making me ill.”  Pink 

Garbage in, garbage out. 

Maps & Traps, if interested, see aversion, and spiritual misleadership. 



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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Probably won't given my health.

Leo, get in contact with Paul Chek

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@Leo Gura what's the laugh for. 

Maybe his purpose is to make a lot of money. That's a purpose too, you know. And that's what drives him and motivates his body to survive. 

And it's sad how you think you won't be a live beyond 60 or 70. How's that so predictable for you? 

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On 2/6/2022 at 6:08 AM, Leo Gura said:

There may actually be a correlation between one's level of consciousness and how sensitive your body/brain is to toxins. Notice that a high performance sports car requires superior fuel to travel the same mileage. High performance machines tend to be more sensitive and fragile, requiring higher precision in their operation.

This is just some speculation though, right? 

The sports car needs different fuel because it’s different on a material level. Something like LOC having an influence on what kind of fuel/environment required feels absurd.

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2 hours ago, Dryas said:

This is just some speculation though, right?



The sports car needs different fuel because it’s different on a material level. Something like LOC having an influence on what kind of fuel/environment required feels absurd.

A higher consciousness organism/body/brain is also gonna be different on a material level.

It's not absurd at all. The more like an animal you are, the less your cognitive function matters, the less it matters what you eat. Optimizing cognitive function requires more precise nutrition and better health. If you work as a bricklayer it doesn't matter as much what you eat vs if you work as a quantum physicist.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Experience and honest observation. In my early 20's I started having some health issues and I started worrying and focusing on them a lot. I just got more of them. Legitimate concerns doctors took seriously, but never anything that really resolved that way. The more I tried to address them, the worse it got. It wasn't until I realized I was wanting to stop working 7 days a week and put more energy into spending time with friends and having fun that it stopped. Similar stuff kept happening off and on, in every case I was putting all my attention of what was not wanted instead of what I did want. Health, happiness and wellbeing feels like health, happiness and wellbeing, it does not feel like deprivation, stress, worry and concern. 

Sounds like what Abraham teaches, that all illness is psychosomatic. They were asked if there was any limit to the body’s healing capabilities, and they replied ‘none’. Then they were asked ‘Then why aren’t people growing new limbs’, and their reply was ‘Because no one believes they can’. I must say it’s a radical teaching, but with significant implications.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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On 06/02/2022 at 1:01 AM, charlie cho said:

Maybe warren does not strain himself mentally about his health. Thats why hes healthy?

Ive speculated people who have low health anxiety have great health ? 

I don’t know warren buffet so can’t comment on him specifically.   There is a lot of research to show that the amount of trauma and emotional pain people hold onto is what makes them sick.  Things like repressed emotions and hidden stresses lead to cancer and other ailments.  Dr Gabor Mate did a lot of research on this (his book when the body says no)

It’s also speculated that people who are optimistic about life live longer than those who are pessimistic.   But then you hear about optimistic and happy people dying, but to that I would ask, were they really holding onto some trauma and stress that they kept hidden through a guise of positivity? For example people pleasers and those who suppress anger, often end up very sick (chronic pain, strange ailments with no cure)  

of course bad diet, smoking and drinking is bad for your health and low conscious ultimately, but the ones who actually get sick from these things, were they also emotionally repressed and using thee things as an escape/coping mechanism for a deep issue, or are they happy carefree people having fun and not taking life too seriously? 
all things to take into account and time will tell as more research is done.

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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you work as a bricklayer it doesn't matter as much what you eat vs if you work as a quantum physicist.

you can be a successful quantum physicist & eat like shit.

it depends on your genetics ! some get lucky @Leo Gura

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

A higher consciousness organism/body/brain is also gonna be different on a material level.

It's not absurd at all. The more like an animal you are, the less your cognitive function matters, the less it matters what you eat. Optimizing cognitive function requires more precise nutrition and better health. If you work as a bricklayer it doesn't matter as much what you eat vs if you work as a quantum physicist.

unfortunately noone knows exactly what the best fuel is. therefore the quantumphysicist who knows what exactly the best fuel is has not ever had the best fuel yet, probably, or has disappeared without being noticed by the majority of people.

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I don't think it depends on genetics. My father eats only white bread and milk his whole life and he's more healthy then I am. Runs 10km every day. And if I eat a single junk food ill be sick to my stomach. And I have my fathers genetics lol.

Im pretty sure it's about one's spiritual evolution. If one is not evolved like a pig or a boar, then he will be very robust and physically rooted. A pig or a boar is very hard to kill actually because of how physically rooted they are.

A deer on the other hand we can say is much more spiritual animal, it not so physically rooted anymore. A single arrow can kill it. It's like that with humans also i believe. More evolved a human becomes, less physical he becomes and more heavenly he becomes. Therefor not very robust and strong in the body anymore. But strong in spirit.

Another way of saying the same thing: the more conscious you become, less stupidness you can tolerate.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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48 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Im pretty sure it's about one's spiritual evolution.

Wouldn’t you say it’s more of a case of being educated about what food is good and bad, and then becoming conscious that what you’re eating is bad for you, so then feeling bad when you do it.  Or for example if you consciously eat meat and think about the animals that suffered then you may choose not to. Or consciously eating something with a lot of sugar, then choosing not to. Isn’t it more about making conscious choices?  I don’t think it necessarily has anything to do with whether or not they get sick.
Someone shared a video on the forum about people in Mexico villages drinking nothing but Coca Cola.  There was a shaman lady who used Coca Cola in her spiritual practices because she believed it was healing - and all of the people are sick and dying with things like diabetes.  The shaman was even confident that drinking cola wasn’t the cause of their ailments and that it was a psychological issue.  She said she had drank cola her whole life and was never sick.  You could say all those people were low conscious, but they were still dropping like flies except for the the spiritual lady (but you could argue she’s also unconscious..which anyway doesn’t prove that lower conscious people are more robust)  why didn’t the shaman get more sick since she was more spiritual than the other people in the village..


Edited by Tangerinedream

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

My father eats only white bread and milk his whole life and he's more healthy then I am.

you & your father don't have the same genetics @Salvijus

he simply has better genetics than you

Edited by Yali

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i‘m a bit surprised sometimes that epigenetics seem to be more popular than a theory of potential food influence on the gene pool over generations. i definitely believe epics make a difference in genetics over time, though.

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7 hours ago, How to be wise said:

Sounds like what Abraham teaches, that all illness is psychosomatic. They were asked if there was any limit to the body’s healing capabilities, and they replied ‘none’. Then they were asked ‘Then why aren’t people growing new limbs’, and their reply was ‘Because no one believes they can’. I must say it’s a radical teaching, but with significant implications.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Although, I see absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying soda or alcohol in absolute rarity.

I never drink soda, except when I go on my once a year vacations. 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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Besides genetics, I believe also Mindset helps. 

For example if you believe that what you are eating isn't negatively affecting your health then that Maybe helps to a certain extent. 

Check out this recent video about Mindset for more information

Edited by SQAAD

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@Leo Gura

On 07/02/2022 at 3:44 AM, Leo Gura said:

Probably won't given my health.

Be aware of your mindset. Maybe you just want to be truthful to yourself which I understand.

After watching this video I really began being more careful what I say to myself. I don't know what your opinion is about this video 


It seems that mindset can affect more than it seems our Biology. 

Edited by SQAAD

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ayahuasqueros and traditional shamans smoke a fuck ton of tobacco. you can be at a level of development such that you may be quite conscious but lacking some piece of knowledge that has a profound affect on your being. some people just get lucky. it's better to look at wider numbers. people that generally eat like him face a lot of health issue. that much is known. can you roll the dice and try to get away with it? sure and you may but it's better to not take risks like this. 


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On 2/5/2022 at 5:08 PM, Leo Gura said:

There may actually be a correlation between one's level of consciousness and how sensitive your body/brain is to toxins.

I have observed this as well. Over the last 16 years when I began to deeply explore expanding my consciousness my sensitivity to foods and toxins increased significantly. 

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