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Key Elements


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Leo also has a clip on detachment...


Edited by Key Elements

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Detachment is the necessary first step towards getting an amazing relationship. And that's because for so many people, the default is co-dependency.

When you're detached like Leo is talking about in that video, he's essentially bringing you to stage two. Stage two is being independent.

Being independent is great. You've got your life handled in such a way that it doesn't feel like much is missing. You've gotten to a place where you can truly appreciate being single.

Many people get stuck here as well. They've seen through the game of co-dependency and declare independence superior.

If you don't get stuck here though, that's when stage three kicks in. Stage three is being detached, but still desiring to be with someone.

This is when things really change. I know for me, I look at my current relationship and I'm sometimes just in shock. Everything is different from my old relationships and it's amazing.

Of course, we still argue and there's still bullshit to deal with. Anyone who ever tells you that stops forever is selling you something they can't promise. But it's still way better.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Correct, I agree. Let me just add, it's great if the person looks ahead and plans ahead. For example, we all heard of the saying, "Put yourself in the other person's shoes." What if we plan to get married and have children, then what? What actually happens if that were to happen? I think this is the radically open-minded thing to do, even though you may not want to do this or not planning to do this yet. Sometimes being radically open-minded is learning the easy way. Knowing what is the other side of the coin in a practical way helps.

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