Eternal Unity

What is Love?

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Love is the force that is pulling you back to balance. It is that which returns you to oneness. Love makes whole that which is fragmented. Love returns all the pieces of the puzzle to their rightful places. It is Love that allows you to see through the illusions of separation and to see, even for a moment, the divine in the eyes of another. Love is the drawing together of that which is set apart. When true, pure, unconditional love is one with your consciousness, then you will really see oneness wherever you look. And because there is nothing that is not of the oneness, you shall see to the truest nature of everything.

You see through all illusions. You see that everything and everyone is a part of you, as you are a part of the All. It means knowing from your heart that everything is divine and that there is nothing that is not divine. That everything is perfect. That nothing is wrong. That all is worthy of your love and that there is no need for fear or other negative emotions. That is Love.

And if you should come to feel that kind of love, then everything for you will be magically altered. You shall understand anew all the things that you previously thought to be bad or unacceptable. You will see light and love and glory wherever you cast your eye. And not because you are fooled – quite the opposite – precisely because you are no longer fooled. Because you cease believing FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). And because you know the light and glory to be true, so it will be true and so your world will be altered. You have always created your reality in every detail, from the very smallest to the very greatest, but now you will know that you do. Now you will move into conscious creation. And you will create with love. Love will be your motivation and love will be the tool of your creation.

There is much else I could say about love. I could try for more compelling and eloquent words. But they would always fail the grace and glory of what love really is. Love cannot be understood. Love is much greater than the mind that would seek to understand it. Love can only be experienced. And once you have had even a small taste of truly limitless, unconditional love, then you will be forever altered. Your life's quest will be to return to that state of love. In that moment you will know that there can be nothing even remotely as important to you as existing in that state of union with the divine that is love.

I can state this as clearly as this: If you truly learn to love limitlessly and unconditionally, then the kingdom of heaven will be yours. It is as simple as that. But maybe you don't know what that means, so perhaps I should paint you a more descriptive picture. For starters, you will know absolutely that you are part of the oneness and that everyone you meet, and everything you see, are also part of the oneness. You will see others in a very different way to that which you now do. You will see their light. This means that, at a glance, you will see who they really are. Sure, you will also see whatever metaphor and illusion they might temporarily be clothing themselves with, but this will not fool your eye. Like a beloved friend who wears a fancy-dress outfit, you will know the being for who they really are, rather than for the body they are inhabiting or the game they are playing. You will see to the truth of them. And they will see you too! You know that a great deal of the pain expressed by beings in our world is really just a deep desire to be seen.

To be seen for who they really are. To be recognized. To be understood. To be loved as they are. Well, this is something that will be instantaneous and automatic. Each will see the other. All will be understood. All will be loved.

Telepathy will not only be possible, but will actually become a normal mode of communication for you. If you know that you are, at core, the same ONE great being, then you'll have no trouble understanding that different parts of the oneness can share the same thought with Itself. If you think of another being, then you can bring them to your mind and instantly let them know what you are thinking. If you wish it, it can be so: instant mind-to-mind sharing of thoughts, feelings, experiences and ideas across any separation of distance or time. And, of course, if you wish privacy for your thoughts, that too is yours.


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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