Eternal Unity

A Vision for the God Realized

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You will come to know yourself as a creator being of limitless power. Time, space, energy and matter are all illusions created to make certain types of games work and could be easily manipulated. When you know that you are a part of the oneness, then the illusions only work when you want them to work. So these things become flexible. Then you see that time and space are the same thing. They are simply an illusory separation of things. Energy is created by this separation and flows between two or more points that were separated by the illusion of time and space. Matter is simply the result of holding patterns of consciousness in the flow of the energy. Up till now, you have believed yourself to be inside the illusion. You have looked at the forms that result and, not only have you believed these things to be real, but you have actually believed yourselves to be these forms. But it is not so. These forms, which result from the patterns, are not you. They are just your temporary creations. You will see that. You will see that you are the creator of your form. And then you will learn how to alter the forms that you create, to your will. I mean, you will be able to consciously create, or co-create, your world, your body and anything around you, as you wish.

Then you will learn instant teleportation. You will be able to simply let go of a form here, where you are, and your body will simply disappear into nothingness, only to reappear from the nothingness elsewhere on the planet. Or, indeed on another planet, if you wish. All you need to do is hold your form's patterns in energy there and then you shall be there. Or, at least the form you are using to represent yourself shall be there. Teleportation is the favored mode of transport for high-order unity conscious beings throughout the universe. Neither space nor time will be an obstacle for you!

And, of course, you will never again feel the need to die. Death is a very important and valuable tool for beings on the Karmic Wheel. It is quite normal for beings still on that path to get lost in their games and illusions and to lose sight of the greater purpose and goal of their journey. Not only do such beings get a little lost and confused, but they also begin to create a great deal of pain, fear and confusion for themselves. So, death was created to allow these beings to interrupt their passage so that they could, with some regularity, be brought back to their intended path. Death allows a means for the being to bring their journey to a halt and return to a higher consciousness for guidance and help. Without its merciful release, those beings would become very weary and traumatized. But, as you move into a state of being pure, radiant love, such release becomes utterly unnecessary. There will be nothing you will need release from. If you ever require rest, you may simply still your being and put down your burden and you will instantly find yourself in that state of blissful, balanced, harmonious oneness that is your truest nature. And for you this will be as normal as a night's sleep currently is.

These are some of the general attributes of a life in true unity consciousness or God-realization. And being of unity consciousness is the same thing as being Love. The perfect, unconditional love of All That Is.

Attaining such awareness and being of such high consciousness is not a limitation. You will not find yourself confined to a life such as I have just outlined. You might, for example, choose to reside in unity consciousness and, from there, make expeditions into the lower realms of separation and duality on missions of discovery or adventures of service for those who require guidance on the journey to God-realization. Or you could move through the portal of the oneness and go and visit other realities entirely. I don't simply mean other places in this universe or other universes, no, I mean other entirely different frames of creation. Creations, which do not operate at all like this one does. As you move from a place of oneness, you can enter any other realm that is within the oneness. And you may go and create there if you desire. This is all open for you to choose.

You shall realize very quickly too that you no longer need a three or four dimensional perspective. You will realize that you can operate from outside of time. This means that you might want to maintain a life in one reality and, at the same time, explore and create in a thousand others. There are no limitations on you, save those which you place upon yourself.

These are some of the general traits of the life of a being who creates its world entirely with love and who lives in a unity-conscious reality. It is what you can expect for yourself if you open your heart to love, and then stay the course on your journey to oneness. But they are only general traits and you will be free, of course, to choose other experiences if you wish them.

As to the specifics of your life – where you will live, how you will live, what you will do – these, of course, are questions you will answer for yourself. I cannot tell you what you will decide. But I can tell you that you will be able, if you wish it, to live a truly sublime life. If you decide to surround yourself with others who are also of God-realized consciousness, then you shall feel nothing but soul-connection on all sides. You shall be held in the soft embrace of love all the days of your existence. You shall trust all whom you meet and your trust shall be returned. You shall seek always to give your greatest gift and you shall be loved and respected for your giving. And whatever your greatest gift is, it shall indeed be something worthy of your time and attention. And you will give your gift away with open-hearted generosity. You shall never need to ask, "But what is in it for me?" because all those around you will be likewise giving their greatest gift. And in an infinite universe, there is guaranteed to be someone, somewhere whose greatest bliss it is to create exactly the thing that you might think you want or need. Taking your need to them will be a gift to them! The fact that you have need of their greatest gift will bless them. And that will be the new economy of the new world in which you shall dwell if you choose to live amongst others who are of unity consciousness.

You will give and give and give. And when someone takes of your gift, it will bring you joy. And if there is something you want or need, you shall simply have to accept it, as it will be offered to you. Your accepting it will bring the giver joy. Love shall be the currency of the new world of the God-realized, but the result of every transaction will be joy for all concerned.


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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