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Should life be celebrated or should one try to escape samsara all together like Buddh

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Should life be celebrated or should one try to escape samsara all together like Buddha suggests? According to buddhism, Buddha regarded even one moment in samsara to not be worth to be existing in it. Was Buddha overly dramatic ? 

Wouldn't total non attachment to samsara lead to indifference to life?

According to Buddha we are in cycle of reincarnation in samsara rightnow.

According to Buddha we should give all effort to escape samsara asap.

Do you agree with Buddhas logic ?

Edited by CuriousityIsKey

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Yea, he sayed even heavenly exctacy is samsara.  The guy is really something. Probably he's true. But to come to his level of understanding and perception may take enourmous maturity imo.

Edited by Salvijus

If you identify with the body, self esteem issues will be inevitable. 

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i guess in order for you to celebrate it, you must first become miserable and suffer from it as much as possible out of your lack of understanding of everything, then you can earn your freedom and celebrate it

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7 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Should life be celebrated or should one try to escape samsara all together like Buddha suggests? According to buddhism, Buddha regarded even one moment in samsara to not be worth to be existing in it. Was Buddha overly dramatic ? 

There's  a time for withdrawing from life and there's a time for engaging life.

7 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

Wouldn't total non attachment to samsara lead to indifference to life?

There will still be preferences and paradoxically non-attachment leads to more engagement.

7 hours ago, CuriousityIsKey said:

According to Buddha we should give all effort to escape samsara asap.

That depends on what you want. So what do you want?

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